Matching family tree profiles for Affrica Smithwick
Immediate Family
About Affrica Smithwick
See below: Shows Affrica married to John Jones, then Davey Jones' widow, and also to Smithwick. Born 1649.
"Smithwick was married four times. His first wife, Lydia, died before 29 Mar. 1680, by which time he had remarried. His second wife, Elizabeth, was living as late as 31 July 1688. At some date before 1 Dec. 1702 he married his third wife, Africa. By 27 Oct. 1703 Africa had died, and Smithwick had married Sarah Gillam, widow of Thomas Gillam and previously widow of William Woollard."[3]
Sister of John Pike? John Pike
This person was adopted. Four Reasons: 1. Affrica (Pike) Jones-Smithwick should be born after her parent Catharina Pike (Blount) Tip: Correct the birth date of Affrica (Pike) Jones-Smithwick (born 1649)
From: From: North Carolina headrights: A List of Names, 1663-1744, Compiled by Caroline B. Whitley, Office of Archives and History, North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Releigh, (2001):
Albemarle, Edward Smitheck, 200 a., for transportation of 4 persons, 29 Mar. 1680. Edward Smitheck, Lydia his wife John Shearing and Lydia Shearing. Survey for Edward Smitheck, 200. A. (p. 195, NCH)
From: Chowan Precinct North Carolina Genealogical Abstracts of Deed Books 1696 to 1723 compiled by Margaret M. Hofmann (available on amazon)
Deed Book W #1, Chowan County, N.C. Pg. 33. Edward Smithwick (residence not given), Gentleman and AFFRICA his now wife to Jone Jones Sr. 1 Dec 1702 for a valuable consideration the within mentioned patent and land, on the backside assigned from Smithwick Walberton and acknowledged in open court and Robert Walberton hath right to 50 acres out of the sd. Patent I bind myself in the peanall sum of 200 lb Sterling Wit.: Thomas Garret, Nathaniel Chevin Reg. 1 Dec 1702 (p. 10)
From: North Carolina headrights: A List of Names, 1663-1744
(part of a deed) Edward Smithwick, Gentleman with the free and voluntary consent of SARAH my now wife for the love and affection I bear my sister Mary Gregory ye wife of Thomas Gregory… (p. 19) prev item dated Apr. 1707 and following 21 Mar 1706/7 (p. 19, NCH)
From Deed Books: Edward Smithwick of Chowan Prect. With ye free and voluntary consent of SARAH my now wife to William Charlton of Chowan Prect. 1 Jan 1708 … 50 lb sterling our Plantation known as Dogwood neck all housing, barns, stables, gardens, orchards etc. as by Patent to Thomas Gregory and Mary his wife… (p. 23, Deed Book W #1)
Shaftesbury Precinct Court, 5 Feb 1679. David Jones proved 3 rights: himselfe Affrica his wife Joana Llewelling Phillip Battle. Vera Copia from Capt. Hursts Booke and entered into Jonathan Jones Patent he being son of the said David Jones. (p 123, NCH)
It seems clear that Edward Smithwick had at least three wives in this order: Lydia, Affrica (widow of David Jones) and then Sarah.
- Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy: Sep 15 2021, 22:55:20 UTC
Affrica Smithwick's Timeline
1666 |
Chowan Precinct, Albemarle County, Province of North Carolina, British Colonial America
1669 |
Chowan County, North Carolina, United States
1677 |
1703 |
North Carolina
???? |
Surrey County, Virginia
???? |