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Albert Eskel (1922 - 1975)

Birthplace: Tallinn, Estonia
Death: June 18, 1975 (53)
Place of Burial: Tallinna Metsakalmistu, V, KU, 16, 1-kohaline kirstuplats
Immediate Family:

Son of Jakob Voldemar Eskel and Miili Eskel
Husband of Juta Eskel
Father of Private User and Rein Eskel

Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Albert Eskel

Albert Eskel (24. veebruar 1922 Tallinn – 18. juuni 1975 Tallinn) oli eesti skulptor.


Tallinna Metsakalmistu, V, KU, 16, 1-kohaline kirstuplats
Albert Eskel sü 24.02.1922 su 18.04.1975 ma 20.06.1975

Kultuurilooline haud - Kunstnik - Albert Eskel (1922 – 1975) kujur.
Albert Eskel (1922 - 1975) kujur. Sündinud 24.veebruaril 1922 Tallinnas Surnud 18.aprillil 1975 Tallinnas

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Albert Eskel's Timeline

February 24, 1922
Tallinn, Estonia
June 18, 1975
Age 53
June 20, 1975
Age 53
Tallinna Metsakalmistu, V, KU, 16, 1-kohaline kirstuplats