Immediate Family
About Amalia "Mirl" Graf
Amalia Amelie "Mirl" etc. GRAF, née EISLER: b. circa 1829, ? - d. 19 June 1860, Nikolsburg
Information courtesy of various sources, including the following:
Basic Nikolsburg marriage data courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:
Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912. III. cást: oddaní, O 1962 - 1912 (1915), písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections
GRAF Aron & EISLER Mali m. 1848
Basic Nikolsburg birth data of children born to Aron/Adolf & Amalie GRAF, viewable courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:
Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912, I. cást: narození, N 1762 - 1912, písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections
Name of newborn: Year of birth Parents
GRAF Cäcilie b. 1849 Adolf & Amalie
GRAF Hirschel Heinrich b. 1851 Aron & Amalie
Basic Nikolsburg death data courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:
Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912, II. cást: zemrelí, Z 1762 - 1912 (1914), písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections
GRAF Amalie, d. 1860, age 31, wife of Aron
Details from actual IKG-Nikolsburg death registration, viewable courtesy of:
19.06.1860, House # 161
Amalie GRAF, née EISLER age 31, widow of Aron GRAF
Burial data:
Lokalita: Mikulov
Kodové číslo: 184-00387
Hrob číslo: 0367
Hrob index: sf
Dat.úmrtí den: 19
Dat.úmrtí měsíc: 6
Dat.úmrtí rok od: 1860
Dat.úmrtí rok do: 5620
Heb.název dne:
Heb.den: 29
Jarcait: Sivan
Rok narození: 0
Příjmení: Graf
Jméno: Mirl
Jméno otce: gb. Eisler
Jméno manžela(-ky): Aharon
Druh kamene: mušlovský mramor
Info povolání:
Symbolika: mušle (lilie)
N.B. DOD previously given as "circa 1903" - with no sources cited ...
Information courtesy of various sources, including the following:
Basic Nikolsburg birth data of children born to Aron & Zartl etc. EISLER, viewable courtesy of Indexes to Mikulov births, marriages, and deaths online at the site of the Jewish Museum in Prague:
Židovská náboženská obec Mikulov, Rejstrík (z roku 1913) k matrikám, NOZ 1762 - 1912, I. cást: narození, N 1762 - 1912, písmena A - I | Jewish Museum Collections
Name of newborn: Year of birth Parents
EISLER Gütl b. 1820 Aron & Zartl
EISLER Moses b. 1822 Aron & Zartl
EISLER Theresia b. 1824 Aron & Sara
EISLER Majer b. 1826 Aron & Zartl
EISLER Amalie b. 1827 Aron & Zartel
EISLER Maria b. 1830 Aron & Zartel
EISLER Lea b. 1831 Aron & Zartl
EISLER Rebeka b. 1833 Aron & Zartl
EISLER Bella b. 1835 Aron & Sarl
Amalia "Mirl" Graf's Timeline
1829 |
Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic
1849 |
Mikulov (Nikolsburg), Bohemia, Czech Republic
1851 |
December 11, 1851
Mikulov, Nikolsburg, Moravia, Czech Republic
1860 |
June 19, 1860
Age 31
Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic
Died: before 1903 |
???? |
Nikolsburg, Mikulov, Břeclav, Jihomoravský kraj, Czech Republic