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Alice of Armenia (1182 - 1234)

Death: circa 1234 (47-56)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Ruben III Rouponi, King of Armenia and Isabella de Toron
Wife of Raymond IV d'Antioche, Count of Tripoli and Vahram of Korikos
Fiancée of Hethum [Vasil] of Sassoun, lord of Missis
Mother of Raymond-Roupen de Poitiers, Prince of Antioch and Marie d'Ibelin
Sister of Philippa, princess of Armenia

Managed by: Erin Ishimoticha
Last Updated:

About Alice of Armenia



a) ALIX (1182-after 1234). The Chronique du Royaume de la Petite Arménie of Constable Sempad records that Lewon arranged the marriage of "Héthoum [le fils ainé de Tchordouanel]" and "la fille de son frère Roupen…Alice" and awarded him "la ville de Mecis" in [3 Feb 1189/4 Feb 1190][509]. The Lignages d'Outremer name "Aalis et Phelippe" as the two daughters of "Rupin de la Montaigne qui estoit seignor d'Ermenie" & his wife, specifying that Alix was wife of "prince Buemont…frere dou prince Borgne et filluell dou conte de Triple"[510]. William of Tyre (Continuator) names her "Ysabel", naming her father and specifying that she was his only daughter when recording her (second) marriage[511]. Her second marriage was agreed when Henri de Champagne King of Jerusalem negotiated the release of Bohémond III Prince of Antioch from custody with her uncle Lewon II[512]. According to Sempad, it was agreed that any son born of the marriage would succeed her uncle Lewon II[513]. She succeeded her mother as heiress of Toron. Alix was sent back to Armenia from Antioch by her father-in-law after the death of her second husband[514]. She claimed the throne of Armenia in 1219, on the death of her uncle Lewon I, on behalf of her son. The Lignages d'Outremer record that, after the appointment of "Constantin le Connétable" as "baile", "le prince Rupin quitta Antioche et partit pour Korykos" with his mother whom he married to "Vahram le maréchal" (who repudiated his legitimate wife) and sent her "chez son frère Léon, seigneur de Berdak et de Mawxrot"[515]. She was exiled, her son put in prison, and her third husband murdered on the orders of the regent Kostandin Lord of Barbaron and Partzerpert [Armenia-Hethumid][516].

m firstly ([early Feb] 1189, not consummated) as his second wife, HETHUM [Vasil] of Sassoun Lord of Missis, son of TSCHORTOUAN'L Lord of Sassoun & his wife Vaniné Saven-Pahlavouni (before 1165[517]-1193). Sempad names him as the older son of Tchordouanel and the sister of Gregoire [Dgha] katoghikos of Armenia, when specifying that his bride's uncle gave him the town of Mecis on his marriage[518]. His wife's uncle, Lewon II, sent Hethum to Antioch in 1193, after Bohémond III Prince of Antioch had been obliged by Lewon to accept Armenian suzerainty, but Hethum was obliged to withdraw from the city faced with a riot of the population[519]. This is contradicted by Sempad, according to whom Hethum died in the same month as his maternal uncle, Gregoire Dgha katoghikos, in May 1189[520]. Hethum was murdered, apparently to enable his wife's second marriage to proceed[521].

m secondly ([1194/95]%29 RAYMOND of Antioch, son of BOHEMOND III "le Bègue" Prince of Antioch & his first wife Orgueilleuse d'Harenc (-[May/Jun] 1198).

m thirdly (1220) as his second wife, VAHRAM Lord of Korikos Marshal of Armenia, son of GAUFFRIDUS Lord of Korikos & his wife --- (-murdered 1222).