Immediate Family
About Adelisa de Montfort
Vital Statistics
- Cawley FMG gives two possible parentages for Adeisa de Montfort (see citations below).
- daugher of Hugues III and unknown wife
- daughter of Hugues IV (van Gent), who was the son of Alice de Montfort, Hugues III's sister and his wife, Adeline de Beaumont.
- Adelisa married (1) Simon de Moulins and (2) Robert de Vere, son of BERNARD de Vere & his wife ---. Constable of England 1142
Sources and Notes
ADELISA de Montfort-sur-Risle . The primary source which confirms her parentage and two marriages has not yet been identified. 1142.
m firstly SIMON de Moulins, son of ---. 1121/1126.
m secondly (before 1130) ROBERT de Vere, son of BERNARD de Vere & his wife ---. Constable of England 1142.
[ADELISA . “Robertus de Ver constabularius regis Angliæ et Adeliza filia Hugonis de Monte-forti uxor mea” donated property to Monks Horton Priory by a charter dated to the reign of King Henry II, witnessed by “Gaufrido de Vere et Roberto fratre suo…”[2627]. It is not known for certain that “Hugonis de Monte-forti” in this charter was Hugues van Gent. m ROBERT de Vere, son of BERNARD de Vere & his wife ---.]