Historical records matching Adam Tas, SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Adam Tas, SV/PROG
Adam Tas From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Adam Tas (1668 – June 1722) was a community leader in the Cape Colony at the turn of the 17th century, and is best known for his role in the conflict between Cape Governor Willem Adriaan van der Stel (son of the former Governor Simon van der Stel) and the "free burghers" at the Cape of Good Hope.
Adam Tas (pronounced "Ah-dum Tuss") was born in Holland. One of his aunts and her German husband, Henning Hüsing, came to the Cape in search of fortune. When he was 29 (1697), Tas joined them and stayed at Meerlust, their Stellenbosch home. Two years later he was appointed Standard Bearer to the Burgher Infantry.[1] In June, 1703 he married Elizabeth Von Brakel, the wealthy widow of Joris (Hans Jürgen) Grimpen, who owned a collection of farms[2] in the district.
Tas became secretary of the “Brotherhood”, which viewed the Dutch East India Company (VOC) administration at the Cape as corrupt and dictatorial. Tas and Hüsing drafted a petition, accusing local VOC officials of abusing the company's trading monopoly, and managed to convince 63 of the 550 Cape free burghers to sign it.[3] Without informing the local officials, the signed petition was sent directly to the VOC headquarters in Amsterdam.
The petition was rejected and Van der Stel became aware of its existence. Tas was arrested on February 28, 1706, escorted in chains [4] to Cape Town, and convicted. Van der Stel had parts of Tas’s diary copied (Jun 13, 1705 through Feb 27, 1706) as evidence. [2] (Large fragments of this copy was rediscovered in 1911[5] by A.C.C. Lloyd, a librarian at the South African Public Library.[6]%29 After he was convicted, Tas was thrown in the “Black Hole” - a damp dungeon completely devoid of any light located in the Castle of Good Hope. However, since 31 of the signatories were Huguenots, and because the Netherlands was at war with France, the rejected petition generated belated concern in Amsterdam. The fear was that the discontent might convince some to become spies for the French. The VOC dismissed van der Stel, and ordered his return to the Netherlands (April 23, 1707). VOC officials were subsequently forbidden to own any land at the Cape of Good Hope.[3]
Thirteen months into his incarceration Tas was released. Upon gaining his freedom, Tas named his home "Libertas" (Latin: freedom) in honor of the occasion, and allocated a new meaning (“Tas is Free!”) to the name.[4]
^ RootsWeb: SOUTH-AFRICA-L Re: [ZA] Adam TAS ^ a b RootsWeb: SOUTH-AFRICA-L Re: [ZA] Re: Adam TAS ^ a b http://sahistory.org.za/pages/people/tas-a.htm ^ a b Turtle Bunbury - travel writer and historian ^ Dagboek van Adam Tas, 1705-1706, uitgegee deur Leo Fouché en hersien deur A ^ Van Riebeeck Society [edit]External links
Adam Tas
Adam Tas (1668 – Junie 1722) was 'n gemeenskapsleier teen die einde van die 17de eeu in die Kaapkolonie en is veral bekend vir sy rol in die konflik tussen die Kaapse goewerneur Willem Adriaan van der Stel (seun van die voormalige goewerneur Simon van der Stel) en die "vryburgers" aan die Kaap die Goeie Hoop. Oorsig [wysig]
Adam Tas is in Nederland gebore. Een van sy tantes en haar Duitse man, Henning Hüsing, het na die Kaap verhuis. Toe hy (in 1697) 29 was, het Tas by hulle aangesluit en by hulle op die plaas Meerlust in Stellenbosch gaan woon. In Junie 1703 trou hy met Elizabeth von Brakel, die welvarende weduwee van Joris (Hans Jürgen) Grimpen, wat verskeie plase in die distrik besit het.
Tas word die sekretaris van die “Broederskap”, wat die Verenigde Oos-Indiese Kompanjie (VOC)-administrasie aan die Kaap as korrup en diktatoriaal beskou. Tas en Hüsing stel 'n petisie op wat die VOC-amptenare beskuldig van misbruik van die VOC se handelsmonopolie en slaag daarin om 63 van die 550 Kaapse vryburgers te oortuig om dit te teken. Sonder om die plaaslike amptenare in te lig word die getekende petisie direk na die VOC-hoofkantoor in Amsterdam gestuur.
Die petisie word deur Van der Stel verwerp nadat hy bewus geword het daarvan. Tas word op 28 Februarie 1706 gearresteer en in kettings na Kaapstad geneem. Van der Stel het dele van Tas se dagboek laat kopieer (13 Junie 1705 tot 27 Februarie 1706) en gebruik as bewysstukke teen hom. Nadat hy veroordeel is, is Tas in die swartgat, 'n tronksel in die Kasteel die Goeie Hoop, toegesluit.
Die goewerneur is na Nederland ontbied vir 'n ondersoek. Ondanks sy lang geskrewe verdediging is die uitspraak teen hom gelewer. Die VOC dank van der Stel af en roep hom op 23 April 1707 terug na Nederland. VOC-amptenare word daarna verbied om enige grond in die Kaap van Goeie Hoop te besit. Dertien maande na sy arrestasie word Tas vrygelaat en gaan woon hy op sy plaas Libertas tot en met sy afsterwe.
Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa
- Reference no.: MOOC10/3.54
- Testator(s):
- Adam Tas
- 20 Julij 1722
- Copia
- J:s de Grandpreez
Specificatie van alle zoodanige goederen als er op 20, 21 en 23 Julij 1722 door de testamentaire executeurs, namentlijk Pieter van der Bijl, Matthijs Krugel, Harmanus van Brakel en Johannes Louw, op de plaats gelegen aan Stellenbosch van den overleedene heemraad mons:r Adam Tas sijn verkogt en door de daarbij gespecificeerde personen ingemeijnt, namentl:
- 1 jonge gen:t Joema v: Ternaten - Wouter de Vos 64:−−
- 1 jonge gen:t Marcus v: Madagascar - s:r Van den Heuvel 190:−−
- 1 jonge gen:t Titus v: Bengalen - Michiel Ott 94:−−
- 1 jonge gen:t Natan v: Macasser - Pieter van der Bijl 162:−−
- 1 jonge gen:t Joseph v: Tranquebare - Jacob Coetser 151:−−
- 1 jonge gen:t Titus v: de Caab - Hans Kune 86:−−
- 1 jonge gen:t Isaak v: de Caab - Hans Jurgen Potgieter 65:4
- 1 jonge gen:t October v: Mallebaar - Hans Kune 204:−−
- 1 jonge gen:t Coster v: de Cust mijnh:r - Van den Heuvel 163
1 http://southafrica.mypeoplepuzzle.net
25 APRIL 2015
"South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VFTM-R3L : 6 October 2021), Adam Jas and Elisabet Van Brakel, 07 Jul 1703, Marriage; citing p. , Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, State Archives, Cape Province; FHL microfilm 2,214,092.
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-KW8?i=1&cc=14... Huwelik Adam TAS en Elizabeth VAN BRAKEL 7 JUN 1703 Stellenbosch, Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika
NOTA: Die datum wat deur familysearch.org aangegee word is verkeerd. Hul gee 7 JUL 1703, maar die dokument gee die datum aan as 7 JUN 1703.
Name: Adam Tas (Adam Tas)
Sex: Male
Marriage Date: 07 Jul 1703
Marriage Place: Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Event Type: Marriage
Spouse's Name: Elisabet Van Brakel
Spouse's Sex: Female
Spouse's Marital Status: Widowed
Digital Folder Number: 004434404
Image Number: 689
Record Number: 13932
Record Number: 13932
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace
Elisabet Van Brakel Wife F
GS Film Number: 2214092
Digital Folder Number: 004434404
Image Number: 00689
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: V00901-3
Persoonen die hand in die Egs begewe
7 Junij
Adam Tas v. Amsterdam, jongen, met
Elisabet van Brakel, Wed Hans ...
(Bygevoeg op 14 JUN 2022 deur Y. DROST)
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DZN4-WC5?i=76 Doop van Jan TAS op 9 FEB 1710 in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika
Bladsy 129
van Adam Tas, en Elizabeth van Brakel; ... waren ook Getuigen.
"South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DZN4-WC5?cc=1478678&wc... : 21 May 2014), South Africa > Cape of Good Hope > Cape Town > Baptisms 1695-1712 > image 77 of 84; State Archives, Cape Province.
Jan Tas
Baptism Date
9 Feb 1710
Baptism Place
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Father's Name
Adam Tas
Mother's Name
Elizabeth Van Brakel
Event Type
Digital Folder Number
Image Number
Record Number
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 22 MEI 2022)
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-V8P?i=7&cc=14... Huwelik Adam TAS en Johanna KOEVAL 25 NOV 1714 Stellenbosch
25e Novb Adam Tas van Amsterdam Wed ... Johanna Koeval van Leerdam jongsdr
BRON: South Africa, Dutch Refor...own Archives), 1660-1970 South Africa Cape of Good Hope Stellenbosch Marriages 1700-1788
Image 8 of 39
Adam Tas
Marital Status
Marriage Date
25 Nov 1714
Marriage Place
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Event Type
Spouse's Name
Johanna Koeval
Spouse's Sex
Spouse's Marital Status
Digital Folder Number
Image Number
Record Number
"South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-V8P?cc=1478678&wc... : 21 May 2014), South Africa > Cape of Good Hope > Stellenbosch > Marriages 1700-1788 > image 8 of 39; State Archives, Cape Province.
(Bygevoeg deur 22 MEI 2022 deur Y. DROST)
Adam, d' Vader Adam Tas, d' Moeder Johanna Koevals 25e Octob 1716
BRON: "South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-6LWJ-38?cc=1478678&wc=... : 16 August 2019), South Africa > Cape of Good Hope > Stellenbosch > Baptisms 1688-1732 > image 65 of 143; State Archives, Cape Province.
Adam Tas
Baptism Date
25 Oct 1716
Baptism Place
Stellenbosch, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
Father's Name
Adam Tas
Mother's Name
Johanna Koevals
Event Type
Digital Folder
Record Number
Record Number
https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-6LWJ-38?i=64&cc=14... Doop Adam TAS 25 OKT 1716 Stellenbosch NGK
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 22 MEI 2022)
Geslagsregisters van ou Kaapse Families Volume I A-M en Volume II M-Z. ISBN 7100 2009 0 Vierde druk. 1970. Kloof Biblioteek.
Bladsy 966. Trou 25 NOV 1717 met Johanna KOEVALS
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 19 MEI 2022)
South Africa, Civil Marriage Records, 1840-1973, database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSKD-WS99-W?cc=2821281 : 4 April 2020), > image 1 of 1; Pietermaritzburg Archives (Formerly Natal State Archives), South Africa.
Catalog Record
Civil registration (marriages), Cape Province, 1696-1899. Flim/Digital Note: V. 1/no. 547-832 1813-1839 V. 2/no. 833-1238 1801-1839 V. 3/no. 1239-3367 1803-1839 V. 4/no. 3367-3500 1839 CAPE PROVINCE duplicate certificates: No. 3501-3543 1839
Film #008145655, Image 247 of 612
Adam TAS
Spouse's Name
Johanna KOEVAL
Marriage Date
25 NOV 1717
Marriage Place
Cabo, Matatiele, Cape Province, South Africa
Event Type
Bladsy 505 (11)
Inskrywing nommer 1466
25e Novt
Adam Tas van Amsterdam Wedr met Johanna Koeval van Leerdam jongeder
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 20 MEI 2022)
Geslagsregisters van ou Kaapse Families Volume I A-M en Volume II M-Z. ISBN 7100 2009 0 Vierde druk. 1970. Kloof Biblioteek.
Bladsy 966
Adam Tas, v. Amsterdam, * 1668, s.v. Jan Tas ("commis des recherches" te "Ommerfort" in Overyssel) en Margaretha Geertruyd Lindenhovius (d.v. ds. Adam Lindenhovius, te Avereest, en Anna Kemenerus). Word 20.12.1697 lidm. Kaapse kerk en is dus waarsk. in die jaar aangekom en nie saam met sy susters nie (hulle volg hieronder) 1703 lidm. Stellenbosse kerk; † 1722. x 7.6.1703 Elisabeth van Brakel, wed. v. Hans Jurgen Grimpe; xx 25.11.1717 Johanna Koevaal, v. Leerdam, † 1718.
b1 Jan, ged. 11.5.1704, jonk †
b2 Sara Margaretha, ged. 6.12.1705
b3 Adam, ged. 25.10.1706, jonk †
b4 Jan, * 1710, na Nederland vertrek
b5 Adriaan, * 1711, na Nederland vertrek
b6 Adam, ged. 25.10.1716, na Nederland vertrek, keer 1747 n.d. Kaap terug, burger Stellenbosch 1749, repatrieer opnuut 1761; x (Nederland) Johanna van Beek, wat 1749 met die twee kinders n.d. Kaap kom
1691 versoek H. Husing om verlof om sy skoonsuster Margaretha Geertruyd Lindenhovius, wed. v. Jan Tas, met haar twee dogters (susters van Adam Tas) n.d. Kaap te laat kom. Hierdie dogters was:
Bladsy 967
a1 Sara Wilhelmina, lid Kaapse kerk 9.4.1694, x 3.5.1707 Claus Hinrich Diepnow, v. Barsfleth, † 1712
a2 Johanna Maria, lid Kaapse kerk 9.4.1694; x 26.2.1696 Willem Mensingh of Mensinck, v. Deventer
Vg. J. L. M. Franken in "Die Huisgenoot" v. 29.9. en 1.10.1926 en J. Hoge in "Africana Aantekeninge en Nuus" IV, 1947, p. 70
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 14 JUNIE 2022)
Die Dagboek van Adam Tas / The Diary of Adam Tas (1705-1706)
Available to view and download at:-
1914 edition
428 pages
Dagboek bestel vanaf Takealot.com op 20 MEI 2022. Aflewering Woensdag 15 JUN 2022.
The Diary of Adam Tas (1705-1706) by Adam Tas. Paperback / Softback
Scholar Select
Het Dagboek van Adam TAS (1705-1706)
Uitgegeven door Leo FOUCHÉ, B. A. (Kaap)
Professor in de Geschiedenis aan het Transvaals Universiteits-Kollege, Pretoria
Met een onderzoek naar
De Klacten der Vrijburgers tegen de Goeverneur Willem Adriaan VAN DER STEL
Met Twee Kaarten
Fourth Avenue En 80th Street, Nieuw York
Bombay, Calcutta, en Madras
The Diary of Adam TAS (1705-1706)
Edited by Leo FOUCHÉ, B. A. (Cape)
Professor of History in the Transvaal University College, Pretoria
With an Enquiry into
The Complaints of the Colonists against the Governor Willem Adriaan VAN DER STEL
English Translation by A. C. PATERSON, M. A. (Edin. And Oxon.)
Professor of Latin in the Transvaal University College, Pretoria
With Two Maps
Fourth Avenue En 80th Street, Nieuw York
Bombay, Calcutta, en Madras
Reproduction published by Sagwan Press, an imprint of Creative Media Partners.
Dagboek ook beskikbaar by https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/tas_003dagb02_01/zoek.php
Herewith a summary of the Introduction
Adam TAS was born at Amsterdam in 1668.
His parents were Jan TAS, formerly Clerk of the Treasury in Overijssel, and Margaretha LINDENHOVIUS.
He had one brother, Gerard, and three sisters, Sara Wilhelmina, Anna Margaretha, and Hester Elsabe.
His maternal aunt, Maria LINDENHOVIUS, had been in service with the Governor, Simon VAN DER STEL, and married, from her master's house, Henning HUSING, a substantial Cape farmer.
In 1697 TAS came to the Cape as a free burgher and stayed at his uncle, Henning HUSING. He seemed to have been employed by him as a clerk or secretary.
In 1699 he received his commission as Ensign in the Cape Burgher Infantry.
In 1703 he married on 3 JUN, a wealthy farmer's widow, Elisabeth VAN BRAKEL, widow of the free burgher Hans Jurgen GRIMPE, who had bequethed his farm to his wife in full ownership.
Within two years of his marriage, the free farmers at the Cape found themselves threatened with utter ruin, as a result of the policy of Willem Adriaan VAN DER STEL.
The revolt of the farming community against VAN DER STEL was in no sense the outcome of wantoness but of the most dire necessity.
In 1704 Henning HUSING made representations to the Directors about the Governor's misrule.
In 1705 the farmers resolved to take their grievances to the authorities in Batavia and the Netherlands by means of a Memorial. Adam TAS was appointed secretary to the confederates.
The discontent reached its climax between DEC 1705 and FEB 1706 and is reflected in the pages of the Diary.
The leaders of the movement were Adam TAS, Jakobus VAN DER HEIDEN, Pieter VAN DER BIJL, Guilliam DU TOIT, Hercules DU PREEZ (he wrote his name as DES PRES). They were either Netherlanders or Frenchman.
Willem Adriaan VAN DER STEL's grandmother on his father's side was a coloured woman, Monica DA COSTA (known as Mai Monica of the Coast by the Dutch).
Geni.com Profile link for Willem Adriaan VAN DER STEL
Geni.com profile links for the leaders of the movement that had Willem Adriaan VAN DER STEL removed as Governor of the Cape
Adam TAS [Adam Tas, SV/PROG]
Jakobus VAN DER HEIDEN [Jacobus van der Heijde, SV/PROG]
Pieter VAN DER BIJL [Pieter Gerhard van der Bijl / Byl]
Guilliam DU TOIT [Guillaume du Toit, SV/PROG 1]
Hercules DU PREEZ (he wrote his name as DES PRES) [Hercule des Prez]
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 9 JUL 2022)
The Dungeon in the Castle of Good Hope where Adam TAS was jailed for about 13 months.
Cape Colony marriage in perspective by Jeanne Cilliers. Thesis presented to the University of Stellenbosch in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master's of Commerce in Economics. Supervisor: Johan Fourie. University of Stellenbosch Department of Economics. March 2013.
Page 53 - 54 (pdf page 58 - 59)
Page 53
In the early period (from settlement until at least 1750) as a result of the large age differential between men and women upon first marriage, widowhood was almost a certainty for women in the Cape. This presented a unique opportunity for men to accumulate wealth through
Page 54
strategic marriage to wealthy widows. Guelke and Shell (1983) note that a similar situation unfolded in the colonial settlement of Virginia in North America:
In Virginia, the death rate produced such a rapid turnover of husbands and wives that widowhood became a principal means for the concentration of wealth...The man who needed capital could get it most easily by marrying a widow. And she was likely to get it back again, with whatever he had added to it, when he died (Morgan quoted in Guelke & Shell, 1983:279).
Unions of this nature are reported frequently enough at the Cape to look like conscious strategy rather than repeated coincidence. Notorious widow-marrier and one of the richest men at the Cape during the eighteenth century, Martin Melck, allegedly made his fortune by strategically marrying wealthy Cape widows. Melck came from humble beginnings as a farm labourer for one John Philip Giebler, but upon Giebler's death, Melck married his widow by the name of Anna Margeretha Hop and in doing so became owner of two of the most prestigious farms in the Stellenbosch district namely Elsenburg and Muldersvlei. Upon his first wife's death, he quickly remarried the widow of Hercules Malan, one Maria Rosina Loubser, once again increasing his estate. Guelke and Shell (1983:280) report a number of the Cape's wealthiest men to have been so-called widow-marriers, including Adam Tas, Jan Cloete, Jan Blignaut and Henning Viljoen.
At the heart of the matter, though, is the fact that the role fulfilled by widows in the Cape made them conduits for the accumulation and transmission of property and slaves from one generation to the next. While land may have changed hands regularly at the Cape, the resulting owners were regularly related by marriage. Families were not necessarily tied to specific estates but were frequently confined to specific localities. Women were therefore central to ensuring the preservation of wealth (Hall, 1994), and marriage within relatively limited geographical boundaries helped limit the destructive effects of partible inheritance system (Dooling, 2005:159).
URL: https://scholar.sun.ac.za/bitstreams/de2b82d8-2218-496f-8bf2-05373c...
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 9 OKT 2024)
Adam Tas, SV/PROG's Timeline
1668 |
Amsterdam, Nederland (Netherlands)
1704 |
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
1705 |
December 6, 1705
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
1706 |
October 25, 1706
1710 |
February 9, 1710
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope
1711 |
November 15, 1711
Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
1716 |
October 25, 1716
Cape Colony, South Africa