From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page (including his parents and brother's family): http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANKISH%20NOBILITY.htm#TheodericIA... & http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/burgdautun.htm
THEODERIC [I], son of --- (-[791/15 Dec 804]). The origin of Comte Theoderic is not known. An interesting speculation is a relationship with the early Saxon leader Widukind, as explained above. Comte d'Autun. Einhard indicates that Theoderich was related to Charles I King of the Franks when he records that in 782 the king sent his three missi "Adalgiso camerario et Geilone comite stabuli et Worado comite palati" to meet "in…Saxonis…Theodericus comes, propinquus regis"[411], the relationship probably being through the wife of Theoderic [I] (see below). "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" gave a judgment by charter dated to [Dec 775] which names "fidelibus…Widrigo, Odrigo, Theodrico, Bernehardo, Albuino, Aginhardo, Berngario comitibus et Anshelmo comite palacii nostri"[412]. Einhard records that Charles I King of the Franks sent "Theodorico comite et Meginfredo camerario suo" to "aquilonalem Danubii ripam" in 791[413]. "Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[414].
m ALDANA, daughter of ---. "Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[415]. Settipani quotes an Aquitaine necrology which lists "Willelmus…pater eius Theodericus, mater Aldana soror Hiltrudis et Landradæ"[416]. He suggests that "Hiltrudis" was the wife of Odilo Duke of Bavaria, and therefore that the wife of Theoderic was Aldana, daughter of Charles "Martel" maiordomus of Austrasia and Neustria [Carolingian]. The theory is attractive but not conclusive, as its validity depends on there being no other contemporary Hiltrudis, which is not provable. Hlawitschka highlights the case against the affiliation[417]. However, the evidence of the 25 May 765 charter, quoted in the document MEROVINGIAN NOBILITY under Aldana’s supposed sister Landrada, suggests that Settipani’s hypothesis may be correct. In addition, Einhard indicates that Theoderic [I] was related to Charles I King of the Franks when he records that in 782 King Charles sent his three missi "Adalgiso camerario et Geilone comite stabuli et Worado comite palati" to meet "in…Saxonis…Theodericus comes, propinquus regis"[418]. One possible relationship being between the king and Theoderic [I] would have been through his wife, if she had been the king's paternal aunt.
Theoderic [I] & his wife had [seven] children:
1. TEUDOIN (-826 or after). "Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[419]. Comte d'Autun 804/26. m ---. The name of the wife of Teudoin is not known.
a) THEODERIC [III] (-[after 826]). 816/21. Theoderic is named as son of Teudoin in Europäische Stammtafeln[420] but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. The Manual of Dhuoda names "domnus Teodericus…condam" as godfather of Doda's son Bernard (born in 826), although it does not specify a family relationship between the two[421]. Of the three possible individuals in the family named Theoderic, Theoderic [II] is a less likely possibility because of his presumed age. Theoderic [IV] is named in another section of the Manual, without any reference to his being Bernard's godfather. Theoderic [III] therefore appears the most likely possibility.
2. THEODERIC [II] (-after 14 Dec 804, maybe after 811). "Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone, Theoderic being named in only one of the versions365. [Einhard's Annales record "Theotheri comes" as one of the signatories of peace with the Vikings in 811[422]. It is not certain that the signatory was Theoderic [II].]
3. ADALELM . "Willelmus…comes" names "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone365.
4. NN [--- . m ---.] One possible child:
a) [BERTRAND . "Willelmus…comes" names "nepote meo Bertranno" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone365. There is no more precise indication of the relationship between Guillaume and Bertrand although, if nepos is in this context correctly translated as nephew, Bertrand must have been the son of a brother or sister of Guillaume who is not otherwise named in the charter, presumably deceased at the time.]
5. GUILLAUME ([750/55]-Gellone [28 May [812/13]/21 May 815]). Comte de Toulouse, Marquis de Septimanie. "Willelmus…comes" names "genitore meo Theuderico et genitrice mea Aldana" and "fratribus meis Theudoino et Adalelmo" (version two: "fratre meo Teodoino et Teoderico et Adalelmo") "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" "filiabus meis et filiis Barnardo, Witchario, Gotcelmo, Helimbruch" (version two: "filios meos et filias Witcario, Hildehelmo et Helinbruch") "uxoribus meis Cunegunde et Guitburge" (version two: "Witburg et Cunegunde") "nepote meo Bertranno" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[423].
- see below.
6. ABBA[Albana] (-after 804). "Willelmus…comes" names "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[424]. The Vita S. Willelmi records that “beatus Willelmus” had “duæ sorores virgines…Albana…Bertana”[425]. Nun in 804. [m NIBELUNG [II], son of [NIBELUNG [I] Count in Burgundy & his wife --- (-after 805). Settipani highlights the onomastic connections between the family of St Guillaume and the family of Nibelung, suggested by the names Bernard and Theoderic borne by the possible descendants of Nibelung [II][426]. He suggests that, if there was a connection between the two families, it would most likely have been through the wife of Nibelung [II] who could have been either Abba or Berta, sisters of St Guillaume. There is, however, no indication at all of the first name of the wife of Nibelung [II]. This would of course be incorrect if the connection was through either Abba's father or mother, as referred to above. The other difficulty with this hypothesis is that the Vita S. Willelmi implies that Guillaume’s sisters remained unmarried when it records that he had “duæ sorores virgines…Albana…Bertana”[427].]
7. BERTA [Bertana]. "Willelmus…comes" names "sororibus meis Albana et Bertana" in his charter dated 14 Dec 804 (version two: dated 15 Dec 804) for the foundation of the monastery of Gellone[428].
From the French Wikipedia page of Alleuaume d'Autun:
Alleaume ou Adalhelm est un noble franc des VIIIe et IXe siècles de la famille des Guilhemides, fils de Thierry Ier, comte d'Autun, et de la carolingienne Alda[1].
Il est cité comme témoin dans les chartes de fondation de l'abbaye de Gellone par son frère Guillaume, le 15 décembre 804. Deux autres frères signent ces chartes : Theodoen et un Thierry qui n'est pas mentionné dans toutes les chartes[2].
Ce sont toutes les informations assurées sur Adalhelm. Sur la base de l'onomastique, deux enfants lui ont été attribuées:
1. Waldrade, épouse d'Hadrien, comte palatin de la famille des Agilolfinges, frère d'Hildegarde, épouse de Charlemagne. Cette hypothèse a été émise par Maurice Chaume à partir de l'étude de la famille de Géraud d'Aurillac. Ce dernier est apparenté à Hilduin, abbé de Saint-Denis, frère d'un Géraud et d'un Bernard. Ce nom de Géraud est à rapprocher de celui de Gérold, porté par le père et un frère d'Hildegarde. Chronologiquement, Hilduin de Saint-Denis pourrait être un neveu d'Hildegarde. Parmi les neveux de cette dernière figurent Eudes, comte d'Orléans, et son frère Guillaume, comte de Blois, fils d'Hadrien et de Waldrade. Or ces prénoms de Guillaume et de Bernard montrent une parenté avec les Guilhemides. Cette parenté est confirmée par la Vita Hludowici Imperatoris qui signale qu'Héribert, fils de Guillaume de Gellone, est aveuglé en 830 puis exilé avec son cousin Eudes d'Orléans[3]. Chronologiquement, Waldrade pourrait être nièce de Guillaume, car son nom ne figure dans aucune liste des enfants de Guillaume de Gellone[1].
2. Bernard, comte de Poitiers en 815 et en 825. Après lui lui succèdent à Poitiers le comte Émenon, frère de Bernard, comte Poitiers et de Turpion, comte Angoulême. Emenon est lui-même père, entre autres d'Adalelme, comte de Troyes. Ces considérations onomastiques que cette famille est rattachée aux Guilhemides[1], ainsi que le fait que le marquisat de Gothie, tenu par Guillaume de Gellone, et le comté d'Autun, tenu par plusieurs parents d'Alleaume, ont été confiés à Bernard de Gothie, fils de Bernard le Poitevin[4].
L'historien Louis Riché le dit ancêtre d'une famille qui tient les comtés d'Angoulême et Périgueux à la fin du IXe siècle[5]. Il s'agit d'Émenon, comte de Périgueux et de Turpion, comte d'Angoulème, probablement fils de Bernard, bien que Riché situe Émenon dans la descendance d'un frère d'Adalhelm[1].
Notes et références
1.↑ Riché 1983, p. 369, tab. XXIII.
2.↑ Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
3.↑ Selon la FMG.
4.↑ Saint-Phalle 2000, p. 161.
5.↑ Riché 1983, p. 191.
Pierre Riché, Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe, Hachette, coll. « Pluriel », Paris, 1983 (réimpr. 1997), 490 p. (ISBN 2-01-278851-3)
Christian Settipani, La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien, Prosopographica et genealogica, Oxford, 2004, 388 p. (ISBN 1-900934-04-3)
Édouard de Saint-Phalle, « Comtes de Troyes et de Poitiers au IXe siècle : histoire d’un double échec » dans Onomastique et Parenté dans l'Occident médiéval, Prosopographica et genealogica, Oxford, 2000, 310 p. (ISBN 1-900934-01-9), p. 154-170
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy : Carolingian Nobility (Families of Nibelung, Childebrand and Theodoric)
Main text in English:
Alleaume or Adalhelm was a noble of the 8th and 9th centuries from the Guilhemides family, the son of Thierry I, Comte d'Autun and Alda of the Carolingians [1].
He was called as a witness to charters founding the Abbey of Gellone by his brother Guillaume on 15 December 804. Two other brothers signed these charters: Theoden and Thierry, both of whom are not mentioned in all the charters [2].
This is all the information we have on Adalhelm. On the basis of onomastics, two children were assigned him:
1. Waldrade, wife of Hadrian, Count-Palatine (Comte Palatin) of the Agilolfings, brother of Hildegard, wife of Charlemagne. This has been suggested by Maurice Chaume from a study of the family of Gerald d'Aurillac. The latter is related to Hilduin, Abbot of St-Denis, brother of a Geraud and a Bernard. Geraud is a name that is close to Gerold, which was carried by the father and brother of Hildegard. Chronologically, Hilduin of St-Denis could be a nephew of Hildegard. Among the latter are nephews of Eudes, Comte d'Orleans, and his brother Guillaume, Comte de Blois, son of Hadrian and Waldrade. But these names of Guillaume and Bernard show a kinship with the Guilhemides. This relationship is confirmed by the "Vita Hludowici Imperatori" which shows that Heribert, son of Guillaume de Gellone, was blinded and exiled in 830 with his cousin Eudes d'Orleans.[3] Chronologically, Waldrade could be the niece of Guillaume - her name is not on any list of children of Guillaume de Gellone.[1]
2. Bernard, Comte de Poitiers in 815 and 825. Succeeding him at Poitiers were Bernard and his brother Emenon as Comtes de Poitiers, and Turpion as Comte d'Angouleme. Emenon was himself the father of Adalelme Comte de Troyes, among others. These onomastic considerations link this family with the Guilhemides [1], and the Marquis of Gothia, held by Guillaume de Gellone, and the County of Autun, held by many of the ancestors of Alleaume, were given to Bernard of Gothia, son of Bernard the Poitevin[4].
Historian Louis Riche says that an descendant of the family held the counties of Angouleme and Perigueux at the end of the 9th century [5]. This would be Emenon, Comte de Perigueux, and Turpion, Comte d'Angouleme, the probable son of Bernard, while Riche locates Emenon as an offspring of the brother of Adalhelm [1].
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Comté d'Autun, Bourgogne, (Within present France)
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Comté d'Autun, Bourgogne, (Within present France)