Immediate Family
About Adela (Adeliza) de Bohun
ADELA de Bohun
Adelesia de Bohun was a daughter of Humphrey “the Bearded” de Bohun.[13] and appeared on the 1129 Pipe Roll for Wiltshire as an aunt of Humphrey de Bohun III on land that was granted by her brother, Humphrey II. Adalesia’s father received lands in Tatterford, Norfolk after the conquest which was only two miles north of Raynham where she probably met Main.[14] Humphrey was from St. Georges de Bohun on the Cotentin Peninsula and was son of Richard de Meri and Billehuede.[15] Humphrey I was the father of several sons, including Robert, who died before 1093, Richard de Meri, who occurs in Domesday Book, Humphrey (d.c. 1129), who married Mabel daughter of Edward of Salisbury and Ingelger, a monk of Saint-Georges de Bohon and the aforementioned, Adela (Adelesia) who occurs on the 1130 Pipe Roll as aunt of Humphrey de Bohun III. Humphrey I was also a benefactor of Saint-Leger des Preaux, where two of his daughters were nuns. He was dead by 1093, when his son Richard de Meri was in control of most of the Norman inheritance.[16] Humphrey's lands at Carentan and the English manor in Norfolk went to his younger son Humphrey II. In charters, Humphrey is stated to be a “kinsman” to William the Conquerer, probably a distant cousin.
13. Thorney Abbey Liber Vitæ, fol. 2r, BL Add. MS 40,000, quoted in Keats-Rohan, K. 'Domesday People Revisited', Foundations, Vol. 4 (May 2012), p. 10."Main pater Willelmi de Albinico, Adelisa, Hunfredus de Buun avunculus eius…Willelmu[us] de Albinioc"
14. Robin Fleming, Domesday Book and the Law: Society and Legal Custom in Early Medieval England (Cambridge University Press,2003) pg. 363
15. Jean Le Melletier, Les seigneurs de Bohon, illustre famille anglo-normande, originaire du Cotentin (1978) pg. 119. In a charter of Humphrey I Bohon probably written around 1060 (between 1049 and 1066), it conceded in Saint-Martin-de-Marmoutier Abbey Priory that he had founded on his land. Note that this original document was preserved in the archives of the Bohon Priory and was destroyed in the fire at Saint-Lô in 1944. It reads: "That Omnibus sunt and futuri sunt innotescat quod quidam nobilis vir dives and Unfridus miles concessit dedit Sancto Martino cellam of Bohonio quam ipse that fundavera. And India is carta ejus in hec verba. Quoniam ... Ego Unfridus miseratione divina permotus domum religiosm in feudo of Meo Buhun erigere decrevi and monachos ibi Posui who Deo et Sancte Marie in ecclesia Sancti Georgii in perpetuum deserviant and predictam domum cum omnibus appendiciis am Sancto Martino Majoris Monasterii dedi libenter and Concessi . And Deo sic hoc elemosinatio inspiring, Domino autem facta Favente Guilelmo committee is pro remedio anime mee and Ricardi patris mei Meri defuncti and Bileheldis matris mee defuncte in octabis Penthecostes coram venrabili patre Gaufrido Constanciensi episcopo benedicente and confirming etiam coram ... abbate Sancti Martini and Arnulfo and Heriberto and Rotgero monachis and quam pluribus aliis quorum nomina hic annotantur ... Item sequitur of eodem (sic)"
From Medlands
The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Adele amite Unf de Buhun" in Wiltshire[389].
Adela (Adeliza) de Bohun's Timeline
1074 |
St Georges de Bohon, Manche, Normandy, France
1085 |
Aubigne, Bretagne
1086 |
Saint-Aubin-d'Aubigné (Ille-et-Vilaine), Bretagne, France OR in England
1093 |
1095 |
1105 |
October 5, 1105
Age 31
1155 |
Age 31
Age 31
Age 31