=== GEDCOM Note === == Biography == This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>VanBranden burg Schwedt-1 was created by Cheryl Claxton through the import of MyAncestors.GED on Feb 2, 2014. This comment and cit ation can be deleted after the biography has been edited and primary s ources are included.</ref> It's a rough draft and needs to be edited .===
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1672 |
January 24, 1672
Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland (HRR)
1704 |
August 9, 1704
1705 |
June 10, 1705
Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
1706 |
December 22, 1706
1709 |
May 11, 1709
Berlin, Preußen, Deutschland(HRR)
1710 |
August 13, 1710
Berlin, Markgrafschaft Brandenburg, Königreich Preußen, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
1712 |
April 21, 1712
Berlin, Brandenburg, Deutschland(HRR)
1715 |
March 28, 1715
1722 |