Historical records matching Agnes Odell
Immediate Family
About Agnes Odell
"It was shown in the last report that William Odell of Wharley, father of William and Richard, was buried in Cranfield on 22 June 1615. We now searched for William's will, which was found in the Archdeaconry Court of Bedford. The will was executed on 8 June 1615, just days before his death. It was proved on the following 19 July. William mentioned the following heirs:
- son William, my long ladder, a bill, a hatchet, a "banking" iron handsaw, two augers, two chisels, and an iron wedge.
- son Richard, a long bill, a pitch fork, and my best scythe, the coulting house, and a thatching rake.
- brother Thomas Wodell, 10 shillings
- brother Richard Wodell, 10 shillings
- wife Agnes, to receive the remaining estate and she to be executor.
- witnesses: Robert Woodward, Thomas Wheler, Richard Marked[?], and Isaake Wodell.
It appears that William Odell Sr. was a carpenter. There are several important items in this will. William evidently had only the two sons, the same whose baptisms are cited above.
[ During the last project, the parish registers of Cranfield were searched from 1600 through 1630. The probable ancestor, William Odell, and his brother Richard were found. Our theory is that they are the following sons of William Odell of Wharley, a village in the parish of Cranfield:
- William bp. 23 Feb 1602/3
- Richard bp. 2 June 1605]
In both instances, William was residing in Wharley. This helps to exclude the children of the other William Odells christened during this period. Moreover, it proves that his sons survived infancy.
We are immeasurably assisted by William's mention of his brothers Thomas and Richard.
Cliff Stott CG AG Fellow ASG and British Specialist"
Agnes Odell's Timeline
1577 |
of, Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1603 |
February 4, 1603
Seen as, Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1605 |
June 2, 1605
Cranfield, Bedfordshire, England
1626 |
Age 49
Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
St Peter and St Paul Churchyard, Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire Unitary Authority, Bedfordshire, England