Alain I de Rohan (de Porhoët ), vicomte de Castelnoec at de Porhoët
ALAIN de Porhoët, son of EUDES [I] Vicomte de Porhoët & his first wife Emma de Léon (-[1127]). Geslin de Bourgogne records that Vicomte Joscelin donated property to the church of Saint-Martin in the castle of Porhoét, assisted by his brothers "Guihenæus, Geoffroy et Alain", by charter dated 1108[1400]. "Gauffredus vicecomes de Porrehodio castro et fratres eius Alanus et Bernardus" reached agreement with the abbé of Marmoutiers regarding a donation by "frater suus Jostho vicecomes", by charter dated [1116][1401]. Vicomte de Castelnoec. "Gaufredus vicecomes filius Eudonis" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin, with the consent of "Alanum vicecomitem fratrem suum", by charter dated 1118, witnessed by "…Bernardus infans frater vicecomitis…"[1402]. "Vicecomes castri Noici Alanus, frater Gaufridi vicecomitis castri Joscelini" donated property to the abbey of Redon by charter dated [1124/25], witnessed by "Villana uxor eius…"[1403]. "Alanus vicecomes Porrohouetensis" donated property to the monks of Saint-Martin by charter dated [1127/28], witnessed by "Jostho filius eius…"[1404]. The Chronicon Britannico records the death in 1126 of "Alanus Vicecomes"[1405]. The Chronicon Ruyensis Cœnobii records the death in 1127 of "Alanus Vicecomes"[1406].
m VILLANA, daughter of --- (-after [1124/25]. "Vicecomes castri Noici Alanus, frater Gaufridi vicecomitis castri Joscelini" donated property to the abbey of Redon by charter dated [1124/25], witnessed by "Villana uxor eius…"[1407].
Alain [I] & his wife had two children:
1. ALAIN [II] de Rohan (-after 1168). Vicomte de Rohan et de Castelnoec. "Allanus vicecomes" donated property "ante portam castri mei novi…Rohan" to the monks of Saint-Martin by charter dated 1128, witnessed by "Jostho filius eius…"[1408]. Seigneur de Guéméné et de Guingamp. "Eudo Britannie comes" donated property to Saint-Martin de Josselin, with the consent of "fratrum meorum…Joscii vicecomitis et Alani Ceoche", witnessed by "Roaldo Dongie vicecomitis, Henrico de Arundelle, ---dio de Leon, Gaufredo de Monteforti", with the consent of "Alano de Rohan cognato meo", by charter dated 1164, witnessed by "…Stephanus frater meus…Guihomarus alterius filius de Leon…"[1409]. "Conan dux Britannie comes Richmundie" confirmed the donation of Plubihan and Plougasnou to Saint-Georges de Rennes by charter to [1156/69], witnessed by "Margarita comitissa, Willelmo filio Hamon, Alano de Rohan, Constancia sorore comitis…"[1410]. m ---. The name of Alain's wife is not known. Alain [II] & his wife had one child:
a) ALAIN [III] de Rohan (-[1195]). Vicomte de Rohan. "Radulfo de Filgeriis, Allano de Rohan, Rollando de Dinanno…" witnessed the charter dated to [1185/86] under which "Gaufridus Henrici regis filius, dux Britannie, comes Richemont" confirmed the donations to the abbey of Pont-Pillard by its founders "Rollando et Allano de Dinanno"[1411]. "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan…cum uxore mea Constantia" founded the abbey of Bon-Repos, as a burial place for himself and "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of "Alano et Guillelmo filiis meus", by charter dated 23 Jun 1184, witnessed by "Radulphi Filgeriarum domni…Hamelino de Meduana…Herveio de Vitreio…"[1412]. "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”, and donated property “in Britannia et in Anglia...in episcopate Eliensi...ecclesiam de Fuleburne...”, witnessed by “Herveo de Leon, Herveo filio Comitis...”, a second version of the document dated 20 Jun 1184 recording the consent of “Alano et Guillelmo filiis meis”, and a third version, undated, the consent of “Margarita et Ælizia filiabus meis” (witnessed by “Eudone filio Comitis, Henrico fratre eius, Herveo de Leuns, Daniele Senescallo, Galterio filio Ruelloni...”)[1413]. m CONSTANCE de Penthièvre, daughter of ALAIN [II] "le Noir" de Penthièvre Lord of Richmond Seigneur de Guingamp & his wife Berthe de Bretagne ([1138/46]-after 23 Jun 1184). "Conan dux Britannie comes Richmundie" confirmed the donation of Plubihan and Plougasnou to Saint-Georges de Rennes by charter to [1156/69], witnessed by "Margarita comitissa, Willelmo filio Hamon, Alano de Rohan, Constancia sorore comitis…"[1414]. "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan…cum uxore mea Constantia" founded the abbey of Bon-Repos, as a burial place for himself and "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of "Alano et Guillelmo filiis meus", by charter dated 23 Jun 1184[1415]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that "aliam germanam Conani" married "Helenus de Roem"[1416]. Alain [III] & his wife had [seven] children:
i) ALAIN [IV] de Rohan (-27 Oct 1205). "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”[1417]. Vicomte de Rohan. Seigneur de Guéméné.
- see below.
ii) GUILLAUME . "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”, and donated property “in Britannia et in Anglia...in episcopate Eliensi...ecclesiam de Fuleburne...”, witnessed by “Herveo de Leon, Herveo filio Comitis...”, a second version of the document dated 20 Jun 1184 recording the consent of “Alano et Guillelmo filiis meis”[1418]. 1203.
iii) JOSCELIN (-after 17 Oct 1251). "Alanus de Rohan" donated property to the abbey of Bon-Repos, with the consent of "Jocelino fratre meo…et filiis et heredibus meis Gaufrido, Conano et Alano", by charter dated 1204[1419]. Vicomte de Rohan. "Joscelinus vicecomes de Rohan" confirmed the foundation of Bonrepos abbey, for the souls of "mee et uxoris mee", with the consent of “nepotibus meis Gaufrido, Conano et Alano”, by charter dated 1213[1420]. Seigneur de Noial. Seigneur de Montfort, de iure uxoris. “Josselinus de Rohan dominus Montis-fortis et de Noyal” founded a chapel at Bonrepos for his burial, including donation of harvest "tam ex dono meo quam ex dono domini Alani fratris mei", by charter dated 1249[1421]. "Jocellinus de Rohan, dominus Montis-Fortis" recognised that his property, the parish of Noial, would return to "Alanum vicecomitem de Rohan" after his death, by charter dated 16 and 17 Oct 1251[1422]. m MATHILDE de Montfort, daughter and heiress of GUILLAUME [II] Seigneur de Montfort & his wife ---. "Matill domina Montis-Fortis et de Noial" donated property to the abbey of Bon-Repos, with the consent of "domini Jocelini de Rohan mariti mei", by charter dated 1235[1423].
iv) MARGUERITE . "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”, and donated property “in Britannia et in Anglia...in episcopate Eliensi...ecclesiam de Fuleburne...”, witnessed by “Herveo de Leon, Herveo filio Comitis...”, a second version of the document dated 20 Jun 1184 recording the consent of “Alano et Guillelmo filiis meis”, and a third version, undated, the consent of “Margarita et Ælizia filiabus meis” (witnessed by “Eudone filio Comitis, Henrico fratre eius, Herveo de Leuns, Daniele Senescallo, Galterio filio Ruelloni...”)[1424].
v) ALIX . "Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”, and donated property “in Britannia et in Anglia...in episcopate Eliensi...ecclesiam de Fuleburne...”, witnessed by “Herveo de Leon, Herveo filio Comitis...”, a second version of the document dated 20 Jun 1184 recording the consent of “Alano et Guillelmo filiis meis”, and a third version, undated, the consent of “Margarita et Ælizia filiabus meis” (witnessed by “Eudone filio Comitis, Henrico fratre eius, Herveo de Leuns, Daniele Senescallo, Galterio filio Ruelloni...”)[1425].
vi) [daughter . The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that a daughter of "Helenus de Roem" and his wife married "Arveus de Leon filius Guimar"[1426]. It is not known whether this refers to one of the daughters of Alain [III] who are named above. m HERVE [%C3%8CI] de Léon, son of GUYOMAR [IV] Vicomte de Léon & his wife Margilia --- (-1218).]
vii) [HELOISE (-after [1213]). "Helois filia Al. Vicecomitis de Rohan" donated property to Bonrepos, with the consent of "dominus Josselinus Vicecomes de Rohan", by undated charter (included in the compilation among documents dated 1213)[1427]. On the basis of this document, Heloise could have been the daughter either of Vicomte Alain [III] or Vicomte Alain [IV]. The former appears to be the more likely possibility as a daughter of Alain [IV] (then deceased) would have been young in 1213 to have made an independent donation without the consent of her own brothers. However, the charter dated Feb 1259, under which Catherine de Rohan confirmed the donation made by her deceased sister Heloise, suggests that the two sisters were daughters of Alain [IV] as it appears improbable from a chronological point of view that a daughter of Alain [III] was still living in 1259. One possibility is that the two references to Heloise do not refer to the same person, and that the donor under the 1213 charter was the daughter of Alain [III], while the sister of Catherine was the daughter of Alain [IV].]
2. JOSCELIN (-after [1127/28]). "Alanus vicecomes Porrohouetensis" donated property to the monks of Saint-Martin by charter dated [1127/28], witnessed by "Jostho filius eius…"[1428].
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porho%C3%ABt
The first recognised Vicomte de Porhoët was Guithenoc (abt. 990-1040CE), was born in Guilliers. He married Allurum (994-?) of Guilliers. He became Vicomte, and in about 1008 he moved to La Trinite, in Porhoet. Both Guilliers and Porhoet are located in the modern day French Departement of Morbihan in the province of Brittany.
In Porhoët Guithenoc built Josselin Castle, which he named for his son, Josselin (1020–1074). It is still owned by the descendants of Porhoët and is the longest continuously held private estate in the world.
Vicomte Josselin de Porhoët had three sons with the surname Rohan: Mainguy De Rohan, Jostho de Rohan, and Roger de Rohan. He had a fourth son, the third vicomte de Porhoët, Eudo I de Porhoët (1049-?).
Eudo (or Eudes) I married Anne de Leon (1065-?). They had two children, Vicomte Geoffrey de Porhoët (1092–1141) and Alain I de Rohan
Geoffrey is said to have married Hawisa Fergant of Brittany (abt. 1105-?). They had two sons, one of which was as Odo II or Odo, Viscount of Porhoët (1122-?).
1085 |
Rohan, Morbihan, Bretagne (Brittany), France
1093 |
Guilliers, Morbihan, France
1095 |
Guilliers, Morbihan, France
1105 |
1120 |
1127 |
Age 42
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East Brittany
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