Alsey (Butt) Thompson, Old Cheraw was born circa 1715 in Battle Beach Road, Newsoms, Southampton County, VA. Her parents were Henry Butt and Martha (Etheridge) Butt, Cheraw.
Alsey partnered with Fnu Ydna IY8599 Lnu. Together they had the following children:
Alsey married John "Theophilus" Thompson. Together they had the following children:
She died after 1780 in 1209 East 5th Street, Lumberton, Robeson County, NC, 28358, United States.
The daughter of Henry Butt II and Martha Etheridge, Alsey was born about 1720 in Va and died after 1780 in Robeson County, North Carolina (Note 1). The location of her burial is not known.
According to family tradition, Alsey Butt is a direct descendant of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland (Note 2). Her heritage is Scottish, English, and Cheraw American Indian (Note 3).
Alsey married John Thompson during 1737 in Norfolk County, Virginia.
1. According to Genealogy Data by Charles Thompson, http://www.redeaglejw.net/dat3.htm#15, Alsey Butt was born about 1720 in Virginia and died after 1780 in Robeson County, North Carolina. 2. Alsey’s relationship to the Bruce family is based on anecdotal information mostly from unsourced family trees. 3. The Ancestral Roll, http://www.redeaglejw.net/oldchahtaorg/ancestralroll.htm, of the Mt. Tabor Indian Community lists Alsey Butt as the Indian parent ancestor for Henry Butt Thompson (164), her son, and John Thompson (174), her son. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/152423548/alsey-thompson
Butt name meaning; English: topographic name for someone who lived near a place used for archery practice, from Middle English butte ‘mark for archery’, ‘target’, ‘goal’. In the Middle Ages archery practice was a feudal obligation, and every settlement had its practice area. http://records.ancestry.com/Alsey_Butt_records.ashx?pid=14256792
Alsey was 1/8 Cheraw (Lumbee)
1738 |
September 10, 1738
Norfolk County, Virginia
1740 |
Battle Beach Road, Newsoms, Southampton County, VA, 23851, United States
1742 |
Norfolk, Virginia, USA
1746 |
March 1, 1746
Battle Beach Road, Newsoms, Southampton County, VA, 23851, United States
1748 |
Nash County, North Carolina
1750 |
Nash, NC, United States
1751 |
October 31, 1751
1209 East 5th Street, Lumberton, Robeson County, NC, 28358, United States
1755 |
Robeson County, North Carolina
1756 |
Robeson, North Carolina, United States