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About Alix de Montlhéry


iv) ALIX (-after 1097). The Historia of Monk Aimon names "Milonem de Brayo et Guidonem Rubeum, Comitissam quoque Reiteste, et Bonam-vecinam de Pontibus, Elizabeth etiam uxorem Joscelini de Corteciniaco, insuper dominam de Puisat, et dominam de S. Galerico" as the children of "Guidonem" and his wife[989]. Dame de Villepreux. "…Mater eius Adelicia…" are named in the charter dated 1095 under which "Ebrardus de Puteolo monachus noster" donated property with "nepotem suum…Ebrardum de Puteolo"[990].

m HUGUES [I] "Blavons" de Breteuil, son of ERARD [I] Comte de Breteuil, Vicomte de Chartres & his wife Humberge --- (-23 Dec 1094). Vicomte de Chartres.