Torrey, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, has William married to Rebecca Franklin in Concord, Massachusetts, 4 May 1629.
Manning says he m (1) Agnes Franklin and (2) Rebecca Brown (1633).
Mais has Agnes Franklin, daughter of William and Ursula Franklin, the mother of five children by William: William (1630), Thomas (1632), John (1634), James (1640), and Rebecca (1642).
Agnes Francklyn
Agnes Francklyn & Wm Odell
+BROWN, Rebecca
b: 1606 ENG
d: 1674 Fairfield, Fairfield, CT perhaps result of childbirth complications
m: 04 May 1629, Fairfield, CT
Mother: (FRANKLIN), Ursula
Father: FRANKLIN, William
1601 |
Bromham, Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
Bromham, Bedford, England, United Kingdom
1630 |
November 14, 1630
Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1633 |
February 17, 1633
Parish of Odell, Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
February 17, 1633
Age 32
???? |