Adolph Ferdinand Plagmann

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Adolph Ferdinand Plagmann

Birthplace: Probsteierhagen, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, Germany
Death: February 15, 1851 (19)
Probsteierhagen, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Hinrich Plagmann and Magdalena Catharina Horst
Brother of Hans Heinrich Plagmann; Johann Friedrich Plagmann; Jochim August Plagmann; Anna Catharina Plagmann; Hans August Plagmann and 3 others

Managed by: Dieter Schinkel
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Adolph Ferdinand Plagmann's Timeline

June 10, 1831
Probsteierhagen, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, Germany
February 15, 1851
Age 19
Probsteierhagen, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia, Germany