Historical records matching Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov
Immediate Family
About Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov
mtDNA haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C)
Alexei Nikolaevich (Russian: Алексе́й Никола́евич) (12 August 1904 [O.S. 30 July] – 17 July 1918) of the House of Romanov, was the Tsesarevich[note 1] and heir apparent to the throne of the Russian Empire. He was the youngest child and only son of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. He was born with hemophilia; his mother's reliance on the starets Grigori Rasputin to treat the disease helped bring about the end of the Romanov dynasty. After the February Revolution of 1917, he and his family were sent into internal exile in Tobolsk, Siberia. He was murdered alongside his parents, four sisters, and three retainers during the Russian Civil War by order of the Bolshevik government, though rumors that he had survived persisted until the 2007 discovery of his and one of his sister's remains. The family was formally interred on 17 July 1998—the eightieth anniversary of the murder—and were canonized as passion bearers by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000.
They are reopening the Romanov Remains: Investigation reopens to ..... Look on my facebook page .. I do not what they Evidence found, but they are reopening the investigation.probably whether Alexei and Fyodor Semenov is one and the same person. Miks ma panin Alekseile 2 nime?12.august 1904-1919 kuni uue nime saamiseni oli ta Aleksei Nikolaevits Romanov Peale terveks ravimist ta ei mäletanud isegi oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.Kuna ta oma nime ei teadnud,siis pandi temale uueks nimeks Fjodor Semjonov,mis oli tema nimeks elu lõpuni(11.november 1980.Sellepärast ma panin temale kaks nime. Mina,Tamara Urmet(Semsugova)(s.31.07/1929.a.kinnitan,et Semsugov Lembitu(s.02.08.1954.a) isa on Mihail Semjonov(s.1931.a.),kes on ühtlasi Fjodor Semjonovi poeg(kes nimetas end tsaari pojsks). See jutt on kirja pandud minu sõnade ja järgi ja vastab tõele. Tamara Urmet(Semsugova) ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokument koostati 6.03.2013.a.ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokumendi originaal on minu käes ja seda ma ei väljasta. lembit semsugov ja my profile-see on üks ja sama isik-LEMBIT SEMSUGOV, ´Это очень важный детайль.И даже канцелария Императорского Дворца, Русского Провославного церковья имееються сомнения об версий об сообщений провителстваРФ. что вся царьского семья погибла.Это офичальное сообщение от Императовского Дворца и Русского Провославного Церковья. Имею документ,где признают,что мой отец есть Михаил Семьёнов и дед есть Фёдор Семьёнов(кто назвал себя сыном царья)Это офичальный документ,где подверждаються своими подписьями.. .KGB tuletas minule nõukogude ajal minule meelde,et ma peaksin suu(ei lobiseks liiga palju).Vastasel juhul lubati mind paigutada sinna kohta,kuhu paigutati minu isapoolne vanaisa Fjodor Semjonov.Ma ei osanud seda juttu millegagi seostada,kuid hiljem sain teada,milles asi on. oma külalist ma hiljem ei näinudki,kuid ma mõtlen talle tihti.Ja ka sellele,mida ta mulle rääkis....See kõik on liiga huvitav...Tõde on hoopis igavam...kuid tundub mulle,külaline teadis märksa rohkem ,kui ta mulle rääkis(autor)...Ja siis meenutan ma Shaksepeare i... On palju asju,sõber Horatio,millest tarkpead pole undki näinud.Ma meenutasin kummalist külalist kohe.kui sain ühe kirja.Mulle kirjutas psühhiaater D.Kaufmann(Petrozavotskist).Jutt on mehest,kes oli mõnda aega ravil Petrozavotski psühhaatria haiglas,kus mina olin raviarst 1946 a.septembrist kuni 1949.a. oktoobrini.,pärast Leningradi II meditsiini instituudi lõpetamist,praegu on see sanitaar hügeeni instituut...Meie haiged olid peamiselt tsiviilisikud ja vangid.,kes olid saaadetud meile ravile või ka kohtu psühhaatrilisse ekspertiisi...edit | history edit | history see kiri on vanaisast alekseist (( fjodor semjonovist).peale mahalaskmist toodi laibad(haavatud)majast välja ja pandi autole.auto mootor laipade(haavatute) tassimise ajal töötas,kuna taheti iga hinna eest varjata tsaaripere hukkamist.üks konvoeerijatest toimetas transpordi ajal 2 haavatut minema. konvoeerijal oli samas vanusaes ja aleksei nimeline poeg.nad toimetati minema transpordi käigus.nad ei jõudnudgi kohale.mõnda kaua raviti teda ja viidi leningradi.sel ajal oli venemaal väga palju orbusid.ta ei teadnud oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.temale pandi nimeks fjodor semjonov,ta teenis punaarmees ratsaväes.hiljem lõpetas bakuu inatituudi ökonomistina.ta suunati kesk-aasiasse,kus ta abiellus naisega asja.neil sündis poeg Mihhail 1931.a.juhusliku rumala vea tõttu ta arreteeriti ja viidi gulagi.gulaagis nimetas ta ennast tsaari pojaks.1947 või 1948.a.talvel saadeti meile järjekorras haige vang.tema seostusjutus vilksatas hüüatuste seas paaril korral põgusalt nimi beloborudov,millele me ei osutanudesialgu mingit tähelepanu,sest see ei öelnud meile midagi.ta püüdis üht naisvangi kaitsta peksu eest.teda valvurid töötlesid Dokumentides oli tema sünniajaks märgitud 1904 aasta ,mis puutuib ees ja perekonnanimesse ,siis neid ma ei mäleta.pAAri,kolme päeva pärast kadusid ägeda psühoosi ilmingud täielikult ,mia on sellise haiguse juures tavaline,Haige oli jälle rahulik ja täiesti kontaktivõimeline.Selge teadvus ja adekvaatne käitumine iseloomustasid teda kogu selle aja jooksul,mis ta meie psühiaatria haiglas viibis.Nii palju kui ma mäletan ,oli tema välimus järgmine:kasv üle keskmine ,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas...Pikliku kahvatu näoga,siniste,pisut pungis silmadega ,kõrge paljaks tõmbunud laubaga,tema väheaed juuksed olid pruunid,hallisegused .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas. .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas.edasi kirjutas naisarst. .Kuid kõige huvitavam oli naisarsti pika kirja lõpp. ,kuidas haige temaga avameelseks muutus.me saime teada,et ta on troonipärija,et jekaterinburgis kiirustades toimunud mahalaskmise ajal embas isa teda ja surus tema näo vastu,et ta EI NÄEKS,KUIDAS TEDA SIHITAKSE.MINU meelest ta isegi ei jõudnud taibata,et toimub midagi kohutavat,sest tulistamiskäsk anti ootamatult,surmaotsuse ettelugemist ta ei kuulnud.talle jäi meelde vaid nimi beloborudov.siis kostsid lasud ,ta sai sääremarja haavata ja kukkus teiste vahele pikali.kui ta teadvusele tuli,siis selgus,et keegi mees oli ta keldrist välja toonud ja oma turjaltassinud ja hulk aega ravinud.seejärel oli juttu patsiendi edasisest saatusest ja rumalast juhusest ,kuidas ta laagrisse sattus.ppikkamööda hakkasime tema peale teistsuguse pilguga vaatama.pidev hematuuria(verekusisus),mille all ta kannatas,sai nüüd selgituse.troonipärijal oli hemofiilia.haige sääremarjal oli ristikujuline arm.lõpuks mõistsime ka keda haige välimus meenutas-nikolai,ḿitte teist,vaid nikolai esimese tunud portreed,mitte hussaarimundris,vaid vatikuues javiltide peale tõmmatud triibulistes pidzaamapükstes.sel ajal külastas meid,konsulteeris professor s.gendelevits.ta oli omaaja parimaid.meie näitasime temale ka oma haiget.2-3 tundi esitas professortalle kõikvõimalikke küsimusi,mida meie ei oskanud esitada,sest meil puudusid selleks vajalikud teadmised,kuid tema oli selles osas kompententne.ta teadis sajanditaguse talvepalee ja linnast väljas olevate residentside ,kõigi ruumide asendit ja otstarvet.ta teadis kõigi tsaari perekonna ja suure dünastia harude liikmete nimesid ja tiitleid,kõiksugu õukonnaameteid j.n.e.konsultant teadis ka õukonnaerinevatetseremooniate ja rituaalide protokolli,erinevate nimepäevade ja teiste sündmuste kuupäevi,mida romanovite peres tähistati.kõigile neile küsimustele vastas haige täiesti täpselt ja pikemalt mõtlemata.tema jaoks oli see elementaarne aabitsatõde.mõnedest vastustest oli märgata ,et tal on selles valdkonnas palju sügavamad teadmised.ta käitus nagu tavaliselt -rahulikult ja väärikalt.seejärel palus konsultant teistel lahkuda.oli selgunud,et haigel oli peit munandilisusa,mille puhul munand ei asu munandikotis.konsultant teadis,et selline iseärasus oli troonipärijal alekseil.(lapselapsel on ka).kaalunud kõili otsuseid kus juures kaasati sellesse arutellu ka eriti tähtsate asajade uurija,-pandi talle diagnoosiks-paranoia.tema saadeti tema siseministeeriumi psühhatriahaiglsasse Karjala ANSV-sse,kus ta vahetult enne surma toodi Moskvasse,kus ta suri.Surma põhjuseks oli üksindus ja mure..see oli selle aja kohta väga humaane otsus.haiglasse saabudes oli ta koguaeg ja mure .sõimanud kedagi belodorudovit.arst oli haigusloos märkinud,et vestluse ajal ta ei varjanud oma päritolu.tema hääletoon ja veendumused lubasid arvata,et talle on tuttav kõrgema seltskonna elu enne 1917.a.f.semjonov rääkis ,et ta on saanud koduse kasvatuse,et ta on endise tsaari poeg,ta pääses siis,kui teised pere liikmed hukati.ta ei teadnud,et anastasia ka pääses.ta toodi leningradi,kus ta seejärel mingi aja elas,teeninud punaarmees ratsaväelasena,õppinud majandusinstituudis bakuus.pärast seda töötanud kesk-aasias,abiellus naisega asja,sündis poeg Mihhail.(1931).ta jutustas,et beloborudov teadis tema saladust ja tegeles temalt väljapressimisega.mingi aja tagant helistas keegi mees ja teatas,et salapärane mees ongi semjonov.teda kutsusid kõik tsaari poijaks.mitte keegi vangide seast et puutunud teda,teda austati.konsultant uuris asjale saadetud kirja aleksei omaga alekseil olid varesejalad ,aga f,semjonovil kauni peene käekirjaga kirjutatud.ta ei saanud aru,kas ta on aleksei või mitte.ta oli hämmelduses........MOSCOW — Ever since the remains of the last czar, Nicholas II, and most of his family were exhumed 25 years ago from a dirt road in the Urals, investigators, historians and surviving members of the Romanov dynasty have anticipated the day when all the murdered royals would be laid to rest.
They thought that moment had finally arrived when a funeral was scheduled last October for two long-lost children — Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria, whose remains were found in nearby woods many years later.
But it was not to be. The Russian Orthodox Church interceded, questioning — not for the first time — whether any of the remains were authentic, and the service was postponed indefinitely. The nearly 100-year saga of murder, mystery and myth lived on.
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Amateurs Unravel Russia’s Last Royal MysteryNOV. 25, 2007
“The problem is that from the historical, scientific and genetic point of view, it is absolutely clear that the remains of the czar and his family are authentic,” said Sergei V. Chapnin, who was fired as editor of The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate in December, partly, he thinks, because he pushed for accepting the remains. “The only statement we hear from the church is, ‘We don’t believe it.’ ”
Nicholas II with his wife and children. CreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images Why the church rejects the evidence assembled thus far, filling some 25 volumes, is one enduring mystery at the center of the case. Senior church officials have never fully explained it; they keep demanding further efforts.
“The church is interested no less than anyone else, and maybe even more than anyone else, to determine the truth in this complicated issue,” Vladimir R. Legoyda, a church spokesman, said at a news conference late last year. “There are questions that still remain and serious ones. So far we just touched the tip of the iceberg.”
In 2000, the church canonized the royal family, upping the ante for authenticating the remains and possibly imposing new funeral rites, in that the relics of saints must be preserved above ground.
“We need to rule out any possibility of a mistake,” Mr. Legoyda said.
At the same news conference, Bishop Tikhon, a shadowy, influential Orthodox figure rumored to be the spiritual guide for President Vladimir V. Putin, cast doubt on the authenticity of the bones by describing various untested theories, as did a historian endorsed by the church.
To take just one of the more outlandish claims, the bishop hinted that the grave of Nicholas’s father, Czar Alexander III, had been vandalized and his bones interred in place of his son.
That theory was quickly disproved. An excavation found Alexander III’s grave had remained undisturbed since his burial in 1894, said Sergei V. Mironenko, the head of the Russian State Archives, which has also been closely involved in the investigation. It was the third time royal bones had been dug up in the course of the investigation.
Nevertheless, Bishop Tikhon suggested on state television in late December that the church investigation was just getting started. “Today we were assured that the scientists will have all the time that they need — let’s say it will be approximately two, three years — but these tests will be carried out professionally and in full,” he said, without specifying what testing or who would be doing it.
The bishop was not available for interviews. Patriarch Kirill, the head of theRussian Orthodox Church, said at a conference of bishops this month that Mr. Putin himself had consented to an open-ended inquiry by the church.
Virtually every expert involved in the case agrees that investigators have pieced together a plausible explanation of what happened to the family, while the church has failed to produce an alternative.
“It is one of the oddest detective stories in Russian history in the last century,” said Ksenia V. Luchenko, a freelance journalist with long experience covering Orthodox Church matters.
Early in the morning of July 17, 1918, the czar, his wife, their five children, as well as their doctor, a cook and two servants, were executed in the basement of a house in Yekaterinburg, in central Russia. The firing squad had the most difficulty killing the czar’s four daughters, because the bullets ricocheted off all the hidden diamonds sewn into their clothing.
In a series of steps that took investigators decades to determine, the executioners first dumped the corpses in a mine, named Ganina Yama in Russian, which had long been thought to be the burial place of their ashes.
The bodies of the 11 victims were actually loaded onto a truck for transport to a deeper mine, however. The vehicle got stuck on a muddy road through a bog. To lighten the load, the bodies of Alexei and Maria were removed and carted off into the forest — burned, doused with acid and buried. The Bolsheviks then decided to inter the rest right there in Old Kaptikovskaya Road.
That main grave was eventually discovered in 1979 by amateur sleuths, and the bodies were finally exhumed in 1991, after the Soviet Union collapsed. The government treated it as a criminal case, assigning it to Vladimir N. Solovyov, at the time a 40-year-old investigator.
It took a year to assemble the skeletons from the jumbled collection of bones, especially since the executioners had tried to disguise the victims by smashing their faces. “The skulls had to be glued together like an antique vase from many small bits,” said Mr. Solovyov, now 65 and still working the case.
In a stroke of luck for the anthropologists doing the work, the czar’s daughters had contracted measles in March 1917 and posed together with shaved heads. The markedly different contours of their skulls were readily visible, speeding identification.
The bullet-riddled skull of Nicholas. The remains of two of the children were found much later and are stored in a state vault. CreditAssociated Press Fragments from the skeletons were shipped to Britain and the United States for DNA testing in government laboratories, Mr. Solovyov said, which confirmed the victims’ identities.
The historical and genetic proof gradually undermined the accumulated myths surrounding the execution, such as the longstanding legend that Grand Duchess Anastasia had somehow escaped. She had not.
In 1998, in St. Petersburg, Nicholas II; his wife, Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna; daughters Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia; and the four retainers killed with them were buried together in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, where all the czars since Peter the Great lie.
The patriarch at that time, Aleksei II, skipped the funeral at the last minute, rejecting the evidence with no explanation. The Orthodox priests who presided did not refer to the deceased by name, saying, “God knows their identity.”
Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria were to be buried in the same grave. Their bone fragments had been tucked away for years inside two small white boxes the size of FedEx mailers, sealed with crime-scene tape and locked into a vault in the state archives in downtown Moscow.
That would seem to have settled things, but the church took custody of the remains in December, declaring for reasons that remain elusive that the case required further study.
“They follow this mythological idea that the state is trying to convince the church that the remains are real although they are false,” Mr. Chapnin said. “What reason would the state have to do that? Nobody knows! People are just against it and that is it, they are not ready for any discussion.”
The most prevalent explanation is that the hierarchy wants to avoid the decision because either choice would alienate key factions.
Rejecting the bones will anger some Orthodox adherents, particularly those outside Russia. Accepting them will incense a conservative domestic faction that believes the Soviet government somehow faked the burial.
“Either decision will cause a scandal, so they would like to postpone it,” Mr. Chapnin said.
Analysts of church affairs place Patriarch Kirill among the doubters, but his reasons remain opaque. Andrei B. Zubov, a renowned historian, said he knew the prelate well enough to engage him on any matter, but when Mr. Zubov asked about the czar’s remains, he changed the subject.
“It was a political decision, not a spiritual or scientific one,” said Mr. Zubov, adding that after years of opposition, the church could not suddenly reverse itself without losing face.
Still, the idea that the church wants to begin an investigation from scratch provokes exasperation.
“They have all kinds of strange ideas why they are not the right remains,” said Paul E. Kulikovsky, 55, a businessman in Moscow who is a great-great-grandson of Czar Alexander III. “If you investigate all the possibilities, that means you have to go on for 100 years because people have come up with 1,000 possibilities.”
The Canadian-born Mr. Kulikovsky, who publishes a monthly newsletter on Romanov affairs, said the vast majority of about 80 Romanov descendants hope to bury Alexei and Maria this winter, whether or not the church deemed the bones authentic.
Ms. Luchenko, the journalist, noted that in death, the two prime adversaries of the 1917 Revolution, the czar and Lenin, are both stuck in limbo.
There has been an endless debate whether the embalmed body of Lenin should be removed from his tomb in Red Square and buried, while the remains of Nicholas II might be preserved above ground if they are ever recognized as holy relics.
Together, the remains represent the unfinished business of a particularly violent, tumultuous century for Russia. Ms. Luchenko said, “Russia cannot say goodbye to its 20th century.”
Alexandra Odynova contributed reporting. ?Miks ei põletetud Nikolaid?Seda oleks olnus palju tähtsam teha.Ikka seepärast ,et 2 laipa olim puudu:poisi ja tüdruku oma.ja briljandid,mis nende juures olid,jäidka nüüd puudu.Seepärast mõtleski Jurovski välja ja pani kirja,et ära põletada 2 laipa poisi ja kellegi naise laip.Kes see naisterahvas oli?Kas Demidova,nagu Jurovski kirjutab?Kuid sel õudsel ööl võisid nad ka segamini ajada.Võib-olla see väidetavalt põletatud naisterahvas ei olnudki Demidova.Igal juhul,pärast seda kui Berliinis ilmus lagedale Anastasia,andis Jermakovi sõber Suhhorrukov Jekaterinburgis kahtlustäratava tunnistuse...Tema väitel,et oli näinud,kuidas põletati 2-he lapse ,Aleksei ja Anastasia laibad!Mitte enam Demidova,naguoli kiejutanud Jurovski,vaid Anastasia. Ljuhhanov loomulikult nägi,kuidas need 2 veoautost maha tõsteti.Ja ta viivitas auto juurde naasemisega-ta tülitses raudteevahiga,et sõdurid jõuaksid nad ära viia.Tema noorema poja nimi oli sammuti Aleksei.poeg rääkis hiljem ,et isa oli armastanud korrata "Jumal suudab kõike"
They are reopening the Romanov Remains: Investigation reopens to ..... Look on my facebook page .. I do not what they Evidence found, but they are reopening the investigation.probably whether Alexei and Fyodor Semenov is one and the same person. Miks ma panin Alekseile 2 nime?12.august 1904-1919 kuni uue nime saamiseni oli ta Aleksei Nikolaevits Romanov Peale terveks ravimist ta ei mäletanud isegi oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.Kuna ta oma nime ei teadnud,siis pandi temale uueks nimeks Fjodor Semjonov,mis oli tema nimeks elu lõpuni(11.november 1980.Sellepärast ma panin temale kaks nime. Mina,Tamara Urmet(Semsugova)(s.31.07/1929.a.kinnitan,et Semsugov Lembitu(s.02.08.1954.a) isa on Mihail Semjonov(s.1931.a.),kes on ühtlasi Fjodor Semjonovi poeg(kes nimetas end tsaari pojsks). See jutt on kirja pandud minu sõnade ja järgi ja vastab tõele. Tamara Urmet(Semsugova) ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokument koostati 6.03.2013.a.ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokumendi originaal on minu käes ja seda ma ei väljasta. lembit semsugov ja my profile-see on üks ja sama isik-LEMBIT SEMSUGOV, ´Это очень важный детайль.И даже канцелария Императорского Дворца, Русского Провославного церковья имееються сомнения об версий об сообщений провителстваРФ. что вся царьского семья погибла.Это офичальное сообщение от Императовского Дворца и Русского Провославного Церковья. Имею документ,где признают,что мой отец есть Михаил Семьёнов и дед есть Фёдор Семьёнов(кто назвал себя сыном царья)Это офичальный документ,где подверждаються своими подписьями.. .KGB tuletas minule nõukogude ajal minule meelde,et ma peaksin suu(ei lobiseks liiga palju).Vastasel juhul lubati mind paigutada sinna kohta,kuhu paigutati minu isapoolne vanaisa Fjodor Semjonov.Ma ei osanud seda juttu millegagi seostada,kuid hiljem sain teada,milles asi on. oma külalist ma hiljem ei näinudki,kuid ma mõtlen talle tihti.Ja ka sellele,mida ta mulle rääkis....See kõik on liiga huvitav...Tõde on hoopis igavam...kuid tundub mulle,külaline teadis märksa rohkem ,kui ta mulle rääkis(autor)...Ja siis meenutan ma Shaksepeare i... On palju asju,sõber Horatio,millest tarkpead pole undki näinud.Ma meenutasin kummalist külalist kohe.kui sain ühe kirja.Mulle kirjutas psühhiaater D.Kaufmann(Petrozavotskist).Jutt on mehest,kes oli mõnda aega ravil Petrozavotski psühhaatria haiglas,kus mina olin raviarst 1946 a.septembrist kuni 1949.a. oktoobrini.,pärast Leningradi II meditsiini instituudi lõpetamist,praegu on see sanitaar hügeeni instituut...Meie haiged olid peamiselt tsiviilisikud ja vangid.,kes olid saaadetud meile ravile või ka kohtu psühhaatrilisse ekspertiisi...edit | history edit | history see kiri on vanaisast alekseist (( fjodor semjonovist).peale mahalaskmist toodi laibad(haavatud)majast välja ja pandi autole.auto mootor laipade(haavatute) tassimise ajal töötas,kuna taheti iga hinna eest varjata tsaaripere hukkamist.üks konvoeerijatest toimetas transpordi ajal 2 haavatut minema. konvoeerijal oli samas vanusaes ja aleksei nimeline poeg.nad toimetati minema transpordi käigus.nad ei jõudnudgi kohale.mõnda kaua raviti teda ja viidi leningradi.sel ajal oli venemaal väga palju orbusid.ta ei teadnud oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.temale pandi nimeks fjodor semjonov,ta teenis punaarmees ratsaväes.hiljem lõpetas bakuu inatituudi ökonomistina.ta suunati kesk-aasiasse,kus ta abiellus naisega asja.neil sündis poeg Mihhail 1931.a.juhusliku rumala vea tõttu ta arreteeriti ja viidi gulagi.gulaagis nimetas ta ennast tsaari pojaks.1947 või 1948.a.talvel saadeti meile järjekorras haige vang.tema seostusjutus vilksatas hüüatuste seas paaril korral põgusalt nimi beloborudov,millele me ei osutanudesialgu mingit tähelepanu,sest see ei öelnud meile midagi.ta püüdis üht naisvangi kaitsta peksu eest.teda valvurid töötlesid Dokumentides oli tema sünniajaks märgitud 1904 aasta ,mis puutuib ees ja perekonnanimesse ,siis neid ma ei mäleta.pAAri,kolme päeva pärast kadusid ägeda psühoosi ilmingud täielikult ,mia on sellise haiguse juures tavaline,Haige oli jälle rahulik ja täiesti kontaktivõimeline.Selge teadvus ja adekvaatne käitumine iseloomustasid teda kogu selle aja jooksul,mis ta meie psühiaatria haiglas viibis.Nii palju kui ma mäletan ,oli tema välimus järgmine:kasv üle keskmine ,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas...Pikliku kahvatu näoga,siniste,pisut pungis silmadega ,kõrge paljaks tõmbunud laubaga,tema väheaed juuksed olid pruunid,hallisegused .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas. .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas.edasi kirjutas naisarst. .Kuid kõige huvitavam oli naisarsti pika kirja lõpp. ,kuidas haige temaga avameelseks muutus.me saime teada,et ta on troonipärija,et jekaterinburgis kiirustades toimunud mahalaskmise ajal embas isa teda ja surus tema näo vastu,et ta EI NÄEKS,KUIDAS TEDA SIHITAKSE.MINU meelest ta isegi ei jõudnud taibata,et toimub midagi kohutavat,sest tulistamiskäsk anti ootamatult,surmaotsuse ettelugemist ta ei kuulnud.talle jäi meelde vaid nimi beloborudov.siis kostsid lasud ,ta sai sääremarja haavata ja kukkus teiste vahele pikali.kui ta teadvusele tuli,siis selgus,et keegi mees oli ta keldrist välja toonud ja oma turjaltassinud ja hulk aega ravinud.seejärel oli juttu patsiendi edasisest saatusest ja rumalast juhusest ,kuidas ta laagrisse sattus.ppikkamööda hakkasime tema peale teistsuguse pilguga vaatama.pidev hematuuria(verekusisus),mille all ta kannatas,sai nüüd selgituse.troonipärijal oli hemofiilia.haige sääremarjal oli ristikujuline arm.lõpuks mõistsime ka keda haige välimus meenutas-nikolai,ḿitte teist,vaid nikolai esimese tunud portreed,mitte hussaarimundris,vaid vatikuues javiltide peale tõmmatud triibulistes pidzaamapükstes.sel ajal külastas meid,konsulteeris professor s.gendelevits.ta oli omaaja parimaid.meie näitasime temale ka oma haiget.2-3 tundi esitas professortalle kõikvõimalikke küsimusi,mida meie ei oskanud esitada,sest meil puudusid selleks vajalikud teadmised,kuid tema oli selles osas kompententne.ta teadis sajanditaguse talvepalee ja linnast väljas olevate residentside ,kõigi ruumide asendit ja otstarvet.ta teadis kõigi tsaari perekonna ja suure dünastia harude liikmete nimesid ja tiitleid,kõiksugu õukonnaameteid j.n.e.konsultant teadis ka õukonnaerinevatetseremooniate ja rituaalide protokolli,erinevate nimepäevade ja teiste sündmuste kuupäevi,mida romanovite peres tähistati.kõigile neile küsimustele vastas haige täiesti täpselt ja pikemalt mõtlemata.tema jaoks oli see elementaarne aabitsatõde.mõnedest vastustest oli märgata ,et tal on selles valdkonnas palju sügavamad teadmised.ta käitus nagu tavaliselt -rahulikult ja väärikalt.seejärel palus konsultant teistel lahkuda.oli selgunud,et haigel oli peit munandilisusa,mille puhul munand ei asu munandikotis.konsultant teadis,et selline iseärasus oli troonipärijal alekseil.(lapselapsel on ka).kaalunud kõili otsuseid kus juures kaasati sellesse arutellu ka eriti tähtsate asajade uurija,-pandi talle diagnoosiks-paranoia.tema saadeti tema siseministeeriumi psühhatriahaiglsasse Karjala ANSV-sse,kus ta vahetult enne surma toodi Moskvasse,kus ta suri.Surma põhjuseks oli üksindus ja mure..see oli selle aja kohta väga humaane otsus.haiglasse saabudes oli ta koguaeg ja mure .sõimanud kedagi belodorudovit.arst oli haigusloos märkinud,et vestluse ajal ta ei varjanud oma päritolu.tema hääletoon ja veendumused lubasid arvata,et talle on tuttav kõrgema seltskonna elu enne 1917.a.f.semjonov rääkis ,et ta on saanud koduse kasvatuse,et ta on endise tsaari poeg,ta pääses siis,kui teised pere liikmed hukati.ta ei teadnud,et anastasia ka pääses.ta toodi leningradi,kus ta seejärel mingi aja elas,teeninud punaarmees ratsaväelasena,õppinud majandusinstituudis bakuus.pärast seda töötanud kesk-aasias,abiellus naisega asja,sündis poeg Mihhail.(1931).ta jutustas,et beloborudov teadis tema saladust ja tegeles temalt väljapressimisega.mingi aja tagant helistas keegi mees ja teatas,et salapärane mees ongi semjonov.teda kutsusid kõik tsaari poijaks.mitte keegi vangide seast et puutunud teda,teda austati.konsultant uuris asjale saadetud kirja aleksei omaga alekseil olid varesejalad ,aga f,semjonovil kauni peene käekirjaga kirjutatud.ta ei saanud aru,kas ta on aleksei või mitte.ta oli hämmelduses........MOSCOW — Ever since the remains of the last czar, Nicholas II, and most of his family were exhumed 25 years ago from a dirt road in the Urals, investigators, historians and surviving members of the Romanov dynasty have anticipated the day when all the murdered royals would be laid to rest.
They thought that moment had finally arrived when a funeral was scheduled last October for two long-lost children — Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria, whose remains were found in nearby woods many years later.
But it was not to be. The Russian Orthodox Church interceded, questioning — not for the first time — whether any of the remains were authentic, and the service was postponed indefinitely. The nearly 100-year saga of murder, mystery and myth lived on.
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Amateurs Unravel Russia’s Last Royal MysteryNOV. 25, 2007
“The problem is that from the historical, scientific and genetic point of view, it is absolutely clear that the remains of the czar and his family are authentic,” said Sergei V. Chapnin, who was fired as editor of The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate in December, partly, he thinks, because he pushed for accepting the remains. “The only statement we hear from the church is, ‘We don’t believe it.’ ”
Nicholas II with his wife and children. CreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images Why the church rejects the evidence assembled thus far, filling some 25 volumes, is one enduring mystery at the center of the case. Senior church officials have never fully explained it; they keep demanding further efforts.
“The church is interested no less than anyone else, and maybe even more than anyone else, to determine the truth in this complicated issue,” Vladimir R. Legoyda, a church spokesman, said at a news conference late last year. “There are questions that still remain and serious ones. So far we just touched the tip of the iceberg.”
In 2000, the church canonized the royal family, upping the ante for authenticating the remains and possibly imposing new funeral rites, in that the relics of saints must be preserved above ground.
“We need to rule out any possibility of a mistake,” Mr. Legoyda said.
At the same news conference, Bishop Tikhon, a shadowy, influential Orthodox figure rumored to be the spiritual guide for President Vladimir V. Putin, cast doubt on the authenticity of the bones by describing various untested theories, as did a historian endorsed by the church.
To take just one of the more outlandish claims, the bishop hinted that the grave of Nicholas’s father, Czar Alexander III, had been vandalized and his bones interred in place of his son.
That theory was quickly disproved. An excavation found Alexander III’s grave had remained undisturbed since his burial in 1894, said Sergei V. Mironenko, the head of the Russian State Archives, which has also been closely involved in the investigation. It was the third time royal bones had been dug up in the course of the investigation.
Nevertheless, Bishop Tikhon suggested on state television in late December that the church investigation was just getting started. “Today we were assured that the scientists will have all the time that they need — let’s say it will be approximately two, three years — but these tests will be carried out professionally and in full,” he said, without specifying what testing or who would be doing it.
The bishop was not available for interviews. Patriarch Kirill, the head of theRussian Orthodox Church, said at a conference of bishops this month that Mr. Putin himself had consented to an open-ended inquiry by the church.
Virtually every expert involved in the case agrees that investigators have pieced together a plausible explanation of what happened to the family, while the church has failed to produce an alternative.
“It is one of the oddest detective stories in Russian history in the last century,” said Ksenia V. Luchenko, a freelance journalist with long experience covering Orthodox Church matters.
Early in the morning of July 17, 1918, the czar, his wife, their five children, as well as their doctor, a cook and two servants, were executed in the basement of a house in Yekaterinburg, in central Russia. The firing squad had the most difficulty killing the czar’s four daughters, because the bullets ricocheted off all the hidden diamonds sewn into their clothing.
In a series of steps that took investigators decades to determine, the executioners first dumped the corpses in a mine, named Ganina Yama in Russian, which had long been thought to be the burial place of their ashes.
The bodies of the 11 victims were actually loaded onto a truck for transport to a deeper mine, however. The vehicle got stuck on a muddy road through a bog. To lighten the load, the bodies of Alexei and Maria were removed and carted off into the forest — burned, doused with acid and buried. The Bolsheviks then decided to inter the rest right there in Old Kaptikovskaya Road.
That main grave was eventually discovered in 1979 by amateur sleuths, and the bodies were finally exhumed in 1991, after the Soviet Union collapsed. The government treated it as a criminal case, assigning it to Vladimir N. Solovyov, at the time a 40-year-old investigator.
It took a year to assemble the skeletons from the jumbled collection of bones, especially since the executioners had tried to disguise the victims by smashing their faces. “The skulls had to be glued together like an antique vase from many small bits,” said Mr. Solovyov, now 65 and still working the case.
In a stroke of luck for the anthropologists doing the work, the czar’s daughters had contracted measles in March 1917 and posed together with shaved heads. The markedly different contours of their skulls were readily visible, speeding identification.
The bullet-riddled skull of Nicholas. The remains of two of the children were found much later and are stored in a state vault. CreditAssociated Press Fragments from the skeletons were shipped to Britain and the United States for DNA testing in government laboratories, Mr. Solovyov said, which confirmed the victims’ identities.
The historical and genetic proof gradually undermined the accumulated myths surrounding the execution, such as the longstanding legend that Grand Duchess Anastasia had somehow escaped. She had not.
In 1998, in St. Petersburg, Nicholas II; his wife, Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna; daughters Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia; and the four retainers killed with them were buried together in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, where all the czars since Peter the Great lie.
The patriarch at that time, Aleksei II, skipped the funeral at the last minute, rejecting the evidence with no explanation. The Orthodox priests who presided did not refer to the deceased by name, saying, “God knows their identity.”
Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria were to be buried in the same grave. Their bone fragments had been tucked away for years inside two small white boxes the size of FedEx mailers, sealed with crime-scene tape and locked into a vault in the state archives in downtown Moscow.
That would seem to have settled things, but the church took custody of the remains in December, declaring for reasons that remain elusive that the case required further study.
“They follow this mythological idea that the state is trying to convince the church that the remains are real although they are false,” Mr. Chapnin said. “What reason would the state have to do that? Nobody knows! People are just against it and that is it, they are not ready for any discussion.”
The most prevalent explanation is that the hierarchy wants to avoid the decision because either choice would alienate key factions.
Rejecting the bones will anger some Orthodox adherents, particularly those outside Russia. Accepting them will incense a conservative domestic faction that believes the Soviet government somehow faked the burial.
“Either decision will cause a scandal, so they would like to postpone it,” Mr. Chapnin said.
Analysts of church affairs place Patriarch Kirill among the doubters, but his reasons remain opaque. Andrei B. Zubov, a renowned historian, said he knew the prelate well enough to engage him on any matter, but when Mr. Zubov asked about the czar’s remains, he changed the subject.
“It was a political decision, not a spiritual or scientific one,” said Mr. Zubov, adding that after years of opposition, the church could not suddenly reverse itself without losing face.
Still, the idea that the church wants to begin an investigation from scratch provokes exasperation.
“They have all kinds of strange ideas why they are not the right remains,” said Paul E. Kulikovsky, 55, a businessman in Moscow who is a great-great-grandson of Czar Alexander III. “If you investigate all the possibilities, that means you have to go on for 100 years because people have come up with 1,000 possibilities.”
The Canadian-born Mr. Kulikovsky, who publishes a monthly newsletter on Romanov affairs, said the vast majority of about 80 Romanov descendants hope to bury Alexei and Maria this winter, whether or not the church deemed the bones authentic.
Ms. Luchenko, the journalist, noted that in death, the two prime adversaries of the 1917 Revolution, the czar and Lenin, are both stuck in limbo.
There has been an endless debate whether the embalmed body of Lenin should be removed from his tomb in Red Square and buried, while the remains of Nicholas II might be preserved above ground if they are ever recognized as holy relics.
Together, the remains represent the unfinished business of a particularly violent, tumultuous century for Russia. Ms. Luchenko said, “Russia cannot say goodbye to its 20th century.”
Alexandra Odynova contributed reporting. ?Miks ei põletetud Nikolaid?Seda oleks olnus palju tähtsam teha.Ikka seepärast ,et 2 laipa olim puudu:poisi ja tüdruku oma.ja briljandid,mis nende juures olid,jäidka nüüd puudu.Seepärast mõtleski Jurovski välja ja pani kirja,et ära põletada 2 laipa poisi ja kellegi naise laip.Kes see naisterahvas oli?Kas Demidova,nagu Jurovski kirjutab?Kuid sel õudsel ööl võisid nad ka segamini ajada.Võib-olla see väidetavalt põletatud naisterahvas ei olnudki Demidova.Igal juhul,pärast seda kui Berliinis ilmus lagedale Anastasia,andis Jermakovi sõber Suhhorrukov Jekaterinburgis kahtlustäratava tunnistuse...Tema väitel,et oli näinud,kuidas põletati 2-he lapse ,Aleksei ja Anastasia laibad!Mitte enam Demidova,naguoli kiejutanud Jurovski,vaid Anastasia. Ljuhhanov loomulikult nägi,kuidas need 2 veoautost maha tõsteti.Ja ta viivitas auto juurde naasemisega-ta tülitses raudteevahiga,et sõdurid jõuaksid nad ära viia.Tema noorema poja nimi oli sammuti Aleksei.poeg rääkis hiljem ,et isa oli armastanud korrata "Jumal suudab kõike"
They are reopening the Romanov Remains: Investigation reopens to ..... Look on my facebook page .. I do not what they Evidence found, but they are reopening the investigation.probably whether Alexei and Fyodor Semenov is one and the same person. Miks ma panin Alekseile 2 nime?12.august 1904-1919 kuni uue nime saamiseni oli ta Aleksei Nikolaevits Romanov Peale terveks ravimist ta ei mäletanud isegi oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.Kuna ta oma nime ei teadnud,siis pandi temale uueks nimeks Fjodor Semjonov,mis oli tema nimeks elu lõpuni(11.november 1980.Sellepärast ma panin temale kaks nime. Mina,Tamara Urmet(Semsugova)(s.31.07/1929.a.kinnitan,et Semsugov Lembitu(s.02.08.1954.a) isa on Mihail Semjonov(s.1931.a.),kes on ühtlasi Fjodor Semjonovi poeg(kes nimetas end tsaari pojsks). See jutt on kirja pandud minu sõnade ja järgi ja vastab tõele. Tamara Urmet(Semsugova) ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokument koostati 6.03.2013.a.ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokumendi originaal on minu käes ja seda ma ei väljasta. lembit semsugov ja my profile-see on üks ja sama isik-LEMBIT SEMSUGOV, ´Это очень важный детайль.И даже канцелария Императорского Дворца, Русского Провославного церковья имееються сомнения об версий об сообщений провителстваРФ. что вся царьского семья погибла.Это офичальное сообщение от Императовского Дворца и Русского Провославного Церковья. Имею документ,где признают,что мой отец есть Михаил Семьёнов и дед есть Фёдор Семьёнов(кто назвал себя сыном царья)Это офичальный документ,где подверждаються своими подписьями.. .KGB tuletas minule nõukogude ajal minule meelde,et ma peaksin suu(ei lobiseks liiga palju).Vastasel juhul lubati mind paigutada sinna kohta,kuhu paigutati minu isapoolne vanaisa Fjodor Semjonov.Ma ei osanud seda juttu millegagi seostada,kuid hiljem sain teada,milles asi on. oma külalist ma hiljem ei näinudki,kuid ma mõtlen talle tihti.Ja ka sellele,mida ta mulle rääkis....See kõik on liiga huvitav...Tõde on hoopis igavam...kuid tundub mulle,külaline teadis märksa rohkem ,kui ta mulle rääkis(autor)...Ja siis meenutan ma Shaksepeare i... On palju asju,sõber Horatio,millest tarkpead pole undki näinud.Ma meenutasin kummalist külalist kohe.kui sain ühe kirja.Mulle kirjutas psühhiaater D.Kaufmann(Petrozavotskist).Jutt on mehest,kes oli mõnda aega ravil Petrozavotski psühhaatria haiglas,kus mina olin raviarst 1946 a.septembrist kuni 1949.a. oktoobrini.,pärast Leningradi II meditsiini instituudi lõpetamist,praegu on see sanitaar hügeeni instituut...Meie haiged olid peamiselt tsiviilisikud ja vangid.,kes olid saaadetud meile ravile või ka kohtu psühhaatrilisse ekspertiisi...edit | history edit | history see kiri on vanaisast alekseist (( fjodor semjonovist).peale mahalaskmist toodi laibad(haavatud)majast välja ja pandi autole.auto mootor laipade(haavatute) tassimise ajal töötas,kuna taheti iga hinna eest varjata tsaaripere hukkamist.üks konvoeerijatest toimetas transpordi ajal 2 haavatut minema. konvoeerijal oli samas vanusaes ja aleksei nimeline poeg.nad toimetati minema transpordi käigus.nad ei jõudnudgi kohale.mõnda kaua raviti teda ja viidi leningradi.sel ajal oli venemaal väga palju orbusid.ta ei teadnud oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.temale pandi nimeks fjodor semjonov,ta teenis punaarmees ratsaväes.hiljem lõpetas bakuu inatituudi ökonomistina.ta suunati kesk-aasiasse,kus ta abiellus naisega asja.neil sündis poeg Mihhail 1931.a.juhusliku rumala vea tõttu ta arreteeriti ja viidi gulagi.gulaagis nimetas ta ennast tsaari pojaks.1947 või 1948.a.talvel saadeti meile järjekorras haige vang.tema seostusjutus vilksatas hüüatuste seas paaril korral põgusalt nimi beloborudov,millele me ei osutanudesialgu mingit tähelepanu,sest see ei öelnud meile midagi.ta püüdis üht naisvangi kaitsta peksu eest.teda valvurid töötlesid Dokumentides oli tema sünniajaks märgitud 1904 aasta ,mis puutuib ees ja perekonnanimesse ,siis neid ma ei mäleta.pAAri,kolme päeva pärast kadusid ägeda psühoosi ilmingud täielikult ,mia on sellise haiguse juures tavaline,Haige oli jälle rahulik ja täiesti kontaktivõimeline.Selge teadvus ja adekvaatne käitumine iseloomustasid teda kogu selle aja jooksul,mis ta meie psühiaatria haiglas viibis.Nii palju kui ma mäletan ,oli tema välimus järgmine:kasv üle keskmine ,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas...Pikliku kahvatu näoga,siniste,pisut pungis silmadega ,kõrge paljaks tõmbunud laubaga,tema väheaed juuksed olid pruunid,hallisegused .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas. .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas.edasi kirjutas naisarst. .Kuid kõige huvitavam oli naisarsti pika kirja lõpp. ,kuidas haige temaga avameelseks muutus.me saime teada,et ta on troonipärija,et jekaterinburgis kiirustades toimunud mahalaskmise ajal embas isa teda ja surus tema näo vastu,et ta EI NÄEKS,KUIDAS TEDA SIHITAKSE.MINU meelest ta isegi ei jõudnud taibata,et toimub midagi kohutavat,sest tulistamiskäsk anti ootamatult,surmaotsuse ettelugemist ta ei kuulnud.talle jäi meelde vaid nimi beloborudov.siis kostsid lasud ,ta sai sääremarja haavata ja kukkus teiste vahele pikali.kui ta teadvusele tuli,siis selgus,et keegi mees oli ta keldrist välja toonud ja oma turjaltassinud ja hulk aega ravinud.seejärel oli juttu patsiendi edasisest saatusest ja rumalast juhusest ,kuidas ta laagrisse sattus.ppikkamööda hakkasime tema peale teistsuguse pilguga vaatama.pidev hematuuria(verekusisus),mille all ta kannatas,sai nüüd selgituse.troonipärijal oli hemofiilia.haige sääremarjal oli ristikujuline arm.lõpuks mõistsime ka keda haige välimus meenutas-nikolai,ḿitte teist,vaid nikolai esimese tunud portreed,mitte hussaarimundris,vaid vatikuues javiltide peale tõmmatud triibulistes pidzaamapükstes.sel ajal külastas meid,konsulteeris professor s.gendelevits.ta oli omaaja parimaid.meie näitasime temale ka oma haiget.2-3 tundi esitas professortalle kõikvõimalikke küsimusi,mida meie ei oskanud esitada,sest meil puudusid selleks vajalikud teadmised,kuid tema oli selles osas kompententne.ta teadis sajanditaguse talvepalee ja linnast väljas olevate residentside ,kõigi ruumide asendit ja otstarvet.ta teadis kõigi tsaari perekonna ja suure dünastia harude liikmete nimesid ja tiitleid,kõiksugu õukonnaameteid j.n.e.konsultant teadis ka õukonnaerinevatetseremooniate ja rituaalide protokolli,erinevate nimepäevade ja teiste sündmuste kuupäevi,mida romanovite peres tähistati.kõigile neile küsimustele vastas haige täiesti täpselt ja pikemalt mõtlemata.tema jaoks oli see elementaarne aabitsatõde.mõnedest vastustest oli märgata ,et tal on selles valdkonnas palju sügavamad teadmised.ta käitus nagu tavaliselt -rahulikult ja väärikalt.seejärel palus konsultant teistel lahkuda.oli selgunud,et haigel oli peit munandilisusa,mille puhul munand ei asu munandikotis.konsultant teadis,et selline iseärasus oli troonipärijal alekseil.(lapselapsel on ka).kaalunud kõili otsuseid kus juures kaasati sellesse arutellu ka eriti tähtsate asajade uurija,-pandi talle diagnoosiks-paranoia.tema saadeti tema siseministeeriumi psühhatriahaiglsasse Karjala ANSV-sse,kus ta vahetult enne surma toodi Moskvasse,kus ta suri.Surma põhjuseks oli üksindus ja mure..see oli selle aja kohta väga humaane otsus.haiglasse saabudes oli ta koguaeg ja mure .sõimanud kedagi belodorudovit.arst oli haigusloos märkinud,et vestluse ajal ta ei varjanud oma päritolu.tema hääletoon ja veendumused lubasid arvata,et talle on tuttav kõrgema seltskonna elu enne 1917.a.f.semjonov rääkis ,et ta on saanud koduse kasvatuse,et ta on endise tsaari poeg,ta pääses siis,kui teised pere liikmed hukati.ta ei teadnud,et anastasia ka pääses.ta toodi leningradi,kus ta seejärel mingi aja elas,teeninud punaarmees ratsaväelasena,õppinud majandusinstituudis bakuus.pärast seda töötanud kesk-aasias,abiellus naisega asja,sündis poeg Mihhail.(1931).ta jutustas,et beloborudov teadis tema saladust ja tegeles temalt väljapressimisega.mingi aja tagant helistas keegi mees ja teatas,et salapärane mees ongi semjonov.teda kutsusid kõik tsaari poijaks.mitte keegi vangide seast et puutunud teda,teda austati.konsultant uuris asjale saadetud kirja aleksei omaga alekseil olid varesejalad ,aga f,semjonovil kauni peene käekirjaga kirjutatud.ta ei saanud aru,kas ta on aleksei või mitte.ta oli hämmelduses........MOSCOW — Ever since the remains of the last czar, Nicholas II, and most of his family were exhumed 25 years ago from a dirt road in the Urals, investigators, historians and surviving members of the Romanov dynasty have anticipated the day when all the murdered royals would be laid to rest.
They thought that moment had finally arrived when a funeral was scheduled last October for two long-lost children — Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria, whose remains were found in nearby woods many years later.
But it was not to be. The Russian Orthodox Church interceded, questioning — not for the first time — whether any of the remains were authentic, and the service was postponed indefinitely. The nearly 100-year saga of murder, mystery and myth lived on.
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Amateurs Unravel Russia’s Last Royal MysteryNOV. 25, 2007
“The problem is that from the historical, scientific and genetic point of view, it is absolutely clear that the remains of the czar and his family are authentic,” said Sergei V. Chapnin, who was fired as editor of The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate in December, partly, he thinks, because he pushed for accepting the remains. “The only statement we hear from the church is, ‘We don’t believe it.’ ”
Nicholas II with his wife and children. CreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images Why the church rejects the evidence assembled thus far, filling some 25 volumes, is one enduring mystery at the center of the case. Senior church officials have never fully explained it; they keep demanding further efforts.
“The church is interested no less than anyone else, and maybe even more than anyone else, to determine the truth in this complicated issue,” Vladimir R. Legoyda, a church spokesman, said at a news conference late last year. “There are questions that still remain and serious ones. So far we just touched the tip of the iceberg.”
In 2000, the church canonized the royal family, upping the ante for authenticating the remains and possibly imposing new funeral rites, in that the relics of saints must be preserved above ground.
“We need to rule out any possibility of a mistake,” Mr. Legoyda said.
At the same news conference, Bishop Tikhon, a shadowy, influential Orthodox figure rumored to be the spiritual guide for President Vladimir V. Putin, cast doubt on the authenticity of the bones by describing various untested theories, as did a historian endorsed by the church.
To take just one of the more outlandish claims, the bishop hinted that the grave of Nicholas’s father, Czar Alexander III, had been vandalized and his bones interred in place of his son.
That theory was quickly disproved. An excavation found Alexander III’s grave had remained undisturbed since his burial in 1894, said Sergei V. Mironenko, the head of the Russian State Archives, which has also been closely involved in the investigation. It was the third time royal bones had been dug up in the course of the investigation.
Nevertheless, Bishop Tikhon suggested on state television in late December that the church investigation was just getting started. “Today we were assured that the scientists will have all the time that they need — let’s say it will be approximately two, three years — but these tests will be carried out professionally and in full,” he said, without specifying what testing or who would be doing it.
The bishop was not available for interviews. Patriarch Kirill, the head of theRussian Orthodox Church, said at a conference of bishops this month that Mr. Putin himself had consented to an open-ended inquiry by the church.
Virtually every expert involved in the case agrees that investigators have pieced together a plausible explanation of what happened to the family, while the church has failed to produce an alternative.
“It is one of the oddest detective stories in Russian history in the last century,” said Ksenia V. Luchenko, a freelance journalist with long experience covering Orthodox Church matters.
Early in the morning of July 17, 1918, the czar, his wife, their five children, as well as their doctor, a cook and two servants, were executed in the basement of a house in Yekaterinburg, in central Russia. The firing squad had the most difficulty killing the czar’s four daughters, because the bullets ricocheted off all the hidden diamonds sewn into their clothing.
In a series of steps that took investigators decades to determine, the executioners first dumped the corpses in a mine, named Ganina Yama in Russian, which had long been thought to be the burial place of their ashes.
The bodies of the 11 victims were actually loaded onto a truck for transport to a deeper mine, however. The vehicle got stuck on a muddy road through a bog. To lighten the load, the bodies of Alexei and Maria were removed and carted off into the forest — burned, doused with acid and buried. The Bolsheviks then decided to inter the rest right there in Old Kaptikovskaya Road.
That main grave was eventually discovered in 1979 by amateur sleuths, and the bodies were finally exhumed in 1991, after the Soviet Union collapsed. The government treated it as a criminal case, assigning it to Vladimir N. Solovyov, at the time a 40-year-old investigator.
It took a year to assemble the skeletons from the jumbled collection of bones, especially since the executioners had tried to disguise the victims by smashing their faces. “The skulls had to be glued together like an antique vase from many small bits,” said Mr. Solovyov, now 65 and still working the case.
In a stroke of luck for the anthropologists doing the work, the czar’s daughters had contracted measles in March 1917 and posed together with shaved heads. The markedly different contours of their skulls were readily visible, speeding identification.
The bullet-riddled skull of Nicholas. The remains of two of the children were found much later and are stored in a state vault. CreditAssociated Press Fragments from the skeletons were shipped to Britain and the United States for DNA testing in government laboratories, Mr. Solovyov said, which confirmed the victims’ identities.
The historical and genetic proof gradually undermined the accumulated myths surrounding the execution, such as the longstanding legend that Grand Duchess Anastasia had somehow escaped. She had not.
In 1998, in St. Petersburg, Nicholas II; his wife, Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna; daughters Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia; and the four retainers killed with them were buried together in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, where all the czars since Peter the Great lie.
The patriarch at that time, Aleksei II, skipped the funeral at the last minute, rejecting the evidence with no explanation. The Orthodox priests who presided did not refer to the deceased by name, saying, “God knows their identity.”
Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria were to be buried in the same grave. Their bone fragments had been tucked away for years inside two small white boxes the size of FedEx mailers, sealed with crime-scene tape and locked into a vault in the state archives in downtown Moscow.
That would seem to have settled things, but the church took custody of the remains in December, declaring for reasons that remain elusive that the case required further study.
“They follow this mythological idea that the state is trying to convince the church that the remains are real although they are false,” Mr. Chapnin said. “What reason would the state have to do that? Nobody knows! People are just against it and that is it, they are not ready for any discussion.”
The most prevalent explanation is that the hierarchy wants to avoid the decision because either choice would alienate key factions.
Rejecting the bones will anger some Orthodox adherents, particularly those outside Russia. Accepting them will incense a conservative domestic faction that believes the Soviet government somehow faked the burial.
“Either decision will cause a scandal, so they would like to postpone it,” Mr. Chapnin said.
Analysts of church affairs place Patriarch Kirill among the doubters, but his reasons remain opaque. Andrei B. Zubov, a renowned historian, said he knew the prelate well enough to engage him on any matter, but when Mr. Zubov asked about the czar’s remains, he changed the subject.
“It was a political decision, not a spiritual or scientific one,” said Mr. Zubov, adding that after years of opposition, the church could not suddenly reverse itself without losing face.
Still, the idea that the church wants to begin an investigation from scratch provokes exasperation.
“They have all kinds of strange ideas why they are not the right remains,” said Paul E. Kulikovsky, 55, a businessman in Moscow who is a great-great-grandson of Czar Alexander III. “If you investigate all the possibilities, that means you have to go on for 100 years because people have come up with 1,000 possibilities.”
The Canadian-born Mr. Kulikovsky, who publishes a monthly newsletter on Romanov affairs, said the vast majority of about 80 Romanov descendants hope to bury Alexei and Maria this winter, whether or not the church deemed the bones authentic.
Ms. Luchenko, the journalist, noted that in death, the two prime adversaries of the 1917 Revolution, the czar and Lenin, are both stuck in limbo.
There has been an endless debate whether the embalmed body of Lenin should be removed from his tomb in Red Square and buried, while the remains of Nicholas II might be preserved above ground if they are ever recognized as holy relics.
Together, the remains represent the unfinished business of a particularly violent, tumultuous century for Russia. Ms. Luchenko said, “Russia cannot say goodbye to its 20th century.”
Alexandra Odynova contributed reporting. ?Miks ei põletetud Nikolaid?Seda oleks olnus palju tähtsam teha.Ikka seepärast ,et 2 laipa olim puudu:poisi ja tüdruku oma.ja briljandid,mis nende juures olid,jäidka nüüd puudu.Seepärast mõtleski Jurovski välja ja pani kirja,et ära põletada 2 laipa poisi ja kellegi naise laip.Kes see naisterahvas oli?Kas Demidova,nagu Jurovski kirjutab?Kuid sel õudsel ööl võisid nad ka segamini ajada.Võib-olla see väidetavalt põletatud naisterahvas ei olnudki Demidova.Igal juhul,pärast seda kui Berliinis ilmus lagedale Anastasia,andis Jermakovi sõber Suhhorrukov Jekaterinburgis kahtlustäratava tunnistuse...Tema väitel,et oli näinud,kuidas põletati 2-he lapse ,Aleksei ja Anastasia laibad!Mitte enam Demidova,naguoli kiejutanud Jurovski,vaid Anastasia. Ljuhhanov loomulikult nägi,kuidas need 2 veoautost maha tõsteti.Ja ta viivitas auto juurde naasemisega-ta tülitses raudteevahiga,et sõdurid jõuaksid nad ära viia.Tema noorema poja nimi oli sammuti Aleksei.poeg rääkis hiljem ,et isa oli armastanud korrata "Jumal suudab kõike"
They are reopening the Romanov Remains: Investigation reopens to ..... Look on my facebook page .. I do not what they Evidence found, but they are reopening the investigation.probably whether Alexei and Fyodor Semenov is one and the same person. Miks ma panin Alekseile 2 nime?12.august 1904-1919 kuni uue nime saamiseni oli ta Aleksei Nikolaevits Romanov Peale terveks ravimist ta ei mäletanud isegi oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.Kuna ta oma nime ei teadnud,siis pandi temale uueks nimeks Fjodor Semjonov,mis oli tema nimeks elu lõpuni(11.november 1980.Sellepärast ma panin temale kaks nime. Mina,Tamara Urmet(Semsugova)(s.31.07/1929.a.kinnitan,et Semsugov Lembitu(s.02.08.1954.a) isa on Mihail Semjonov(s.1931.a.),kes on ühtlasi Fjodor Semjonovi poeg(kes nimetas end tsaari pojsks). See jutt on kirja pandud minu sõnade ja järgi ja vastab tõele. Tamara Urmet(Semsugova) ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokument koostati 6.03.2013.a.ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokumendi originaal on minu käes ja seda ma ei väljasta. lembit semsugov ja my profile-see on üks ja sama isik-LEMBIT SEMSUGOV, ´Это очень важный детайль.И даже канцелария Императорского Дворца, Русского Провославного церковья имееються сомнения об версий об сообщений провителстваРФ. что вся царьского семья погибла.Это офичальное сообщение от Императовского Дворца и Русского Провославного Церковья. Имею документ,где признают,что мой отец есть Михаил Семьёнов и дед есть Фёдор Семьёнов(кто назвал себя сыном царья)Это офичальный документ,где подверждаються своими подписьями.. .KGB tuletas minule nõukogude ajal minule meelde,et ma peaksin suu(ei lobiseks liiga palju).Vastasel juhul lubati mind paigutada sinna kohta,kuhu paigutati minu isapoolne vanaisa Fjodor Semjonov.Ma ei osanud seda juttu millegagi seostada,kuid hiljem sain teada,milles asi on. oma külalist ma hiljem ei näinudki,kuid ma mõtlen talle tihti.Ja ka sellele,mida ta mulle rääkis....See kõik on liiga huvitav...Tõde on hoopis igavam...kuid tundub mulle,külaline teadis märksa rohkem ,kui ta mulle rääkis(autor)...Ja siis meenutan ma Shaksepeare i... On palju asju,sõber Horatio,millest tarkpead pole undki näinud.Ma meenutasin kummalist külalist kohe.kui sain ühe kirja.Mulle kirjutas psühhiaater D.Kaufmann(Petrozavotskist).Jutt on mehest,kes oli mõnda aega ravil Petrozavotski psühhaatria haiglas,kus mina olin raviarst 1946 a.septembrist kuni 1949.a. oktoobrini.,pärast Leningradi II meditsiini instituudi lõpetamist,praegu on see sanitaar hügeeni instituut...Meie haiged olid peamiselt tsiviilisikud ja vangid.,kes olid saaadetud meile ravile või ka kohtu psühhaatrilisse ekspertiisi...edit | history edit | history see kiri on vanaisast alekseist (( fjodor semjonovist).peale mahalaskmist toodi laibad(haavatud)majast välja ja pandi autole.auto mootor laipade(haavatute) tassimise ajal töötas,kuna taheti iga hinna eest varjata tsaaripere hukkamist.üks konvoeerijatest toimetas transpordi ajal 2 haavatut minema. konvoeerijal oli samas vanusaes ja aleksei nimeline poeg.nad toimetati minema transpordi käigus.nad ei jõudnudgi kohale.mõnda kaua raviti teda ja viidi leningradi.sel ajal oli venemaal väga palju orbusid.ta ei teadnud oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.temale pandi nimeks fjodor semjonov,ta teenis punaarmees ratsaväes.hiljem lõpetas bakuu inatituudi ökonomistina.ta suunati kesk-aasiasse,kus ta abiellus naisega asja.neil sündis poeg Mihhail 1931.a.juhusliku rumala vea tõttu ta arreteeriti ja viidi gulagi.gulaagis nimetas ta ennast tsaari pojaks.1947 või 1948.a.talvel saadeti meile järjekorras haige vang.tema seostusjutus vilksatas hüüatuste seas paaril korral põgusalt nimi beloborudov,millele me ei osutanudesialgu mingit tähelepanu,sest see ei öelnud meile midagi.ta püüdis üht naisvangi kaitsta peksu eest.teda valvurid töötlesid Dokumentides oli tema sünniajaks märgitud 1904 aasta ,mis puutuib ees ja perekonnanimesse ,siis neid ma ei mäleta.pAAri,kolme päeva pärast kadusid ägeda psühoosi ilmingud täielikult ,mia on sellise haiguse juures tavaline,Haige oli jälle rahulik ja täiesti kontaktivõimeline.Selge teadvus ja adekvaatne käitumine iseloomustasid teda kogu selle aja jooksul,mis ta meie psühiaatria haiglas viibis.Nii palju kui ma mäletan ,oli tema välimus järgmine:kasv üle keskmine ,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas...Pikliku kahvatu näoga,siniste,pisut pungis silmadega ,kõrge paljaks tõmbunud laubaga,tema väheaed juuksed olid pruunid,hallisegused .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas. .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas.edasi kirjutas naisarst. .Kuid kõige huvitavam oli naisarsti pika kirja lõpp. ,kuidas haige temaga avameelseks muutus.me saime teada,et ta on troonipärija,et jekaterinburgis kiirustades toimunud mahalaskmise ajal embas isa teda ja surus tema näo vastu,et ta EI NÄEKS,KUIDAS TEDA SIHITAKSE.MINU meelest ta isegi ei jõudnud taibata,et toimub midagi kohutavat,sest tulistamiskäsk anti ootamatult,surmaotsuse ettelugemist ta ei kuulnud.talle jäi meelde vaid nimi beloborudov.siis kostsid lasud ,ta sai sääremarja haavata ja kukkus teiste vahele pikali.kui ta teadvusele tuli,siis selgus,et keegi mees oli ta keldrist välja toonud ja oma turjaltassinud ja hulk aega ravinud.seejärel oli juttu patsiendi edasisest saatusest ja rumalast juhusest ,kuidas ta laagrisse sattus.ppikkamööda hakkasime tema peale teistsuguse pilguga vaatama.pidev hematuuria(verekusisus),mille all ta kannatas,sai nüüd selgituse.troonipärijal oli hemofiilia.haige sääremarjal oli ristikujuline arm.lõpuks mõistsime ka keda haige välimus meenutas-nikolai,ḿitte teist,vaid nikolai esimese tunud portreed,mitte hussaarimundris,vaid vatikuues javiltide peale tõmmatud triibulistes pidzaamapükstes.sel ajal külastas meid,konsulteeris professor s.gendelevits.ta oli omaaja parimaid.meie näitasime temale ka oma haiget.2-3 tundi esitas professortalle kõikvõimalikke küsimusi,mida meie ei oskanud esitada,sest meil puudusid selleks vajalikud teadmised,kuid tema oli selles osas kompententne.ta teadis sajanditaguse talvepalee ja linnast väljas olevate residentside ,kõigi ruumide asendit ja otstarvet.ta teadis kõigi tsaari perekonna ja suure dünastia harude liikmete nimesid ja tiitleid,kõiksugu õukonnaameteid j.n.e.konsultant teadis ka õukonnaerinevatetseremooniate ja rituaalide protokolli,erinevate nimepäevade ja teiste sündmuste kuupäevi,mida romanovite peres tähistati.kõigile neile küsimustele vastas haige täiesti täpselt ja pikemalt mõtlemata.tema jaoks oli see elementaarne aabitsatõde.mõnedest vastustest oli märgata ,et tal on selles valdkonnas palju sügavamad teadmised.ta käitus nagu tavaliselt -rahulikult ja väärikalt.seejärel palus konsultant teistel lahkuda.oli selgunud,et haigel oli peit munandilisusa,mille puhul munand ei asu munandikotis.konsultant teadis,et selline iseärasus oli troonipärijal alekseil.(lapselapsel on ka).kaalunud kõili otsuseid kus juures kaasati sellesse arutellu ka eriti tähtsate asajade uurija,-pandi talle diagnoosiks-paranoia.tema saadeti tema siseministeeriumi psühhatriahaiglsasse Karjala ANSV-sse,kus ta vahetult enne surma toodi Moskvasse,kus ta suri.Surma põhjuseks oli üksindus ja mure..see oli selle aja kohta väga humaane otsus.haiglasse saabudes oli ta koguaeg ja mure .sõimanud kedagi belodorudovit.arst oli haigusloos märkinud,et vestluse ajal ta ei varjanud oma päritolu.tema hääletoon ja veendumused lubasid arvata,et talle on tuttav kõrgema seltskonna elu enne 1917.a.f.semjonov rääkis ,et ta on saanud koduse kasvatuse,et ta on endise tsaari poeg,ta pääses siis,kui teised pere liikmed hukati.ta ei teadnud,et anastasia ka pääses.ta toodi leningradi,kus ta seejärel mingi aja elas,teeninud punaarmees ratsaväelasena,õppinud majandusinstituudis bakuus.pärast seda töötanud kesk-aasias,abiellus naisega asja,sündis poeg Mihhail.(1931).ta jutustas,et beloborudov teadis tema saladust ja tegeles temalt väljapressimisega.mingi aja tagant helistas keegi mees ja teatas,et salapärane mees ongi semjonov.teda kutsusid kõik tsaari poijaks.mitte keegi vangide seast et puutunud teda,teda austati.konsultant uuris asjale saadetud kirja aleksei omaga alekseil olid varesejalad ,aga f,semjonovil kauni peene käekirjaga kirjutatud.ta ei saanud aru,kas ta on aleksei või mitte.ta oli hämmelduses........MOSCOW — Ever since the remains of the last czar, Nicholas II, and most of his family were exhumed 25 years ago from a dirt road in the Urals, investigators, historians and surviving members of the Romanov dynasty have anticipated the day when all the murdered royals would be laid to rest. They thought that moment had finally arrived when a funeral was scheduled last October for two long-lost children — Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria, whose remains were found in nearby woods many years later.
But it was not to be. The Russian Orthodox Church interceded, questioning — not for the first time — whether any of the remains were authentic, and the service was postponed indefinitely. The nearly 100-year saga of murder, mystery and myth lived on.
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Amateurs Unravel Russia’s Last Royal MysteryNOV. 25, 2007
“The problem is that from the historical, scientific and genetic point of view, it is absolutely clear that the remains of the czar and his family are authentic,” said Sergei V. Chapnin, who was fired as editor of The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate in December, partly, he thinks, because he pushed for accepting the remains. “The only statement we hear from the church is, ‘We don’t believe it.’ ”
Nicholas II with his wife and children. CreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images Why the church rejects the evidence assembled thus far, filling some 25 volumes, is one enduring mystery at the center of the case. Senior church officials have never fully explained it; they keep demanding further efforts.
“The church is interested no less than anyone else, and maybe even more than anyone else, to determine the truth in this complicated issue,” Vladimir R. Legoyda, a church spokesman, said at a news conference late last year. “There are questions that still remain and serious ones. So far we just touched the tip of the iceberg.”
In 2000, the church canonized the royal family, upping the ante for authenticating the remains and possibly imposing new funeral rites, in that the relics of saints must be preserved above ground.
“We need to rule out any possibility of a mistake,” Mr. Legoyda said.
At the same news conference, Bishop Tikhon, a shadowy, influential Orthodox figure rumored to be the spiritual guide for President Vladimir V. Putin, cast doubt on the authenticity of the bones by describing various untested theories, as did a historian endorsed by the church.
To take just one of the more outlandish claims, the bishop hinted that the grave of Nicholas’s father, Czar Alexander III, had been vandalized and his bones interred in place of his son.
That theory was quickly disproved. An excavation found Alexander III’s grave had remained undisturbed since his burial in 1894, said Sergei V. Mironenko, the head of the Russian State Archives, which has also been closely involved in the investigation. It was the third time royal bones had been dug up in the course of the investigation.
Nevertheless, Bishop Tikhon suggested on state television in late December that the church investigation was just getting started. “Today we were assured that the scientists will have all the time that they need — let’s say it will be approximately two, three years — but these tests will be carried out professionally and in full,” he said, without specifying what testing or who would be doing it.
The bishop was not available for interviews. Patriarch Kirill, the head of theRussian Orthodox Church, said at a conference of bishops this month that Mr. Putin himself had consented to an open-ended inquiry by the church.
Virtually every expert involved in the case agrees that investigators have pieced together a plausible explanation of what happened to the family, while the church has failed to produce an alternative.
“It is one of the oddest detective stories in Russian history in the last century,” said Ksenia V. Luchenko, a freelance journalist with long experience covering Orthodox Church matters.
Early in the morning of July 17, 1918, the czar, his wife, their five children, as well as their doctor, a cook and two servants, were executed in the basement of a house in Yekaterinburg, in central Russia. The firing squad had the most difficulty killing the czar’s four daughters, because the bullets ricocheted off all the hidden diamonds sewn into their clothing.
In a series of steps that took investigators decades to determine, the executioners first dumped the corpses in a mine, named Ganina Yama in Russian, which had long been thought to be the burial place of their ashes.
The bodies of the 11 victims were actually loaded onto a truck for transport to a deeper mine, however. The vehicle got stuck on a muddy road through a bog. To lighten the load, the bodies of Alexei and Maria were removed and carted off into the forest — burned, doused with acid and buried. The Bolsheviks then decided to inter the rest right there in Old Kaptikovskaya Road.
That main grave was eventually discovered in 1979 by amateur sleuths, and the bodies were finally exhumed in 1991, after the Soviet Union collapsed. The government treated it as a criminal case, assigning it to Vladimir N. Solovyov, at the time a 40-year-old investigator.
It took a year to assemble the skeletons from the jumbled collection of bones, especially since the executioners had tried to disguise the victims by smashing their faces. “The skulls had to be glued together like an antique vase from many small bits,” said Mr. Solovyov, now 65 and still working the case.
In a stroke of luck for the anthropologists doing the work, the czar’s daughters had contracted measles in March 1917 and posed together with shaved heads. The markedly different contours of their skulls were readily visible, speeding identification.
The bullet-riddled skull of Nicholas. The remains of two of the children were found much later and are stored in a state vault. CreditAssociated Press Fragments from the skeletons were shipped to Britain and the United States for DNA testing in government laboratories, Mr. Solovyov said, which confirmed the victims’ identities.
The historical and genetic proof gradually undermined the accumulated myths surrounding the execution, such as the longstanding legend that Grand Duchess Anastasia had somehow escaped. She had not.
In 1998, in St. Petersburg, Nicholas II; his wife, Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna; daughters Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia; and the four retainers killed with them were buried together in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, where all the czars since Peter the Great lie.
The patriarch at that time, Aleksei II, skipped the funeral at the last minute, rejecting the evidence with no explanation. The Orthodox priests who presided did not refer to the deceased by name, saying, “God knows their identity.”
Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria were to be buried in the same grave. Their bone fragments had been tucked away for years inside two small white boxes the size of FedEx mailers, sealed with crime-scene tape and locked into a vault in the state archives in downtown Moscow.
That would seem to have settled things, but the church took custody of the remains in December, declaring for reasons that remain elusive that the case required further study.
“They follow this mythological idea that the state is trying to convince the church that the remains are real although they are false,” Mr. Chapnin said. “What reason would the state have to do that? Nobody knows! People are just against it and that is it, they are not ready for any discussion.”
The most prevalent explanation is that the hierarchy wants to avoid the decision because either choice would alienate key factions.
Rejecting the bones will anger some Orthodox adherents, particularly those outside Russia. Accepting them will incense a conservative domestic faction that believes the Soviet government somehow faked the burial.
“Either decision will cause a scandal, so they would like to postpone it,” Mr. Chapnin said.
Analysts of church affairs place Patriarch Kirill among the doubters, but his reasons remain opaque. Andrei B. Zubov, a renowned historian, said he knew the prelate well enough to engage him on any matter, but when Mr. Zubov asked about the czar’s remains, he changed the subject.
“It was a political decision, not a spiritual or scientific one,” said Mr. Zubov, adding that after years of opposition, the church could not suddenly reverse itself without losing face.
Still, the idea that the church wants to begin an investigation from scratch provokes exasperation.
“They have all kinds of strange ideas why they are not the right remains,” said Paul E. Kulikovsky, 55, a businessman in Moscow who is a great-great-grandson of Czar Alexander III. “If you investigate all the possibilities, that means you have to go on for 100 years because people have come up with 1,000 possibilities.”
The Canadian-born Mr. Kulikovsky, who publishes a monthly newsletter on Romanov affairs, said the vast majority of about 80 Romanov descendants hope to bury Alexei and Maria this winter, whether or not the church deemed the bones authentic.
Ms. Luchenko, the journalist, noted that in death, the two prime adversaries of the 1917 Revolution, the czar and Lenin, are both stuck in limbo.
There has been an endless debate whether the embalmed body of Lenin should be removed from his tomb in Red Square and buried, while the remains of Nicholas II might be preserved above ground if they are ever recognized as holy relics.
Together, the remains represent the unfinished business of a particularly violent, tumultuous century for Russia. Ms. Luchenko said, “Russia cannot say goodbye to its 20th century.”
Alexandra Odynova contributed reporting. ?Miks ei põletetud Nikolaid?Seda oleks olnus palju tähtsam teha.Ikka seepärast ,et 2 laipa olim puudu:poisi ja tüdruku oma.ja briljandid,mis nende juures olid,jäidka nüüd puudu.Seepärast mõtleski Jurovski välja ja pani kirja,et ära põletada 2 laipa poisi ja kellegi naise laip.Kes see naisterahvas oli?Kas Demidova,nagu Jurovski kirjutab?Kuid sel õudsel ööl võisid nad ka segamini ajada.Võib-olla see väidetavalt põletatud naisterahvas ei olnudki Demidova.Igal juhul,pärast seda kui Berliinis ilmus lagedale Anastasia,andis Jermakovi sõber Suhhorrukov Jekaterinburgis kahtlustäratava tunnistuse...Tema väitel,et oli näinud,kuidas põletati 2-he lapse ,Aleksei ja Anastasia laibad!Mitte enam Demidova,naguoli kiejutanud Jurovski,vaid Anastasia. Ljuhhanov loomulikult nägi,kuidas need 2 veoautost maha tõsteti.Ja ta viivitas auto juurde naasemisega-ta tülitses raudteevahiga,et sõdurid jõuaksid nad ära viia.Tema noorema poja nimi oli sammuti Aleksei.poeg rääkis hiljem ,et isa oli armastanud korrata "Jumal suudab kõike"
....Miks ma panin Alekseile 2 nime?12.august 1904-1919 kuni uue nime saamiseni oli ta Aleksei Nikolaevits Romanov Peale terveks ravimist ta ei mäletanud isegi oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.Kuna ta oma nime ei teadnud,siis pandi temale uueks nimeks Fjodor Semjonov,mis oli tema nimeks elu lõpuni(11.november 1980.Sellepärast ma panin temale kaks nime. Mina,Tamara Urmet(Semsugova)(s.31.07/1929.a.kinnitan,et Semsugov Lembitu(s.02.08.1954.a) isa on Mihail Semjonov(s.1931.a.),kes on ühtlasi Fjodor Semjonovi poeg(kes nimetas end tsaari pojsks). See jutt on kirja pandud minu sõnade ja järgi ja vastab tõele. Tamara Urmet(Semsugova) ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokument koostati 6.03.2013.a.ALLKIRI.Tamara Urmet.Dokumendi originaal on minu käes ja seda ma ei väljasta. lembit semsugov ja my profile-see on üks ja sama isik-LEMBIT SEMSUGOV, ´Это очень важный детайль.И даже канцелария Императорского Дворца, Русского Провославного церковья имееються сомнения об версий об сообщений провителстваРФ. что вся царьского семья погибла.Это офичальное сообщение от Императовского Дворца и Русского Провославного Церковья. Имею документ,где признают,что мой отец есть Михаил Семьёнов и дед есть Фёдор Семьёнов(кто назвал себя сыном царья)Это офичальный документ,где подверждаються своими подписьями.. .KGB tuletas minule nõukogude ajal minule meelde,et ma peaksin suu(ei lobiseks liiga palju).Vastasel juhul lubati mind paigutada sinna kohta,kuhu paigutati minu isapoolne vanaisa Fjodor Semjonov.Ma ei osanud seda juttu millegagi seostada,kuid hiljem sain teada,milles asi on. oma külalist ma hiljem ei näinudki,kuid ma mõtlen talle tihti.Ja ka sellele,mida ta mulle rääkis....See kõik on liiga huvitav...Tõde on hoopis igavam...kuid tundub mulle,külaline teadis märksa rohkem ,kui ta mulle rääkis(autor)...Ja siis meenutan ma Shaksepeare i... On palju asju,sõber Horatio,millest tarkpead pole undki näinud.Ma meenutasin kummalist külalist kohe.kui sain ühe kirja.Mulle kirjutas psühhiaater D.Kaufmann(Petrozavotskist).Jutt on mehest,kes oli mõnda aega ravil Petrozavotski psühhaatria haiglas,kus mina olin raviarst 1946 a.septembrist kuni 1949.a. oktoobrini.,pärast Leningradi II meditsiini instituudi lõpetamist,praegu on see sanitaar hügeeni instituut...Meie haiged olid peamiselt tsiviilisikud ja vangid.,kes olid saaadetud meile ravile või ka kohtu psühhaatrilisse ekspertiisi...edit | history edit | history see kiri on vanaisast alekseist (( fjodor semjonovist).peale mahalaskmist toodi laibad(haavatud)majast välja ja pandi autole.auto mootor laipade(haavatute) tassimise ajal töötas,kuna taheti iga hinna eest varjata tsaaripere hukkamist.üks konvoeerijatest toimetas transpordi ajal 2 haavatut minema. konvoeerijal oli samas vanusaes ja aleksei nimeline poeg.nad toimetati minema transpordi käigus.nad ei jõudnudgi kohale.mõnda kaua raviti teda ja viidi leningradi.sel ajal oli venemaal väga palju orbusid.ta ei teadnud oma nime ja kust ta pärit oli.temale pandi nimeks fjodor semjonov,ta teenis punaarmees ratsaväes.hiljem lõpetas bakuu inatituudi ökonomistina.ta suunati kesk-aasiasse,kus ta abiellus naisega asja.neil sündis poeg Mihhail 1931.a.juhusliku rumala vea tõttu ta arreteeriti ja viidi gulagi.gulaagis nimetas ta ennast tsaari pojaks.1947 või 1948.a.talvel saadeti meile järjekorras haige vang.tema seostusjutus vilksatas hüüatuste seas paaril korral põgusalt nimi beloborudov,millele me ei osutanudesialgu mingit tähelepanu,sest see ei öelnud meile midagi.ta püüdis üht naisvangi kaitsta peksu eest.teda valvurid töötlesid Dokumentides oli tema sünniajaks märgitud 1904 aasta ,mis puutuib ees ja perekonnanimesse ,siis neid ma ei mäleta.pAAri,kolme päeva pärast kadusid ägeda psühoosi ilmingud täielikult ,mia on sellise haiguse juures tavaline,Haige oli jälle rahulik ja täiesti kontaktivõimeline.Selge teadvus ja adekvaatne käitumine iseloomustasid teda kogu selle aja jooksul,mis ta meie psühiaatria haiglas viibis.Nii palju kui ma mäletan ,oli tema välimus järgmine:kasv üle keskmine ,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas...Pikliku kahvatu näoga,siniste,pisut pungis silmadega ,kõrge paljaks tõmbunud laubaga,tema väheaed juuksed olid pruunid,hallisegused .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas. .haige oli mõne aja pärast kontaktivõimeline.ta meenutas üle keskmist kasvu,tugeva kehaehitusega,laugete õlgadega,pisut kühmas.edasi kirjutas naisarst. .Kuid kõige huvitavam oli naisarsti pika kirja lõpp. ,kuidas haige temaga avameelseks muutus.me saime teada,et ta on troonipärija,et jekaterinburgis kiirustades toimunud mahalaskmise ajal embas isa teda ja surus tema näo vastu,et ta EI NÄEKS,KUIDAS TEDA SIHITAKSE.MINU meelest ta isegi ei jõudnud taibata,et toimub midagi kohutavat,sest tulistamiskäsk anti ootamatult,surmaotsuse ettelugemist ta ei kuulnud.talle jäi meelde vaid nimi beloborudov.siis kostsid lasud ,ta sai sääremarja haavata ja kukkus teiste vahele pikali.kui ta teadvusele tuli,siis selgus,et keegi mees oli ta keldrist välja toonud ja oma turjaltassinud ja hulk aega ravinud.seejärel oli juttu patsiendi edasisest saatusest ja rumalast juhusest ,kuidas ta laagrisse sattus.ppikkamööda hakkasime tema peale teistsuguse pilguga vaatama.pidev hematuuria(verekusisus),mille all ta kannatas,sai nüüd selgituse.troonipärijal oli hemofiilia.haige sääremarjal oli ristikujuline arm.lõpuks mõistsime ka keda haige välimus meenutas-nikolai,ḿitte teist,vaid nikolai esimese tunud portreed,mitte hussaarimundris,vaid vatikuues javiltide peale tõmmatud triibulistes pidzaamapükstes.sel ajal külastas meid,konsulteeris professor s.gendelevits.ta oli omaaja parimaid.meie näitasime temale ka oma haiget.2-3 tundi esitas professortalle kõikvõimalikke küsimusi,mida meie ei oskanud esitada,sest meil puudusid selleks vajalikud teadmised,kuid tema oli selles osas kompententne.ta teadis sajanditaguse talvepalee ja linnast väljas olevate residentside ,kõigi ruumide asendit ja otstarvet.ta teadis kõigi tsaari perekonna ja suure dünastia harude liikmete nimesid ja tiitleid,kõiksugu õukonnaameteid j.n.e.konsultant teadis ka õukonnaerinevatetseremooniate ja rituaalide protokolli,erinevate nimepäevade ja teiste sündmuste kuupäevi,mida romanovite peres tähistati.kõigile neile küsimustele vastas haige täiesti täpselt ja pikemalt mõtlemata.tema jaoks oli see elementaarne aabitsatõde.mõnedest vastustest oli märgata ,et tal on selles valdkonnas palju sügavamad teadmised.ta käitus nagu tavaliselt -rahulikult ja väärikalt.seejärel palus konsultant teistel lahkuda.oli selgunud,et haigel oli peit munandilisusa,mille puhul munand ei asu munandikotis.konsultant teadis,et selline iseärasus oli troonipärijal alekseil.(lapselapsel on ka).kaalunud kõili otsuseid kus juures kaasati sellesse arutellu ka eriti tähtsate asajade uurija,-pandi talle diagnoosiks-paranoia.tema saadeti tema siseministeeriumi psühhatriahaiglsasse Karjala ANSV-sse,kus ta vahetult enne surma toodi Moskvasse,kus ta suri.Surma põhjuseks oli üksindus ja mure..see oli selle aja kohta väga humaane otsus.haiglasse saabudes oli ta koguaeg ja mure .sõimanud kedagi belodorudovit.arst oli haigusloos märkinud,et vestluse ajal ta ei varjanud oma päritolu.tema hääletoon ja veendumused lubasid arvata,et talle on tuttav kõrgema seltskonna elu enne 1917.a.f.semjonov rääkis ,et ta on saanud koduse kasvatuse,et ta on endise tsaari poeg,ta pääses siis,kui teised pere liikmed hukati.ta ei teadnud,et anastasia ka pääses.ta toodi leningradi,kus ta seejärel mingi aja elas,teeninud punaarmees ratsaväelasena,õppinud majandusinstituudis bakuus.pärast seda töötanud kesk-aasias,abiellus naisega asja,sündis poeg Mihhail.(1931).ta jutustas,et beloborudov teadis tema saladust ja tegeles temalt väljapressimisega.mingi aja tagant helistas keegi mees ja teatas,et salapärane mees ongi semjonov.teda kutsusid kõik tsaari poijaks.mitte keegi vangide seast et puutunud teda,teda austati.konsultant uuris asjale saadetud kirja aleksei omaga alekseil olid varesejalad ,aga f,semjonovil kauni peene käekirjaga kirjutatud.ta ei saanud aru,kas ta on aleksei või mitte.ta oli hämmelduses.......MOSCOW — Ever since the remains of the last czar, Nicholas II, and most of his family were exhumed 25 years ago from a dirt road in the Urals, investigators, historians and surviving members of the Romanov dynasty have anticipated the day when all the murdered royals would be laid to rest.
They thought that moment had finally arrived when a funeral was scheduled last October for two long-lost children — Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria, whose remains were found in nearby woods many years later.
But it was not to be. The Russian Orthodox Church interceded, questioning — not for the first time — whether any of the remains were authentic, and the service was postponed indefinitely. The nearly 100-year saga of murder, mystery and myth lived on.
Continue reading the main story RELATED COVERAGE
Amateurs Unravel Russia’s Last Royal MysteryNOV. 25, 2007
“The problem is that from the historical, scientific and genetic point of view, it is absolutely clear that the remains of the czar and his family are authentic,” said Sergei V. Chapnin, who was fired as editor of The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate in December, partly, he thinks, because he pushed for accepting the remains. “The only statement we hear from the church is, ‘We don’t believe it.’ ”
Nicholas II with his wife and children. CreditAgence France-Presse — Getty Images Why the church rejects the evidence assembled thus far, filling some 25 volumes, is one enduring mystery at the center of the case. Senior church officials have never fully explained it; they keep demanding further efforts.
“The church is interested no less than anyone else, and maybe even more than anyone else, to determine the truth in this complicated issue,” Vladimir R. Legoyda, a church spokesman, said at a news conference late last year. “There are questions that still remain and serious ones. So far we just touched the tip of the iceberg.”
In 2000, the church canonized the royal family, upping the ante for authenticating the remains and possibly imposing new funeral rites, in that the relics of saints must be preserved above ground.
“We need to rule out any possibility of a mistake,” Mr. Legoyda said.
At the same news conference, Bishop Tikhon, a shadowy, influential Orthodox figure rumored to be the spiritual guide for President Vladimir V. Putin, cast doubt on the authenticity of the bones by describing various untested theories, as did a historian endorsed by the church.
To take just one of the more outlandish claims, the bishop hinted that the grave of Nicholas’s father, Czar Alexander III, had been vandalized and his bones interred in place of his son.
That theory was quickly disproved. An excavation found Alexander III’s grave had remained undisturbed since his burial in 1894, said Sergei V. Mironenko, the head of the Russian State Archives, which has also been closely involved in the investigation. It was the third time royal bones had been dug up in the course of the investigation.
Nevertheless, Bishop Tikhon suggested on state television in late December that the church investigation was just getting started. “Today we were assured that the scientists will have all the time that they need — let’s say it will be approximately two, three years — but these tests will be carried out professionally and in full,” he said, without specifying what testing or who would be doing it.
The bishop was not available for interviews. Patriarch Kirill, the head of theRussian Orthodox Church, said at a conference of bishops this month that Mr. Putin himself had consented to an open-ended inquiry by the church.
Virtually every expert involved in the case agrees that investigators have pieced together a plausible explanation of what happened to the family, while the church has failed to produce an alternative.
“It is one of the oddest detective stories in Russian history in the last century,” said Ksenia V. Luchenko, a freelance journalist with long experience covering Orthodox Church matters.
Early in the morning of July 17, 1918, the czar, his wife, their five children, as well as their doctor, a cook and two servants, were executed in the basement of a house in Yekaterinburg, in central Russia. The firing squad had the most difficulty killing the czar’s four daughters, because the bullets ricocheted off all the hidden diamonds sewn into their clothing.
In a series of steps that took investigators decades to determine, the executioners first dumped the corpses in a mine, named Ganina Yama in Russian, which had long been thought to be the burial place of their ashes.
The bodies of the 11 victims were actually loaded onto a truck for transport to a deeper mine, however. The vehicle got stuck on a muddy road through a bog. To lighten the load, the bodies of Alexei and Maria were removed and carted off into the forest — burned, doused with acid and buried. The Bolsheviks then decided to inter the rest right there in Old Kaptikovskaya Road.
That main grave was eventually discovered in 1979 by amateur sleuths, and the bodies were finally exhumed in 1991, after the Soviet Union collapsed. The government treated it as a criminal case, assigning it to Vladimir N. Solovyov, at the time a 40-year-old investigator.
It took a year to assemble the skeletons from the jumbled collection of bones, especially since the executioners had tried to disguise the victims by smashing their faces. “The skulls had to be glued together like an antique vase from many small bits,” said Mr. Solovyov, now 65 and still working the case.
In a stroke of luck for the anthropologists doing the work, the czar’s daughters had contracted measles in March 1917 and posed together with shaved heads. The markedly different contours of their skulls were readily visible, speeding identification.
The bullet-riddled skull of Nicholas. The remains of two of the children were found much later and are stored in a state vault. CreditAssociated Press Fragments from the skeletons were shipped to Britain and the United States for DNA testing in government laboratories, Mr. Solovyov said, which confirmed the victims’ identities.
The historical and genetic proof gradually undermined the accumulated myths surrounding the execution, such as the longstanding legend that Grand Duchess Anastasia had somehow escaped. She had not.
In 1998, in St. Petersburg, Nicholas II; his wife, Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna; daughters Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia; and the four retainers killed with them were buried together in St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, where all the czars since Peter the Great lie.
The patriarch at that time, Aleksei II, skipped the funeral at the last minute, rejecting the evidence with no explanation. The Orthodox priests who presided did not refer to the deceased by name, saying, “God knows their identity.”
Czarevitch Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria were to be buried in the same grave. Their bone fragments had been tucked away for years inside two small white boxes the size of FedEx mailers, sealed with crime-scene tape and locked into a vault in the state archives in downtown Moscow.
That would seem to have settled things, but the church took custody of the remains in December, declaring for reasons that remain elusive that the case required further study.
“They follow this mythological idea that the state is trying to convince the church that the remains are real although they are false,” Mr. Chapnin said. “What reason would the state have to do that? Nobody knows! People are just against it and that is it, they are not ready for any discussion.”
The most prevalent explanation is that the hierarchy wants to avoid the decision because either choice would alienate key factions.
Rejecting the bones will anger some Orthodox adherents, particularly those outside Russia. Accepting them will incense a conservative domestic faction that believes the Soviet government somehow faked the burial.
“Either decision will cause a scandal, so they would like to postpone it,” Mr. Chapnin said.
Analysts of church affairs place Patriarch Kirill among the doubters, but his reasons remain opaque. Andrei B. Zubov, a renowned historian, said he knew the prelate well enough to engage him on any matter, but when Mr. Zubov asked about the czar’s remains, he changed the subject.
“It was a political decision, not a spiritual or scientific one,” said Mr. Zubov, adding that after years of opposition, the church could not suddenly reverse itself without losing face.
Still, the idea that the church wants to begin an investigation from scratch provokes exasperation.
“They have all kinds of strange ideas why they are not the right remains,” said Paul E. Kulikovsky, 55, a businessman in Moscow who is a great-great-grandson of Czar Alexander III. “If you investigate all the possibilities, that means you have to go on for 100 years because people have come up with 1,000 possibilities.”
The Canadian-born Mr. Kulikovsky, who publishes a monthly newsletter on Romanov affairs, said the vast majority of about 80 Romanov descendants hope to bury Alexei and Maria this winter, whether or not the church deemed the bones authentic.
Ms. Luchenko, the journalist, noted that in death, the two prime adversaries of the 1917 Revolution, the czar and Lenin, are both stuck in limbo.
There has been an endless debate whether the embalmed body of Lenin should be removed from his tomb in Red Square and buried, while the remains of Nicholas II might be preserved above ground if they are ever recognized as holy relics.
Together, the remains represent the unfinished business of a particularly violent, tumultuous century for Russia. Ms. Luchenko said, “Russia cannot say goodbye to its 20th century.”
Alexandra Odynova contributed reporting........ Keiser oli suremas.Surivoodi juurde astus aeglasel sammul kuulus arst Zahharjin.Doktoril endal oli astma,ta ei suutnud puhkamata teha üle paari sammukorraga,seepärast olid kogu saali pikkuses ,kuni magamistoa ukseni seatud ritta tugitoolid.Keisri magamistoas oli vaimulik.Kroonlinna Johann ja keisri hingekarjane Joann Janõsev.Ja arstid .Nad kohtusid surija kõrvaljõuetu arstiteadus ja kõikvõimas palve,mis peab kergendama surija viimaseid kannatusi.Kõik on lõppenud.Magamistoa uks avaneb.Tohutu Voltaire i stiilis tugitoolis istub surnud keiser.Keisriinna embab teda .Pisut eemal seisab kahvatu Nicky.Keiser suri istudes tugitoolis..........20 oktoober 1894.Mu jumal küll!Milline päev?Jumal kutsus enda juurde meie jumaldatud,kalli,palavalt narmastatud papa.Pea käib ringi ,ei suuda uskuda ,õudne tegelikkus tundub nii ebatõenäoline.Kogu hommiku olime tema juures.kella poole kolme paiku võeti ta pühale armulauale.Oh issand .Üle tunni aja seisin tema peatsis ja toetasin tema pead.See oli pühaku surm.........Nagu tavaliselöt kaasnesid troonile asumisega igasugused kuulujutud.Ühe versiooni järgi olevat leskkeisriinna tahtnud asendada Nikolai oma lemmikpoja Mihhailiga ja olevat püüdnud sundida Nikolaid troonist loobuma...Kuid see oligi vaid kuulujuttTema mehe ja poja kuulus minister S.J.Witte tõi oma "Mälestuses" ära vestluse keisriinnaga,mis puudutas Nikolaid.....KaS TE TAHATE ÖELDA,ET VALITAEJAL EI OLE VAJALIKKUISELOOMU?sEE ON TÕESTI NII,vastas Maris Fjodorovna,kuid sellisel juhul peaks teda asendama Misa,temal aga on veelgi vähemtahet ja iseloomu.Nähtavasti oli õigem teine kuulujutt,mis sammuti keisrikojast liikvele läks.Kui Aleksander suri ,ei olnud ta veel 50-ne aastanegi.Seehiiglane tundus olevat igavene.Kui Nikolai sai ootamatult teada isasurmahaigusest,hakkas tal hirm.Tema paanilisi ütlemisi tsiteerib oma memuaaarides lapsepõlve sõbet Sandro...Nikolai palus luba troonist loobuda.Kuid Aleksander oli kõikumatu:troonipärimise seadust tuleb täita-Nikolai peab troonile asuma.Vastutasuks Nikolai kuuleka nõustumise eest lubatigi tal abielluda Hesseni printsessiga...Ja siis nukker sügispäev Peterburis,Nikolai vaksali perrooni äärde saabus leinarong.Aleksandri kirstu oli teiste seas tulnud
О Цесаревиче Алексее Николаевиче Romanov (русский)
Алексе́й Никола́евич (Рома́нов) (30 июля (12 августа) 1904, Петергоф — 17 июля 1918, Екатеринбург) — Наследник Цесаревич и Великий Князь, пятый ребёнок и единственный сын Николая II и Александры Фёдоровны.
Расстрелян 17 июля 1918 вместе с родителями, сёстрами и слугами, по мнению ряда историков и исследователей, в соответствии с личными санкциями Ленина и Свердлова[2][3][4][5][6].
Тезоименитство — 5 октября по юлианскому календарю.
Канонизирован Русской православной церковью как страстотерпец (память — 4 июля по юлианскому календарю).
Из телеграммы Барона Фредрикса
Петербург 30 июля. Её Величество Государыня Императрица Александра Федоровна благополучно разрешилась от бремени Сыном, наследником-Цесаревичем и Великим Князем, нареченным при святой молитве Алексеем, 30 июля сего года, в 1 час 15 мин. пополудни в Петергофе. Подписал: Министр Императорского Двора генерал-адъютант барон Фредерикс..[7]. Был долгожданным ребёнком: у Александры Фёдоровны одна за другой родились в 1895—1901 годы четыре дочери. Царская чета побывала на прославлении Серафима Саровского 18 июля 1903 года в Сарове, где император и императрица молились о даровании им наследника.
При рождении был наречён Алексеем — в честь святителя Алексия Московского[8]. Крещён в церкви Большого Петергофского дворца 11 августа 1904 года духовником императорской семьи протопресвитером Иоанном Янышевым; его восприемниками были: Императрица Мария Феодоровна, Император Германский Король Прусский, Король Великобританский и Ирландский, Король Датский, Великий Герцог Гессенский, Принцесса Виктория Великобританская, Великий Князь Алексей Александрович, Великая Княгиня Александра Иосифовна, Великий Князь Михаил Николаевич[9].
%D0%9F%D0%BE линии матери Алексей унаследовал гемофилию, носительницами которой были некоторые дочери и внучки английской королевы Виктории. Гемофилию своим потомкам передали вторая дочь королевы — принцесса Алиса (1843—1878), в замужестве Великая герцогиня Гессенская и Прирейнская и младшая дочь — Беатриса (1857—1944), в замужестве герцогиня Баттенбергская. Дочь принцессы Беатрисы — королева Испанская Виктория-Евгения (1887—1969) передала гемофилию своим сыновьям принцам Альфонсо (1907—1938) и Гонсало (1914—1934). Сестра императрицы Александры Федоровны, тётя цесаревича — принцесса Ирэна (1866—1953), в замужестве принцесса Прусская, передала гемофилию своим двум сыновьям — принцам Вальдемару (1889—1945) и Генриху (1900—1904), что послужило причиной смерти принца в возрасте четырёх лет[10].
Заболевание гемофилией стало очевидным у цесаревича уже в сентябре 1904 года, когда у младенца, не достигшего ещё двухмесячного возраста, началось тяжёлое кровотечение из пупка. Болезнь у наследника проявлялась в том, что каждый ушиб, в результате которого происходил разрыв какого-нибудь, даже самого крошечного внутреннего кровеносного сосуда (что у обычного человека закончилось бы заурядным синяком), вызывал внутреннее, не останавливающееся кровотечение. Медленно, но безостановочно, кровь проникала в окружающие мышцы и другие ткани, образовывалась гематома величиной с большое яблоко, кожа утрачивала эластичность и не могла больше растягиваться, давление замедляло кровообращение, в результате чего начиналось образование тромба. После этого гематома постепенно рассасывалась и тёмно-багровый синяк превращался в пятнистый желтовато-зелёный. Незначительные внешние порезы или царапины на любом месте поверхности тела не представляли опасности — они сразу же затягивались, а потом на них накладывали тугую повязку, которая сдавливала кровеносный сосуд и давала возможность повреждению постепенно заживать. Исключением были кровотечения изо рта или носа, так как в таких местах невозможно было наложить повязку на источник кровотечения. Однажды царевич чуть не умер от носового кровотечения, хотя не испытывал при этом никакой боли[11].
Болезнь постоянно вызывала кровоизлияния в суставах — они причиняли Алексею нестерпимую боль и превращали в инвалида. Кровь, скапливаясь в замкнутом пространстве сустава локтя, колена или лодыжки, вызывала давление на нерв, и начинались сильные боли. Попавшая в сустав кровь разрушала кости, сухожилия и ткани. Конечности застывали в согнутом положении. Иногда причина кровоизлияния была известна, иногда нет. Бывало, цесаревич просто объявлял: «Мама, я сегодня не могу ходить», или: «Мама, я сегодня не могу согнуть локоть». Лучшим средством, выводящим из такого состояния, были постоянные упражнения и массаж, но при этом всегда была опасность, что снова начнётся кровотечение. Для снятия болевых симптомов можно было бы применить морфий, но из-за его разрушительных свойств наследнику его не давали и он переставал чувствовать боль, только когда терял сознание. Каждый случай болезни означал недели постельного режима, а лечение включало целый перечень тяжёлых железных ортопедических приспособлений, которые были сконструированы для выпрямления его конечностей, и горячие грязевые ванны[11].
Осенью 1912 года во время традиционного пребывания царской семьи в охотничьем угодье Спала в Восточной Польше цесаревич неудачно прыгнул в лодку и сильно ушиб внутреннюю сторону бедра в области паха: возникшая гематома долго не рассасывалась, состояние здоровья ребёнка было очень тяжёлым, была реальная угроза смерти. В эти дни впервые и единственный раз о тяжёлом состоянии наследника был издан правительственный бюллетень. В нём, впрочем, болезнь цесаревича не была названа[11].
«Несчастный маленький страдал ужасно, — писал Николай своей матери, — боли схватывали его спазмами и повторялись почти каждые четверть часа. От высокой температуры он бредил и днем и ночью, садился в постели, а от движения тотчас же начиналась боль. Спать он почти не мог, плакать тоже, только стонал и говорил: „Господи, помилуй“».
Из-за повторных кровоизлияний в суставы наследник часто не мог ходить, и во всех необходимых случаях его носил на руках специально выделенный «дядька» — кондукто́р Гвардейского экипажа А. Е. Деревенько[11].
Последнее обострение болезни наступило во время ссылки царской семьи в Тобольске в начале 1918 года. Т. Мельник так описала начало болезни: «вдруг слёг Алексей Николаевич. Это было для всех большое несчастье, так как он опять очень страдал, у него появилось то же внутреннее кровоизлияние от ушиба, уже так измучившее его в Спале. Страшно живой и весёлый, он постоянно прыгал, скакал и устраивал очень бурные игры. Одна из них — катанье вниз по ступенькам лестницы в деревянной лодке на полозьях, другая — какие-то импровизированные качели из бревна. Не знаю, во время которой из них, но Алексей Николаевич ушибся и опять слёг». Нормально передвигаться он так и не начал до самой своей смерти[11].
Характер и внешность[%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C | править вики-текст] Внешность Алексея сочетала в себе лучшее от отца и матери. По воспоминаниям современников, Алексей был красивым мальчиком, с чистым, открытым лицом. Он был слишком худым — сказывалась болезнь.
Характер у мальчика был покладистый, он обожал родителей и сестер, а те, в свою очередь, души не чаяли в юном цесаревиче, особенно Великая Княжна Мария. Алексей был способным в учёбе, как и сёстры, делал успехи в изучении языков.
Наследник Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич был мальчик 14 лет, умный, наблюдательный, восприимчивый, ласковый, жизнерадостный. Был с ленцой и не особенно любил книги. Он совмещал в себе черты отца и матери: унаследовал простоту отца, был чужд надменности, заносчивости, но имел свою волю и подчинялся только отцу. Мать хотела, но не могла быть с ним строгой. Его учительница Битнер говорит о нём: «Он имел большую волю и никогда не подчинился бы никакой женщине». Он был весьма дисциплинирован, замкнут и очень терпелив. Несомненно, болезнь наложила на него свой отпечаток и выработала в нём эти черты. Он не любил придворного этикета, любил быть с солдатами и учился их языку, употребляя в своем дневнике чисто народные, подслушанные им выражения. Скуповатостью напоминал мать: не любил тратить своих денег и собирал разные брошенные вещи: гвозди, свинцовую бумагу, веревки и т. п.
Верховный Главнокомандующий Русской армией Император Николай Александрович и ефрейтор Русской армии Наследник Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич в расположении воинских частей. 1916 г.
Дети Александры Федоровны и Николая II в Царском селе. Май 1917 года. Наследник очень любил всё связанное с русской армией. Любимой пищей Царевича были «щи да каша и чёрный хлеб, который едят все мои солдаты», как он всегда говорил. Ему каждый день приносили пробу щей и каши из солдатской кухни Сводного полка; Алексей все съедал и ещё облизывал ложку, говоря: «Вот это вкусно, не то что наш обед».
Первое посещение Москвы
В конце мая 1912 года, вместе со своими родителями, впервые посетил Москву — в связи с открытием памятника его деду императору Александру III (разрушен в 1918 году)[12]. 30 мая 1912 года в Кремле, у Собственного подъезда Его Величества, при поднесении Наследнику специально написанной Владимирской иконы Богоматери, московский губернский предводитель дворянства А. Д. Самарин обратился к нему с речью: «Благоверный Государь Наследник. Сердечно радуется московское дворянство, видя Тебя в стенах древнего Кремля. Ты в первый раз посещаешь нашу первопрестольную столицу <…>»[13]
Во время Первой мировой войны Алексей, бывший по должности наследника шефом нескольких полков и атаманом всех казачьих войск, с отцом посещал действующую армию, награждал отличившихся бойцов и т. п. Был награждён серебряной Георгиевской медалью 4-й степени.
2 (15) марта 1917 года Николай II отрёкся от престола не только за себя, но и за сына; «не желая расставаться с любимым сыном Нашим», он передал престол младшему брату, Михаилу Александровичу. Это решение было принято после консультации с лейб-хирургом профессором Сергеем Петровичем Фёдоровым, заявившим императору, что хотя с гемофилией можно прожить и долго, но жизнь престолонаследника зависит от любой нелепой случайности.
Расстрелян на руках у отца вместе с родителями и сёстрами в Екатеринбурге, в Ипатьевском доме в ночь с 16 на 17 июля 1918 года.
Согласно показанию Медведева, одного из участников расстрела, для того чтобы убить цесаревича, потребовалось несколько выстрелов.[14
Это очень важный детайль.И даже канцелария Императорского Дворца, Русского Провославного церковья имееються сомнения об версий об сообщений провителстваРФ. что вся царьского семья погибла.Это офичальное сообщение от Императовского Дворца и Русского Провославного Церковья.
Наследник Цесаревич и Великий Князь Алексей.
Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov's Timeline
1904 |
August 12, 1904
Петергоф (Peterhof), Санкт-Петербург (Sankt-Pietierburg), Russian Federation
August 12, 1904
- March 15, 1917
Saint Petersburg, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia (Russian Federation)
September 3, 1904
Peterhof Palace, Petergof, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia (Russian Federation)
1917 |
March 15, 1917
- July 17, 1918
Age 12
Moscow, gorod Moskva, Moscow, Russia (Russian Federation)