Amalia "Mirl" Graf

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Amalia "Mirl" Graf (Eisler) (1829 - 1860)

Also Known As: "Amalie", "Amelie", "Mali"
Birthplace: Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic
Death: June 19, 1860 (26-35)
Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic
Place of Burial: Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Aron Eisler; Eva Eisler and Charlotte "Zartl" Eisler
Wife of Ahron Graf
Mother of Cäcilie Weiss and Dr. jur. Heinrich Graf
Sister of Katharina Böhm; Netty Graf; Josefine Weiss; Marie Pollak; Gütl Eisler and 8 others
Half sister of Samuel "Sami" Eisler

Managed by: Peter Rohel (c)
Last Updated:

About Amalia "Mirl" Graf

Amalia Amelie "Mirl" etc. GRAF, née EISLER: b. circa 1829, ? - d. 19 June 1860, Nikolsburg

Information courtesy of various sources, including the following:


Basic Nikolsburg marriage data courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:

Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912. III. cást: oddaní, O 1962 - 1912 (1915), písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections

GRAF Aron & EISLER Mali m. 1848


Basic Nikolsburg birth data of children born to Aron/Adolf & Amalie GRAF, viewable courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:

Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912, I. cást: narození, N 1762 - 1912, písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections

Name of newborn: Year of birth Parents

GRAF Cäcilie b. 1849 Adolf & Amalie

GRAF Hirschel Heinrich b. 1851 Aron & Amalie


Basic Nikolsburg death data courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:
Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912, II. cást: zemrelí, Z 1762 - 1912 (1914), písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections

GRAF Amalie, d. 1860, age 31, wife of Aron

Details from actual IKG-Nikolsburg death registration, viewable courtesy of:

19.06.1860, House # 161

Amalie GRAF, née EISLER age 31, widow of Aron GRAF


Burial data:

Lokalita: Mikulov
Kodové číslo: 184-00387
Hrob číslo: 0367
Hrob index: sf
Dat.úmrtí den: 19
Dat.úmrtí měsíc: 6
Dat.úmrtí rok od: 1860
Dat.úmrtí rok do: 5620
Heb.název dne:
Heb.den: 29
Jarcait: Sivan
Rok narození: 0
Příjmení: Graf
Jméno: Mirl
Jméno otce: gb. Eisler
Jméno manžela(-ky): Aharon
Druh kamene: mušlovský mramor
Info povolání:
Symbolika: mušle (lilie)

N.B. DOD previously given as "circa 1903" - with no sources cited ...

Information courtesy of various sources, including the following:

Basic Nikolsburg birth data of children born to Aron & Zartl etc. EISLER, viewable courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:

Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912, I. cást: narození, N 1762 - 1912, písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections

Name of newborn: Year of birth Parents

EISLER Gütl b. 1820 Aron & Zartl

EISLER Moses b. 1822 Aron & Zartl

EISLER Theresia b. 1824 Aron & Sara

EISLER Majer b. 1826 Aron & Zartl

EISLER Amalie b. 1827 Aron & Zartel

EISLER Maria b. 1830 Aron & Zartel

EISLER Lea b. 1831 Aron & Zartl

EISLER Rebeka b. 1833 Aron & Zartl

EISLER Bella b. 1835 Aron & Sarl


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Amalia "Mirl" Graf's Timeline

Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic
Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Bohemia, Czech Republic
December 11, 1851
Mikulov, Nikolsburg, Moravia, Czech Republic
June 19, 1860
Age 31
Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic

Died: before 1903

Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic