Alice (Gilbert? Smoote?) was born about 1642 in Lancaster County, Virginia and died Sep 1701 in , Lancaster Co., Virginia.
She married ABT 1679 in Lancaster Co., Virginia to John Chinn (Chynn) b: ABT 1640/1642 in England; his 2nd wife.
After his death, in about ABT 1692 in Virginia, she married John Strechley (born about 1648).
(2a) 1701, 29 Aug: Alice STRETCHLEY of the parish of St Mayries, White Chapell in the Co. of Lancr made her will, "being sick & weak of body & sound and perfect in mind & memory praise be threrfore given to Almighty God doe make and ordain this my present last will & testamt in manner and form following that is to say first and princably I comend my Sole into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the Merrits death and passion of My Sav Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgovness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life and my body I committ to the earth to be decently buried at the descretion of my Exr hereafter named and as touching the disposall of my temporall estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give and dispose as followeth." Debts and funeral charges be paid & discharged. " give unto my Daughter Ann FOX three silver Spoons the great SilvrTankard marked AS and one Silvr Tumbler of the middle size and all my wearing cloaths that came out of England this year from Mr ELLIS and my Plush Sadle. I give unto my Daughter Cathrine HEAL all my Stock of Cattle hoggs and sheep that is upon my plantation that my husband Mr. Jno STRETCHLEYbought of Mr William TOMLYN Except four Cowes and Six Sheep which I give to my Sister Dorothy DURHAM. I give unto my Daughter Cathrine HEAL one of the smallest silver Tankards & one of the smallest Silvr Tumblors and three Silvr Spoons and one hundred fourty and five pounds Sterling being due to me and in the hands of Mr Tho ELLIS Merchant of London and one negro woman named Sue of Short Stature and one negro man named Jack and one black mare Runeny at Morratico Point branded on the rear Buttook and shoulder with JC. I give to the sd Cathrine HEAL two featherbeds with ruggs & blanketts and four pare of sheets three pillows and six pillow cears six pewter dishes tow pewter Basons one Doz of plases one doz. wooden ditto and one pewter Chamber pott six Leather Chairs out of the new house Chamber and one suit of my best wearing cloaths Excepting them beforegiven to my Daughter Anne FOX this being in Lieu and full satisfaction of her portion left her by her father Mr Jno CHIN and of the legacy left her by her father in Law Mr Jno STRETCHLEY she the sd Cathrine having noe other Right or Claims from my estate. I give unto my Son in Law Capt Wm FOX all the rest residue & remarnder of what money is of mine in the hands of Mr Tho ELLIS of London Mercht Excepting and Reserved to the use of Edward AUDLEY (was Jno STRETCHLEY's nephew) one hundred pounds Sterling left him by my husband Mr Jno STRETCHLEY which I will that my sd Son Wm FOX see him paid of the sd money in ELLIS his? hands and in case of his death then the sd hundredpounds I give to my sd son Wm FOX as also all the rest of the money in his the sd ELLIS his hands Except what is bereby before bequeathed in full Leiu of and in full Satisfaction of any futher claims or Chalange to any other part or parcell of my sd estate. I give to my Sister Tomasin MARSHALL as much black Crap(e) as will make her a gown and peticonte. I give to my Sister Dorothy DURHAM one Christian Servt named Anne BUCKLEY or as much Tobbo as will buy a Cervt which be that is my Cxrshall please to lett her have and all the Remander of my cloaths except which is before hereby given.I give unto my Cousin Mary DODSON as much black crape as will make her a mourning suit. I give and bequeath unto my Son Rawleigh CHIN all my money in the hands of Mr Jno PEMBERTON Mercht in Liverpool and all my Slaves Servts Cattle sheep hoggs horses and mares and all and singular the rest residue and Remarndr of my sd estate of what nature or quality soever or wheresoever and of this my last will and Testamt do Constitute and appoint my Son Rawleigh CHINN my whole and sole Exr Revoking all other wills by me herretofore make and doe publish and declare this to be my last will and Testamt in witness whereof I here unto put my hand & seal the 29th day of August 1701 signed sealed and published in presence of Joseph TAYLOE. Signed Alice STRETCHLEY. Wits. Lewis PUGH, David SMITH. (2a) 1701, 8 Oct: Will proved by three witnesses, Lancaster Co., VA. (1) Had no children by John STRECHLY.
G(2) "The Chinn and Myers Families," by Randie Myers (http://wc.rootsweb.com, rjm66 database, 29 Apr 2007). Cites:
1642 |
York County, Virginia, United States
1682 |
May 5, 1682
Morattico Creek, Lancaster County, Virginia
1684 |
May 23, 1684
Morttico, Lancaster County, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
1686 |
June 7, 1686
Morattico Creek, Lancaster County, Virginia
1701 |
August 28, 1701
Age 59
Morttico Creek, Lancaster, Virginia, United States
September 1701
Age 59
St. Marys White Chapel, Lancaster County, Virginia, United States