public profile
AGNES de Rochechouart (-after 5 Apr 1260). Her marriage is confirmed by the testament of her mother Marguerite, dated Jul 1252, which named among the executors "Guy de la Roche son gendre…"[944]. Agnes was presumably one of her parents’ older children as she had children herself by that date. “Rochechouart (Guillaume de) seigneur de Pérusse, de Salagnac et de Saint-Victurnien” donated property to “Agnes sa sœur femme de...Guy de la Rochefoucauld” as well as his rights in the succession of “Adémar et de Foucaud de Rochechouart ses frères...et en celle de Guy vicomte de Limoges son oncle” by charter dated 5 Apr 1260[945].
m as his first wife, GUY [VI] Seigneur de la Rochefoucauld, son of AIMERY [I] Seigneur de la Rochefoucauld & his wife Letice de Parthenay (-1295 or after). Guy [VI] & his first wife had eight children:
1. GUY de la Rochefoucauld (-1282 or after). “...Guy et Aimery de la Roche frères...” witnessed the charter dated 2 Feb 1272 which confirmed the emancipation by “Aimery vicomte de Rochechouart” of “Marguerite sa fille” and his grant to her “en faveur de son mariage avec Arnaud Bochart damoiseau...rente...sur les biens de feue dame Jeanne sa femme mère de la dite Marguerite”[1266]. His testament is dated 1282[1267].
2. AIMERY [II] de la Rochefoucauld (-1297 or after). “...Guy et Aimery de la Roche frères...” witnessed the charter dated 2 Feb 1272 which confirmed the emancipation by “Aimery vicomte de Rochechouart” of “Marguerite sa fille” and his grant to her “en faveur de son mariage avec Arnaud Bochart damoiseau...rente...sur les biens de feue dame Jeanne sa femme mère de la dite Marguerite”[1268]. Seigneur de la Rochefoucauld. His testament is dated 1297[1269]. m (before Mar 1285) as her second husband, DAUPHINE de la Tour, widow of RAYNAUD d’Aubusson Seigneur de la Borne et du Monteil-au-vicomte, daughter of BERNARD [III] Seigneur de la Tour & his wife Yolande --- (-1299 or after). "Aymericus de Rupe domicellus et Delphina eius uxor" acknowledged that "Raynaldo d’Albusso quondam marito eiusdem Delphinæ" had received the dowry for his marriage and "Bertrandus dominus de Turre miles frater dictæ Delphinæ…" increased the dowry by charter dated end-Mar 1285[1270]. The testament of "Dalphina de Turre relicta quondam Aymerici de Rupe domini eiusdem loci", dated 1299, appoints "Guidonem filium meum primogenitum" as her heir, divides her remaining property between "alios liberos meos…Gaufridus filius meus…Agnes filia mea primogenita…Aymericus filius meus…Margarita filia mea", and appoints "dominam Beatricem d’Olyergue dominam de Turre…" among her executors[1271]. Aimery [II] & his wife had five children: a) GUY [VII] de la Rochefoucauld (-1344 or after). The testament of "Dalphina de Turre relicta quondam Aymerici de Rupe domini eiusdem loci", dated 1299, appoints "Guidonem filium meum primogenitum" as her heir[1272]. Seigneur de la Rochefoucauld. His testament is dated 1344[1273]. - SEIGNEURS de la ROCHEFOUCAULD[1274]. b) GEOFFROY de la Rochefoucauld (-before 1329). The testament of "Dalphina de Turre relicta quondam Aymerici de Rupe domini eiusdem loci", dated 1299, divides her remaining property between "alios liberos meos…Gaufridus filius meus…Agnes filia mea primogenita…Aymericus filius meus…Margarita filia mea"[1275]. Seigneur de Verteuil. - SEIGNEURS de VERTEUIL[1276]. c) AGNES de la Rochefoucauld . The testament of "Dalphina de Turre relicta quondam Aymerici de Rupe domini eiusdem loci", dated 1299, divides her remaining property between "alios liberos meos…Gaufridus filius meus…Agnes filia mea primogenita…Aymericus filius meus…Margarita filia mea"[1277]. m HUGUES Seigneur de Confolens et de Chabanais, son of ---. d) AIMERY de la Rochefoucauld (-1362 or alter). The testament of "Dalphina de Turre relicta quondam Aymerici de Rupe domini eiusdem loci", dated 1299, divides her remaining property between "alios liberos meos…Gaufridus filius meus…Agnes filia mea primogenita…Aymericus filius meus…Margarita filia mea"[1278]. Seigneur de la Boissière. m CHARLOTTE de Jaunay, daughter of CHARLES de Jaunay Seigneur d’Ausance & his wife Philippa de la Haye. Aimery & his wife had one child: i) GUY de la Rochefoucauld (-[1400]). Seigneur de la Boissière. m ---. The name of Guy’s wife is not known. Guy & his wife had one child: (a) FOULQUES de la Rochefoucauld (-after 1406). Seigneur de la Boissière. e) MARGUERITE de la Rochefoucauld . The testament of "Dalphina de Turre relicta quondam Aymerici de Rupe domini eiusdem loci", dated 1299, divides her remaining property between "alios liberos meos…Gaufridus filius meus…Agnes filia mea primogenita…Aymericus filius meus…Margarita filia mea"[1279].
3. GEOFFROY de la Rochefoucauld . Seigneur de Verteuil. Canon at Angoulême.
4. AYMAR de la Rochefoucauld (-after 1300). Seigneur de Cellefroin. Doyen of the church of Bordeaux after 1300.
5. GUILLAUME de la Rochefoucauld . Seigneur de Saint-Claude et de Saint-Laurent de Ceris.
6. FOUCAUD de la Rochefoucauld (-[1313]). Archdeacon of Angoulême. Bishop of Angoulême .
7. MATHILDE de la Rochefoucauld . m (contract 1269) GAUCELIN de Châteauneuf, son of GAUCELIN de Châteauneuf & his wife ---.
8. MARGUERITE de la Rochefoucauld . Prioress of Tusson.
1237 |
1255 |
Rochechouart, Haute-Vienne, Aquitaine-Limousin-Poitou-Charentes, France
1270 |
Age 33
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