Immediate Family
About Adam Wallace
According to The Book of Wallace, Adam Wallace, here treated, is the son of John Wallace of Craigie and his wife Katherine Kennedy. It says this about him: "By his wife Katherine Kennedy John Wallace had 4 sons, John, Hugh, Matthew and Adam . . . . . Adam Wallace, described as brother of John Wallace of Craigie, was, on the 12th June 1499, witness to a Protest by Sir Finlay Kirkwood against a decision of the bailie of Irvine, depriving him of the chaplaincy of St Ninian in St. Mary's church at Irvine." The Book of Wallace I: 41
Evidence from the Protocol Book of Cuthbert Simonis
12 June 1499: Instrument narrating that Sir Finlay Kirkwod compeared personally in the court of the burgh of Irvine, before George Boid and Rankin Broun, bailies, sitting in judgment, and asserted that he was possessor and chaplain of a certain chaplaincy of St Ninian, in the church of St Mary of Irvine, and that he was a native son of the said town of Irvin, and that whereas he himself was no singer, he was ready to hire a youth who could sing for him in the said choir of Irvin, and asked if the said bailies and community would permit him to continue in the said chaplaincy for one year, after which he would resign it into their hands, that they might then dispose of it as should seem to them best. Whereupon Rankin Broun, bailie, replied that the said chaplaincy was already otherwise disposed of by the bailies and community, and further, that they would not grant it to the said Sir Finlay. In reply, Sir Finlay asserted that the said Ranken had answered as a partial person, and not as representing the whole community ; protesting that the community there present should determine whether they wished him to continue in the said chaplaincy till the next year or not, and asked instruments. Done in the court-house of Irvine, about noon, 12th June 1499. Witnesses include "Adam Walles, fratre germane Johannis Walles de Cragy." Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis II: Abstract in English of protocol number 23 on pp. 276-7 Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis I: Latin transcript of protocol number 23 on pp. 16-7
Printed Evidence
- Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis, Notarii Publici et Scribae Capituli Glasguensis, 1499-1513. Also Rental Book of the Diocese of Glasgow, 1509-1570. Edited by Joseph Bain, FSA. Scot. and Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Vol. I. (Grampian Club, London, 1875), 563 pp.
- Liber Protocollorum M. Cuthberti Simonis, Notarii Publici et Scribae Capituli Glasguensis, 1499-1513. Also Rental Book of the Diocese of Glasgow, 1509-1570. Edited by Joseph Bain, FSA. Scot. and Rev. Charles Rogers, LL.D. Vol. II. (Grampian Club, London, 1875), 537 pp. including indices
Adam Wallace's Timeline
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