is described as: "the Pend d’Oreille daughter of Augustin 'Yoostah' and Clemence 'Cah-le-moss' Finle" in Chalk Courchane's biographical account of her husband [Michel Pablo: A Composite History in the Pacific Northwest in 1844 by Chalk Courchane] http://www.oregonpioneers.com/bios/MichelPablo.pdf
On October 1, 1864 he married Agate (Agathe) Finley, the Pend d’Oreille daughter of Augustin "Yoostah" and Clemence “Cahle-moss” Finley, at St. Ignatius Catholic Mission. They had at least 8 children: Charles, Margaret “Maggie”, Eliza, Louie, Annie, Mary, Joseph Emanuel, and Alexander N. Michel was considered the "Cattle King of the Lower Flathead Valley" and Pablo, Montana was named after him [Michel Pablo: A Composite History in the Pacific Northwest in 1844 by Chalk Courchane] http://www.oregonpioneers.com/bios/MichelPablo.pdf
1849 |
July 22, 1849
Chewelah, Clark County, Oregon Territory, United States
1865 |
December 15, 1865
St. Ignatius, Missoula County, Montana Territory, United States
1867 |
Pablo, Missoula County, Montana Territory, United States
1870 |
1874 |
1875 |
1877 |
Montana Territory, United States
1878 |
1879 |