Historical records matching Albert François de Lalaing, 7° comte de Hoogstraeten et d’Hornes
Immediate Family
About Albert François de Lalaing, 7° comte de Hoogstraeten et d’Hornes
Genealogy and history research - Hochstrat - Hoogstraten by Dieter Hochstrat
Hoogstraten is the northernmost municipality in Belgium and borders directly on the Netherlands on three sides. It is located in the Flemish region and has city rights.
Albert Francois of Lalain (de Lalaing), 7th Count of Hoogstraten * 1610, † 1643 in Saint-Omer, age:33 years
1st marriage on 02.07.1634 with Marie Claire of Bailleul * 1618, † 1636
2nd marriage on 04.11.1637 in Antwerp with Isabelle Madeleine (Elisabetha) of Ligne (of Arenberg), * ca. 1623 in Barbacon, † 17.08.1678 in Paris
from 1626 until 1643
7th Count of Hoogstraten
Count of Hornes and Rennenberg, as heir of his father Baron in Borselle, Leuze as heir of his father and Pecque
Baron in Achicourt, as heir of his father
Governor in Artois
Lord of Eeckern, Langlee and Menin
In 1621 he was admitted to the Order of the Golden Fleece
1- Wife: Marie Claire of Bailleul
- 1618, † 1636, age:18 yrs.
Comte Maximilian de Bailleul † 1628
Christine de Lalaing - Catherine Christienne de Lalaing * 1580
2nd wife:
Isabelle Madeleine (Elisabetha) of Ligne (of Arenberg) * c. 1623 in Barbacon, † 17 Aug 1678 in Paris, buried in Paris, Saint Jacques du Haut.
Albert Francois de Ligne Arenberg, 2nd Prince de Barbacon * 22.07.1600, † 08.04.1674, Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece Marie de Barbacon, Vizcondesa de Dave * 20.04.1602, † 1675
Normal succession: son from the 1st marriage since Francois Paul remained unmarried, the county of Hoogstraten went to his older half-sister.
Child with Marie Claire of Bailleul:
Francois Paul of Lalain (de Lalaing), 8th Count of Hoogstraten * 1635, † 21.06.1691, age: 56 yrs.
Children with Isabelle Madeleine of Ligne:
1) Marie Gabrielle of Lalain (de Lalaing), 9th Countess of Hoogstraten * ca. 14.12.1639 in Maastricht, † 08.02.1709 in Antwerp
2) Dorothea Albertine of Lalain (de Lalaing) * 1640 in Hoogstraten, † 1643 ? died young
Albert-François de Lalaing ° ~1610 + 1643 (Saint-Omer)
- 7° comte de Hoogstraeten et d’Hornes (1626),
- baron de Leuze, Eyne et Pecques,
- seigneur d’Eeckeren, Langlée et Menin,
- Gouverneur d’Artois,
- capitaine d’une bande d’ordonnance,
- colonel d’un régiment d’infanterie Haut-Allemand,
- chevalier de la Toison d’Or
ép. 1) sa cousine Marie-Claire, comtesse héritière de Bailleul (fille aînée de Maximilien, comte de Bailleul, baron
de Lesdain et de Saint-Martin, et de Christine de Lalaing)
ép. 2) 04/11/1637 (Anvers) Isabelle-Marie Madeleine de Ligne d’Arenberg ° 1623 + 17/08/1678 (Paris) (fille d’Albert-François, duc d’Arenberg, Prince de Barbençon, comte d’Aigremont et de La Roche en Ardenne, chevalier de la Toison d’Or, et de Marie de Barbençon, vicomtesse de Dave, dame de Soye (Luxembourg) ; ép. 2) 04/05/1651 Ulrich, duc de Würtemberg à Neuenbourg, Lieutenant-Général en France puis Commandant-Général de la Cavalerie Impériale aux Pays-Bas + 14/12/1671)
Pattou, Etienne, Famille & Seigneurs de Lalaing, Racines et Histoire
count of Hoochstrate and Hornes, governor of Artois, captain of an ordinance band, colonel of a high German infantry regiment, died in SaintOmer in 1643, having married :
1° his cousin Marie-Claire, countess DE BAILLEUL (daughter of Maximilien and Chrétienne de Lalaing ; see second branch , XV 3°);
2° in 1637, in Antwerp, Isabelle-Marie-Madelaine DE LIGNE-Arenberg, daughter of Albert, duke of Arenberg, knight of the Golden Fleece, and of Marie de Barbançon, "beautiful, lively, engaging and without doubt the best made of the court of Brussels" (106), who married, in 1651, Ulric, duke of Wurtemberg. He left several children. From the first bed:
…1° François-Paul, who follows, From the second bed:
…2° Dorothée-Albertine de Lalaing, named in 1643 in her father's will; died young.
…3° Marie-Gabrielle de Lalaing, countess of Hoochstrate and Homes, after her brother, married to Charles, count DE SALM, of the house Wild and Rhine Graff. Of which posterity, with erection of Hooogstraet in duchy, the year 1740.
Brassart, Felix, Société Académique, editor. Souvenirs De La Flandre Wallonne, Catalogue des Nobels de Nom, de Lalaing, Dix-Septieme, L. Crépin, 1882. un Comite Historique et Archeologique: Memories of Walloon Flanders: pp. 88-89.
Albert François de Lalaing, 7° comte de Hoogstraeten et d’Hornes's Timeline
1610 |
Hoogstraten, Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
1638 |
December 14, 1638
Maastricht, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
1640 |
Hoogstraten, Antwerpen, Flanders, Belgium
1643 |
August 18, 1643
Age 33
Saint Omer, Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France
???? |