Alice Middleton, daughter of Peter Middleton, of Stockeld, & Ann (Katherine) Vavasour, married Richard Peck, of Haselton
2 sons, 4 daughters
Here lyeth buried Richard Pek of Wakefeild, esquire, and Alce, his wief, daughter of Peter Midleton of Stokeld, knight, and had yssue 2 sons and 4 daughters. He dyed anno Domini, 24 Junii.
The idea that Alice was b c 1458, that she was born in Wakefield, and that she m 1490 should all be discarded. Exact statements like these need exact citations, stated and quoted in the text.
In fact 1462 is about the minimus date on which Alice could be born, and we have nothing, so far, to my knowledge, that gives her any maximus, excepting that her husband has an IPM 28 Aug 10H8 and they evidently had six children as a couple.
That's not enough to pin her to such an exact date as 1458. Her father Peter was "of Stokeld" so I see no reason to expect her to be born at Wakefield
1462 |
Stockeld, North Yorkshire, England
1486 |
Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
1490 |
Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
1492 |
Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
1497 |
Wakefield, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
1499 |
Wakefield, West Riding, Yorkshire, England
1870 |
May 18, 1870
Age 408
May 18, 1870
Age 408
May 18, 1870
Age 408