2. HERMANFRED (-Zülpich 534). Gregory of Tours names Baderic, Hermanfrid and Berthar as three brothers ruling over the Thuringians[14]. King of the Thuringians. … m ([510]%29 AMALABERGA, daughter of [HUGA rex Francorum] & his wife Amalafrida the Ostrogoth .
King Hermanfred & his wife had four children:
b) AMALAFRIDAS . Procopius records that "Amalafridus, vir Gotthus, ex filia nepos Amalafridæ sororis Theoderici Gotthorum regis et filius Hermenefridi regis Thoringorum” was deported to Byzantium with Vitigis King of Italy by Belisarius (in 540)[24].
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Thuringia, Germany
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Age 55
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