Immediate Family
half brother
About Amauri II de Meulan, baron de La-Queue-en-Brie
AMAURY [II] de Meulan, son of ROGER de Meulan Seigneur de Meulan et de la Queue-en-Brie & his wife Elisabeth [Isabelle] --- (-[21 Apr?], [8 Apr 1252/5 Jun 1258]). "Rogerius de Mellento" confirmed donations to Gournay Sainte-Marie made by "pie memorie progenitoribus meis comite Galeranno et Agnete", with the consent of “uxoris mee Ysabel et filiorum meorum Almarici et Willelmi”, by charter dated 1205[1849]. "Domini R[ogerius] de Mellento et W[illelmus] de Garlanda", with the consent of "uxoribus eorum et filiis Amalrico et Willelmo et Theobaldo", reached agreement with Gournay Sainte-Marie concerning “nemoris de Russiaco” by charter dated Feb 1208 (presumably O.S.)[1850]. Presumably their joint interest in the wood of Roissy is explained by a common ancestry between Amaury [II] and Guillaume [V] de Garlande, which has not been traced. [Seigneur de La Croix-Saint-Leufroy]: “Almaricus de Mellento miles” donated “multa” to La Croix Saint-Leufroy by charters dated 1221 [presumably dated to [12 Jul/31 Dec] 1221, for consistency with the data relating to his father Roger de Meulan quoted above][1851]. The Dictionnaire historique de l’Eure records that Amaury [II] confirmed the possessions of the Templars at Feuguerolles by charter dated 1222[1852]. “Almaricus de Mellento miles” founded a chapel at Abecourt, for the salvation of “animæ meæ et patris et matris meæ”, with donations of revenue “de Quiterne”, by charter dated 6 Apr 1225, witnessed by “...dominus Wilelmus de Mellento frater Petrus et Ginardus de Mellento fratres mei”[1853]. Seigneur de Meulan: a charter dated Apr 1225 records an agreement between Barthélemy Bishop of Paris and “dominum Almaricum de Meulento militem, pro se ac fratribus et sororibus suis” relating to land at Meulan[1854]. “Almaricus de Mellento miles” donated “multa” to La Croix Saint-Leufroy by charter dated 1230[1855]. Seigneur de la Queue-en-Brie: “Almaric de Meulent seigneur de la Queue…avec A--- sa femme” approved the donation made by “Jean de Beaumont et Isabeau Bouteiller son épouse” to Cormier priory by charter dated 1231[1856]. Seigneur de Gournay-en-Marne: a charter dated Mar 1235 (O.S.) records an arbitration decided by "Alamaricus de Mellento dominus de Cauda et de Gornaio", settling a dispute between Gournay Sainte-Marie and "Johannem de Campis...", the monks appointing as fiduciaries “Ego Almaricus...dominus Guillelmus de Mellento...”[1857]. "Henricus comes Barri et dominus Torciaci [Torcy-en-Brie]...ex parte Philippe uxoris mee" agreed shares of usage "in foresta de Roissiaco" between himself and “pro hospitibus Sancti Petri Fossatensis”, noting that two parts in the forest were held by “Amalrici de Mellento militis dominis de Cauda et de Gornai et eius fratrem” and the third part by “Johannis de Bellomonte ex parte Elisabeth uxoris sue jure hereditario” [Isabelle de Garlande, wife of Jean de Beaumont-en-Gâtinais, daughter of Guillaume [V] de Garlande whose involvement in the wood of Roissy is confirmed by the Feb 1208 charter quoted above], and releasing Guillaume Seigneur de Meulan and his heirs [from obligations] relating to the rest of the forest (“et hac parte contentus totum residuum foreste quitto domino Guillelmo de Mellento et heredibus suis in perpetuum et aliis partem habentibus in dicta foresta”), by charter dated 1236[1858]. A roll dated 8 Jun 1236 names “…Amaurricus de Mellento…Guillelmus de Mellento…” among those called to military service[1859]. A roll dated 5 May 1242 names “…Amarricus de Mellento…Guillelmus de Mellento…” among those called to military service[1860]. The Dictionnaire historique de l’Eure records that Amaury de Meulan (assumed to be Amaury [II]%29 confirmed the possessions of the Templars at Feuguerolles by charter dated 1246[1861]. The Dictionnaire historique de l’Eure records a charter dated 1249 which names “les deux frères Amaury et Guillaume de Meulan”[1862]. The original document has not been found and it is possible that the Dictionnaire (which includes many inaccuracies) added the family relationship which was assumed to be correct. A document dated 26 Jan 1252 records an enquiry made by “messire Amaury de Meulan” into the rights of the king and “Amauri de la Queue chevalier, à Gournai [sur-Marne] et à la Queue [en-Brie]”, a note on the reverse of the document recording that “Amauri de la Queue eut gain de cause”[1863]. A charter dated late-Jun 1251 records allegiance sworn to Blanche Queen of France by the citizens of Paris, naming among those present “…domini Amauri de Meuduno…”[1864]. [The necrology of Rouen records the death 21 Apr of “dominus Almaricus de Meulento miles”[1865]. This entry could relate to either Amaury [II] or Amaury [III].] He is recorded as deceased in the 5 Jun 1258 charter quoted below.
m (before 1231) A---, daughter of ---. “Almaric de Meulent seigneur de la Queue…avec A--- sa femme” approved the donation made by “Jean de Beaumont et Isabeau Bouteiller son épouse” to Cormier priory by charter dated 1231[1866]. The primary source which confirms the full name of Amaury’s wife has not been identified. One possibility is that she was a member of the Aubergenville family. La Roque and Anselme show the wife of Roger de Meulan as “Elisabeth/Isabelle d’Aubergenville”. As noted above, no document has been found which links Elisabeth/Isabelle to Aubergenville and it is possible that both authors supposed the connection working back from references to Pierre [II] Seigneur d’Aubergenville, whom they assumed was Roger’s son but who is shown below as a possible younger son of Amaury [II] (which is more consistent with the family’s chronology). If Pierre [II]’s affiliation shown below is correct, maybe the “dame d’Aubergenville” was his mother. Amaury [II] & his wife had [three] children:
1. JEAN de Meulan (-after 8 Apr 1252). He renounced his rights of succession: a charter dated 8 Apr 1252 records that “Johannes filius primogenitus domini Almarrici de Mellento, quitavit Almarrico fratri suo, primogenita sua post decessum patris eorumdem”[1867]. Maybe he became an ecclesiast after renouncing his rights. If that is correct, one of the following two entries could relate to this Jean: The necrology of La Croix Saint-Leufroy records the death 24 Jul of “magister Johannes de Mellento”[1868]. The necrology of La Croix Saint-Leufroy records the death 3 Nov of “magister Johannes de Mellento condam canonicus Ebroicensis”[1869].
2. AMAURY [III] de Meulan (-[21 Apr?], [Jan/Nov] 1274). A charter dated 8 Apr 1252 records that “Johannes filius primogenitus domini Almarrici de Mellento, quitavit Almarrico fratri suo, primogenita sua post decessum patris eorumdem”[1870]. Seigneur de la Queue-en-Brie. - see below.
3. [PIERRE [II] de Meulan (-after 1260). La Roque names “Pierre de Meullent seigneur d’Aubergenville, de Foucherolles, de Pinterville, de Guitebonne, de Crouille, échanson de France” as son of Roger de Meulan[1871]. From a chronological point of view, this seems unlikely to be correct. On the other hand, the chronological difficulties relating to Pierre [II] and his supposed children would appear resolved if he was a younger son of Amaury [II]. A charter dated 1260 records that Eudes Archbishop of Rouen bought “Pintarvillam vicum” from “Petro de Mellento Francorum regis scancio et Ligardi eius uxore”[1872]. m LIEGARDE Dame de Pinterville, daughter of --- (-after 1260). La Roque names “[la] dame et héritière de la terre de Pinterville...Liegarde” as Pierre’s wife[1873]. A charter dated 1260 records that Eudes Archbishop of Rouen bought “Pintarvillam vicum” from “Petro de Mellento Francorum regis scancio et Ligardi eius uxore”[1874]. Pierre & his wife had four children (as noted above, the dates attributed by La Roque to these supposed children appear to exclude the possibility of their being the grandchildren of Roger de Meulan, a question which appears resolved if they were in fact his great-grandchildren):
a) [GUILLAUME de Meulan (-after 1318, maybe after 1339). La Roque records his parentage, noting a charter dated 1339 in which he is named[1875]. This date is late to refer to the son of Pierre [II] de Meulan. Seigneur d’Aubergenville. The registers of the parlement de Paris dated 1318 name “Guillaume de Meullent” as “Trésorier de l’église cathédrale Notre-Dame d’Evreux”[1876].]
b) [JEAN de Meulan (-after 8 Jun 1318). La Roque records his parentage, noting a roll of the Chambre des Comptes dated 1313 in which Jean, Robin and Etienne de Meulan are named[1877]. Seigneur de Crouille. Jean de Meulan sold revenue from a mill at Saint-Léger d’Evreux to the chapter of Notre-Dame d’Evreux by charter dated 8 Jun 1318[1878].]
c) [ROBIN de Meulan (-after 1313). La Roque records his parentage, noting a roll of the Chambre des Comptes dated 1313 in which Jean, Robin and Etienne de Meulan are named[1879]. Seigneur de Foucherolles.]
d) [ETIENNE de Meulan (-after 1313) La Roque records his parentage, noting a roll of the Chambre des Comptes dated 1313 in which Jean, Robin and Etienne de Meulan are named[1880]. Seigneur de Guidebonne. same person as...? ETIENNE de Meulan (-after 1308). A roll dated 1308 records payments due to “...Stephanus de Meulento, valetus regis...”[1881].] ———————————————- Bibliography
De La Chesnaye Des Bois, Aubert, and Jacques Badier. Dictionary of the Nobility: Containing the Genealogies, the History and the Chronology of the Noble Families of France. Vol. 7, A Paris, 1863)
De La Morandière, Gabriel. History of the House of Estouteville in Normandy. A Paris, 1903
de La Roque de La Lontière, Gilles-André. Histoire généalogique de la maison de Harcourt, A Paris, 1664
Cawley, Charles. “NORMANDY ARQUES, AUMÂLE, CAUX, ROUEN, EU.” Medieval Lands, 10 Oct. 2019,
Pattou, Etienne. “Estouteville.” Racines Et Histoire,
1. Cartulaires de Montmartre et de Saint-Merry de Paris (Sorbonne)
2. Héraldique & Généalogie, : Armorial
3. des Evêques de Montpellier - par M. A. Fourtier - 1866,
4. Dictionnaire de la Noblesse (F. A. Aubert de La Chesnaye-Desbois, éd. 1775, Héraldique & Généalogie),
5. Contributions multiples et détaillées de Michel de Camp (à propos de la Grande-Maîtrise des Arbalétriers de France, & l’Héraldique des Prévôts de Paris et, plus généralement, de toute la Maison d’Estouteville)
“Base De Données Généalogique.” Roglo,
Sanders, I. J. ENGLISH BARONIES A STUDY OF THEIR ORIGIN AND DESCENT 1086-1132. London: Oxford University Press, 1960. (Not available to read online, I own a copy of the book)
Burke, Bernard, 1814-1892. A Genealogical And Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain And Ireland ... London: Harrison, 1858.
Overton, Charles. The History of Cottingham. J.W. Leng, 1861.
Planché, James Robinson. The Conqueror and His Companions, Volume 2, Somerset Herald, London, Tinsley Brothers, 1874.
Early Yorkshire Charters: Volume 9, The Stuteville Fee. United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2013. (Available online in snippets only, I own a copy of the book)
Family Trees on Geneanet for the purpose of cross-checking dates and places: “Family Tree of Alain FOULLON.” Geneanet, “Family Tree of Henri PICHOT.” Geneanet, “Family Tree of Hélène PAREY.” Geneanet, “Family Tree of Guy HERVELEU.” Geneanet, “Family Tree of Guillaume de WAILLY.” Geneanet, “Family Tree of Louis BRUN.” Geneanet,
A final source which I have not reviewed yet but which is referenced by many of the French trees I use to cross check data is Père Anselm de Saint Marie
Sainte-Marie, Anselme de, and M. du. Fourny. Histoire Généalogique Et Chronologique De La Maison Royale De France, Des Pairs, Grands Officiers De La Couronne De La Maison Du Roy Et Des Anciens Barons Du Royaume. Vol. 9, Par La Compagnie Des Libraires, 1733.
Amauri II de Meulan, baron de La-Queue-en-Brie's Timeline
1204 |
1240 |
1255 |
1264 |
1295 |
Age 91
???? | |||
???? |