According to the FMG Medieval Lands database:
b) [ALIX de Savoie (-after 21 Dec 1099). "Bonifacius marchio filius Teutonis…marchio…cum Alice cometissa filia qd. d. Petri marchio atque Theotone, Petro, Magnifredo, Hugone et Willielmo filiis eorum" donated property to "monasterio sancti Petri…in…villa Saviliani" by charter dated 21 Dec 1099[100]. Szabolcs de Vajay dismisses this individual as an imaginary person designed to explain the claims of Marchese Bonifazio to Turin, which he in fact inherited through his mother who was the younger sister of Adelaida di Susa, mother of Comte Pierre[101]. It is uncertain whether he was aware of the charter quoted above when he made this suggestion. Even if the charter in question was spurious, it is unclear what purpose would have been served by fabricating the ancestry of Marchese Bonifazio´s wife. It should be noted that Bonifazio´s [second] wife Agnes de Vermandois was considerably younger than her husband. An earlier marriage would therefore be likely.
m as his first wife, BONIFACIO di Saluzzo Marchese del Vasto, son of ODDONE Marchese di Liguria Occidentale & his wife Berta di Susa (-after 1127).]
Marchese Bonifazio & his [first] wife had five children…
en.Wikipedia: Peter I, Count of Savoy
Peter married Agnes of Aquitaine, c.1065.[3] They had two [SIC: Three] daughters:
2. Alice (d.ca 1111), who may have married Margrave Boniface of Vasto and Saluzzo in 1099
it.Wikipedia: Pietro I di Savoia, Matrimonio e discendenza
Alice (1065- dopo il 1099), andata sposa a Bonifacio del Vasto, marchese di Savona, come ci viene confermato dal documento nº 3 del Regesto dei Marchesi di Saluzzo (1091-1340)[27];
/!\ ..ll figlio suo Bonifacio è così chiamato comunemente "del Vasto". Per molto tempo di questo figlio di Tete fu erroneamente creduta madre un'immaginaria figlia di Pietro I di Savoia, di nome Alice : così essendo questo Pietro I figlio della grande contessa . Adelaide, l'errore serviva anche a spiegare perché una parte dei territorî che erano appartenuti a quest'ultima, apparissero poi in possesso di Bonifacio e dei suoi discendenti. Invece questi era parente di quella perché il padre Tete era congiunto da matrimonio con Berta, sorella della grande contessa.
1078 |
Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy
1099 |
December 21, 1099
Age 21
Saluzzo, Cuneo, Piemonte, Italy
1118 |
Saluzzo, Province of Cuneo, Cuneo, Italy
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