Evidence needed to support Ambrose Gibbons as son of William Gibbons & Ann Gibbons & brother of Thomas Gibbons
His wife was Rebecca or Elizabeth, perhaps Potter, and their only known surviving child was Rebecca Gibbons, who married Henry Sherbune.
Ambrose Gibbons was Steward of the Laconia Company and one of the founders of New Hampshire. He had perhaps been in America before at Gloucester, when he was sent by the Laconia Company as a factor or steward with Walter Neale. He reached the Piscataqua by 21 July 1630 and soon began the plantation at Newichawannock. He was still there in August 1634 and has been termed an honest capable and faithful steward, who knew better than his employer what the plantation needed.
In 1634 he was granted land at Sanders Point between Little Harbor and Sagamore Creek for faithful services. He retired there from Newichawannock. He was at Portsmouth in 1640. The next year he was at Oyster River, his home thereafter. He had land grants in 1652 and 200 acres near his home in 1654. He served as Associate 1646, 1647; and Selectman 1647, 1648. He Administered Darby Field's estate 1651. Lists 41, 321, 352, 353, 354abc, 355ab.
His will, made on his sick bed, 11 July 1656-9 May 1657, bequeathed his property to his Sherburne grandchildren, bypassing his daughter Rebecca.
His letters ihave been published in Prov. Papers Vol. 1 and Appendix to Belknap's Hist. of N. H.; aut. in Conc. Files 4.193.
Ambrose Gibbons BIRTH 1592 England DEATH Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire BURIAL Unknown MEMORIAL ID 35787324 · View Source
Born by about 1592 based on estimated date of marriage. Steward who came to Massachusetts Bay in 1630. First settled in Piscataqua ME; moved to Dover NH in 1641. Died in Dover between 11 July 1656 (date of will) and 9 May 1657 (probate of will). (The Sloper record has 1 July 1656, which Davis puts down to the vagaries of human memory.) Married by about 1617 Rebecca _____; she died at Dover 14 May 1655. She was sent by the Laconia Company to her husband in Newichawannock before the last of May 1631. Source: Anderson’s Great Migration Study Project
John Langdon Signer of the U.S. Constitution 3rd great-grandson
Robert Frost Poet and Playwright 8th great-grandson
Stephen King Author of The Stand 9th great-grandson
Louis L'Amour Western Author 9th great-grandson
David P.Jenkins Genealogist (4thson) 10th great-grandson
1598 |
Aldgate, England
1620 |
Odiham, Hampshire, England (United Kingdom)
1630 |
Age 32
New England
1641 |
Age 43
1656 |
July 1, 1656
Age 58
Portsmouth, Old Norfolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
July 11, 1656
Age 58
New Hampshire, United States
???? | |||
???? |
Near the Oyster River, Strafford County, New Hampshire, United States