Agatha Chryselios

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Agatha Chryselios

Russian: Агата Хрисилина, Bulgarian: Агата Хрисилина
Also Known As: "Άγάθη / Agatha from Larissa"
Death: Bulgaria
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Ioannes (John) Chryselios and Na Хрисилина
Wife of Samuel, tsar of Bulgaria
Mother of Gavril Radomir, tsar of Bulgaria; Miroslava, Princess of Bulgaria and "Kosara"
Sister of Николай Хрисилий and Теодор Хрисилий

Managed by: Bernard Raimond Assaf
Last Updated:

About Agatha Chryselios

Samuel of Bulgaria

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Samuel married Agatha, whose origin is unknown. They had five children: Gavril Radomir and four daughters—Theodora Kosara, Miroslava, Katun Anastasiya and Agatha. Gavril Radomir married twice, to Ilona of Hungary and Irina from Larisa; Kosara married the Prince of Duklya, Jovan Vladimir; Miroslava married the captured Byzantine noble Ashot and Katun Anastasiya married the Hungarian noble Vazul.

Family, grave and legacy

Samuel's wife was called Kosara. The name of his second wife was Agatha. Samuel had five children: the successor Gavril Radomir and four daughters: Theodora Kosara, Miroslava, Katun Anastasiya and Agatha. Gavril Radomir married twice, to Ilona of Hungary and Irina from Larissa; Kosara married the Prince of Duklja, Jovan Vladimir; Miroslava married the captured Byzantine noble Ashot and Katun Anastasiya married the Hungarian noble Vazul.

After the fall of Bulgaria, Samuel's descendants assumed important positions in the Byzantine court after they were resettled and given lands in Asia Minor and Armenia. Оne of his granddaughters, Catherine, became empress of Byzantium. Another grandchild, Peter II Delyan, led an attempt to restore the Bulgarian Empire after a major uprising in 1040 – 1041. Two other women of the dynasty became Byzantine empresses,[121] while many nobles served in the army as strategos or became governors of various provinces.

/Translation: Marriage Agatha Descendants

Gabriel Radomir Theodora Kosara Miroslava two daughters and illegitimate son, known by name

Kosara or Cossara (Bulgarian: Косара)[1] was a Bulgarian Empress, the wife of Tsar Samuel of Bulgaria. She married about 970.

Her father was John Chryselios from Dyrrhachium. His name and his heresy drive us towards the middle of the Armenians Paulicians[2].

In contemporary Bulgaria, Kosara is a popular name traditionally associated with the Emperor Samuel’s family. Today, there is a village Kosara in Northern Bulgaria founded in 1750 by Armenians.

Kosara of Bulgaria had many children. Some of them that we know are:

Gavril Radomir of Bulgaria, her son, was married to the Hungarian princess. He married to another women - Irena, after devorsing her. Gavril Radomir ruled the First Bulgarian Empire from October 1014 to September 1015.

Miroslava of Bulgaria, her daughter, fell in love with the Byzantine noble captive from Armenian origin Ashot of Taron and married to him around 998. Later she escaped with him in Byzantium.

Theodora Kosara of Bulgaria, her daughter, fell in love with Jovan Vladimir of Doclea who was prisoner of her father Samuel of Bulgaria. She married him. Doclea is a present day Monte Negro.,_wife_of_Samuil


Agatha (Kosara) Chryselios b. ~ 970

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Full Tree

Descendants (Inventory)Lineage Chryselios

Sex Female

Full name (at birth) Agatha (Kosara) Chryselios


♂ # Ioannes Chryselios [Chryselios] b. ~ 935 d. > 1004?

Wiki-page wikipedia:Kosara_of_Bulgaria


~ 970 birth:

child birth: ♂ w Gavril Radomir [Cometopuli]

marriage: ♂ # Samuel of Bulgaria [Kubratos] b. ~ 950 d. 6 October 1014

978 child birth: ♀ Katyn Anastasia van Bulgarije [Kubratos] b. 978 d. 6 October 1014

О царице Агате Хрисилиной (русский)

Брак Агата Потомци Гавраил Радомир Теодора Косара Мирослава две дъщери и извънбрачен син, неизвестни по име