Historical records matching Amanda Melvina Gee
Immediate Family
About Amanda Melvina Gee
From A Genealogy of the Sagers, Fisk, and Stout Families, by Wayne D. Stout
Amanda Melvina Sagers 1821-1848
Amanda, the youngest child of John and Amy Sweet Sagers, was born in Hanover, New York. May 5, 1821. Nothing is known of her youth. We do know that when 12 years of age she was living in Elk Creek, Eric County, Pennsylvania. March 28, 1833, she was baptized by Evan M. Greene and John B. Boynton. See Journal History for that date. She followed her mother to Kirtland where she remained at least two years.
We do know that her sister, Mariah Sagers Fisk, moved to Missouri in August 1835, so we can easily believe that Amy Clothier and Amanda were in the same wagon train.
After the death of Mariah [Sagers Fisk] in September. 1835, we believe Amanda accompanied the Clothiers to Far West. We know Amanda lived in Far West till 1838 for that is where she met and married Lysander Gee. September 5, 1838.
Fifty-two days later. Governor Boggs issued his famous exterminating order, which gave the Gees and all Saints the choice between banishment and death. This was not a pleasant prospect for the newlyweds. Amanda and Lysander met the challenge by moving to Quincy, Adams County, Illinois. In Quincy their first and only child was born, Orlando Lysander Gee, December 12,1839.
After the arrival of Orlando we do not know how long the Gees remained in Quincy. We do know that Lysander was ordained an Elder April 6. 1840 by William Smith. The General conference of the Church was held at that day in Nauvoo so the author believes the ordination took place in Nauvoo.
Lysander served as a Missionary in Iowa in 1844. In 1845, he was made a member of the 31st Quorum of Seventies. Lysander was born in Austinburg, Ohio, September 1, 1818, the son of Salmon and Sarah Watson Crane Gee. His pedigree, with 56 known ancestors, shows he came from the same progenitors that Joseph Smith did. His father, Salmon, was a member of the First Seven Presidents of Seventies from April 6, 1837, to March 6, 1838.
The author believes the Gees moved to Nauvoo before the April Conference of 1840. The Nauvoo Temple records show that Amanda was endowed the same day she was sealed to Lysander (February 4, 1846). Lysander had previously been endowed (January 6, 1846). Lysander believed in polygamy, as proof the Nauvoo Temple records show he married Theresa Rowley [Bowley] February 12, 1846.
It is very probable that the Gees accompanied Harrison Sagers [Amanda%E2%80%99s Brother] to St. Louis in May 1846. The report of Joseph A. Stratton also states that another member was living in polygamy. That other member was Lysander Gee. Lysander did not remain long in polygamy, however, for on October 22, 1848, Amanda died.
How long the Gees remained in St. Louis after her passing is unknown. The Journal History solves this problem. That reliable authority reports (July 4, 1849), that Lysander Gee, wife Theresa, son Orlando, and daughter Rosilia [Rozelia], left the Missouri River in George A. Smith's Fourth Company for the west. They arrived in the [Salt Lake] Valley October 27, 1849. A nephew of Amanda was in this same Company, John Sagers Eaton.
Lysander and family remained in Salt Lake City about six years. Meanwhile. February 10, 1850, Lysander went into polygamy again. He married Marzella Rowe [Maryette Rowe Gates]. About 1855, the family moved to Tooele, there Lysander spent the rest of his life. In the August election of 1878, Lysander was elected the first Prosecuting Attorney of Tooele County.
Lysander died June 27, 1894 - exactly 50 years after the Prophet's death. At the time of his death, Lysander was the father of 11 [21] children, the grandfather of 16 [79]. His son Orlando, married Mary E. Bates. In 1888, Orlando moved to Oakley, Idaho, where he spent the rest of his life.
[The Author of this history is not cited]
The cause of Amanda’s death was not stated and I do not have any history that suggests a cause of her demise. Lysander and Amanda moved to Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois by 1840 because he was baptized a member of the church there 10, February, 1840.
There is information on a brother Gee in an autobiography of John Lowe Butler published in Salt Lake City by Aspen Books in 1993 entitled "My Best for the Kingdom". A copy is found in the Family History Library. In Chapter 6 pages 52, 58 and 60 the skirmish at Gallaitin, Missouri election was documented and Lysander was mentioned. He (John Butler) mentions that a brother Gee drove with him to the election and then drove his team of horses home to John Butler’s wife and it is stated that brother Gee walked home. The election was held in August of 1838 so this brother Gee that was mentioned was most likely Lysander. Lysander was not married until September of that year.
When he was asked to carry the note from Liberty Jail (March 1839) to the people plotting to release the prophet from jail he was married and still not a member of the church.
In March of 1842, while living in Nauvoo, he was called on a mission and left his wife and two year old son and traveled on foot to preach the restored gospel and strengthen the saints in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. He left a journal describing his experiences.
While living in Nauvoo they lived as tenants in Block 46 lot 1, which is on the corner of Hirum and Page Street.
He was on a mission in Iowa at the time that the prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were martyred in Carthage. He did not leave an account of this, or if he did I have not been able to find it.
He and Amanda were sealed in the Nauvoo Temple the 4th of February, 1846.
On the 12th of February, 1846 he married Theresa Bowley the daughter of John Bowley and Polly Reed. She was born 7 October, 1829 in Carthage, Hancock, Illinois. I have been unable to find an extensive history of Theresa. The only information that I have is from her obituary and the short write up in the Biographical Encyclopedia.
When the Saints were driven out of Nauvoo, Lysander and his two wives and his son Orlando went to Saint Louis, Missouri. Theresa was 17 years of age at the time and Amanda was 25. Theresa’s first child Rozelia was born 2 years later (1 June 1848) in St. Louis, Missouri. Amanda died four and one-half months later.
They left Nauvoo after the saints were driven out between 1846 and 1847 and went to St. Louis, Missouri as they were listed as being members there in 1847. It was here that Amanda Sagers died on the 22nd of October 1848.
Amanda Melvina Gee's Timeline
1821 |
May 5, 1821
Hanover, Chautauqua County, New York, United States
1833 |
March 28, 1833
Age 11
1839 |
December 12, 1839
Quincy, Adams County, Illinois, United States
1846 |
February 4, 1846
Age 24
1848 |
October 22, 1848
Age 27
St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, United States
1932 |
October 27, 1932
Age 27
???? |