Agnes Fahlberg {Bernhoff}

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Agnes Fahlberg {Bernhoff} (Ellram)

Birthplace: Kaagjärve (Kavershof)
Death: June 10, 1919 (74)
Tartu Parish, Tartumaa
Place of Burial: Tartu Parish, Tartumaa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of [Mürgi] Adam Ellram and Lisa Ellram
Wife of Paul Georg Bernhoff and Alexander Fahlberg
Mother of Cäecilie Rosalie Helene Bernhoff; Axel Eduard Bernhoff; Arthur Oskar Bernhoff; Cäecilie Luise Amalie Fahlberg and Paul Johann Fahlberg
Sister of Jette Ellram; Marri Ellram; Werdinand Ellram and Emilie Natalie Ellram

Managed by: Ülle Anton
Last Updated:

About Agnes Fahlberg {Bernhoff}

1867 Karula sündinute ja ristitute nimekiri (saksa pihtkond); EAA.1297.1.661; 1834-1933 - Agnes Ellram on ristiemaks

Karula personaalraamat VI; 19s4v-20s1v:,890,918,4...

Läks Tartusse.

Tartu Jaani koguduse personalbuch; 1894-1906:,1079,989,2...

Pere: Saaga EAA.1253.1.76:3

Agnes Bernhoff (Ellram) in her first marriage was the wife of Paul Georg Bernhoff. After his death she married Alexander Fahlberg.

Agnes Ellram was born in Kaagjärve / Kavershof

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Agnes Fahlberg {Bernhoff}'s Timeline

May 29, 1845
Kaagjärve (Kavershof)
April 4, 1869
Tartu Parish, Tartumaa
February 7, 1872
Tartu, Tartu linn, Tartu, Estonia
July 14, 1877
Tartu, Tartu linn, Tartu, Estonia
July 28, 1881
Dorpat - Tartu, Tartumaa
January 3, 1888
Dorpat - Tartu
June 10, 1919
Age 74
Tartu Parish, Tartumaa
Tartu Parish, Tartumaa