“It appears from land transfers that Alexander Randolph may have married a daughter of Samuel Swearingen, Sr. and Elizabeth Farmer of Edgecomb Co., NC.
Removed death date of 02/03/1787
Clementine was the daughter of Alexander Randolf, widow of William Wright, and 2nd wife of Absolom Leggett.
From https://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=caswellcounty&id=...
That Alexander Randolph was married to Margaret Swearinger and is the father of James R. Randolph has not been established by reference to any primary source, and those relationships are shown here for research purposes only.
Edgecomb County, North Carolina Record Book of Marks and Brands 1732-1809: "James Randal, son of Alexander Randal, A Crop & two Slits in their right Ear & a Flower ??????? over half of moon in y left."
The deed books of Edgecombe Co., N. C., record that David Averitt, planter, of Beaufort Co., N. C., sold a tract of 150 acres on the south side of the Tar River in Edgecombe Co. to James "Randol" son of Alexander Randol, planter, of Edgecombe Co., N. C., near the land of Alexander Randle and Averitt's plantation "bought of John Birney" for £6 proclamation money on 8 September 1759. This tract was sold by William Randol of Craven Co., N. C. in 1763.
May 1, 1742. Edgecombe Co., NC. Richard CHEEK, Benjamin EVANS, & William STEVENS witness a deed from Francis BETTS to Alexander RANDALL for 50 acres on southside of Tar River joining said RANDALL's plantation, a swamp, a gully, Samuel SWEARINGEN & the River, for £80. (Edgecombe DB 5, p.65)
Aug. 12, 1742. Edgecombe Co., NC. Richard CHEEK & Alexander RANDALL witnessed a deed from John STEPHENS to William STEPHENS for 200 acres north side of the Tar joining Capt. Richard CHEEK. (Edgecombe DB 1, p.174; DB 5, p.67)
1700 |
Edgecombe County, North Carolina, British Colonial America
1720 |
1721 |
1722 |
1723 |
Spotsylvania Courthouse, Spotsylvania County, Virginia
1724 |
Edgecombe, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, United States
1725 |
Caswell County, North Carolina, United States
1763 |
Age 63
Caswell County, North Carolina, British Colonial America