Historical records matching Alice Murphy - Flynn, Convict "William Pitt" 1806
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Immediate Family
About Alice Murphy - Flynn, Convict "William Pitt" 1806
Alice SCHOFIELD was born c1775
Alice was convicted and sentenced to 7 years transportation. She arrived in Sydney Cove on 11/4/1806 on "William Pitt"
Alice married Stephen MURPHY in 1810 at Sydney and they had the following children
- Richard 1811
- Stephen 1814
- Dennis 1815
After her husbands death, Alice married James FLYNN/FLINN in 1818 at Sydney City and they had the following children
- John 1819
Alice died 1/6/1825 at Sydney
- http://www.australianroyalty.net.au/individual.php?pid=I37407&ged=p...
- https://convictrecords.com.au/convicts/schofield/alice/68399
- http://www.hawkesbury.net.au/claimaconvict/convictDetails.php?convi...
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Sep 13 2017, 6:23:58 UTC
- Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy: Sep 13 2017, 6:25:28 UTC
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Alice Murphy - Flynn, Convict "William Pitt" 1806's Timeline
1775 |
Lancaster, Lancashire, England, United Kingdom
1811 |
April 16, 1811
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1814 |
June 1814
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1815 |
December 12, 1815
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1819 |
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1825 |
June 1, 1825
Age 50
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia