Matching family tree profiles for Andrew Carrier, Salem Witch Trials
Immediate Family
About Andrew Carrier, Salem Witch Trials
Andrew Carrier (1677-1749), son of Thomas and Martha Allen Carrier of Andover, Andrew was born 7 April 1677 at Billerica, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. He and his siblings were examined after their mother was arrested for witchcraft on 28 May 1692 in the infamous Salem witchcraft trials. All four children confessed to witchcraft and were imprisoned. Just a week later, their mother, Martha Allen Carrier, was executed by hanging on 19 August 1692. The children were later released. Andrew married Mary Adams in January 1704/05 at Colchester, Connecticut. He died at Colchester at the age of 72 on 22 July 1749 and was interred at the Old Burying Ground.
CARRIER / ADDAMS: Andrew Carrier & mary addams ware m. Janewary ye 11th: 1704-5-- Andrew b. febrewary 2d: 1705-6-- John b. June 14th: 1707-- Mary b. Aprell 19th: 1708-- thomas b. June ye 20th: 1711-- Benjamin b. Septemb: 17: 1713--
Andrew Carrier
Born 7 May 1677 Andover,Mass
Married Mary Addams 11 Jan 1704/5 Colchester
Died 23 July 1749 Colchester,CT
(Mary born 1678 Simsbury died 13 Sep 1748)
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Feb 13 2017, 19:11:41 UTC
family research by Sue N. Farrand
"Carrier Genealogy" by Ethel B. Carrier, 1969 (Photo Copy)
@R-944498296@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60525::0
@R-944498296@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60525::0
@R-944498296@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60525::0
@R-944498296@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. Find A Grave 1,60525::0
- Burial: Old Burying Ground, Colchester, New London, Connecticut, America 3
- _UID: C5297CEACAF3DA11909200D0096D50D68AD6
- Residence: 1725 Jeremy's River, Colchester, New London, Connecticut, America 4
- Event: Land purchase 3 Mar 1703 Colchester, New London, Connecticut, America 5
- Event: Position 31 Dec 1712 Surveyor for the town of, Colchester, New London, Connecticut, America 6
- Event: Job 1719 7
- Will: 7 Apr 1749 Colchester, New London, Connecticut, America 8
- Note:
Tradition is that he made the first clearing in that part of Colchester which is now included in Marlborough. There he built the cabin that was his dwelling for some years. He had several encounters with the indians but finally succeeded in establishing himself a sa proprietor of the soil.
In 1725 he was granted water rights on Jeremy's River to set up a grist mill, where descendants later manufactured fibre board, the towns leading industry.
"A list of the freemen of ye town of Colchester-- Micaiell Taintor Micaiell Taintor Junr James Newton Samll Northam Thom Day Richd Carrier Ebenezr Skiner Danll Clark Danll Clark Junr Lef Isreall Wyat Decon Lomi sWm Roberds Nathll Lomis Jos Wright Josiah Gellet Josiah Gillet Jun rEbenezer Dibell Capt Gilbert Jno Adams Jno adams Junr Decon Skiner Richd Skiner Nathanll Skiner Benjamin Skiner Jos Prat Nathll Kellogg Ephrem Foot Jos pumery Thom Brown Noah Wells Jos Chamberlin Josiah Foo tJames mun ensign Jno Skiner Ebenezer kellogg James Brown Andrew Carrier Richard Church Mr Bulkley Jno Day Jonathan Gillet Jonathan Kellogg Nathll Foot Ebenr Coleman Charles Williams Clement Cithophell John Chapman Senr Ephream Wells Josiah Phelps John holms William Roberds Josiah Gates Joseph foot John Johnson--"
Was among the original proprietors of Colchester, chosen surveyor and way warden, 1712-13;
He had a laying out of land March 3, 1703, and a laying out for a house November 6, 1703, in Colchester, CT.
"layd out for Andrew Carrier his first deuision of upland lyinge on the north side of the mill Brook."
"Nouember 6th : 1703 layd out for Andrew Carrier a home lott Lyinge o nye south side of Joseph pumerys shepiantups lott."
" Decemb : 31 : 1712 : at a legall town meeting held in Colchester
--Capt Gilbert Left Wiat & Mr Dainell Clark ware Chosen Selectmen:
Decemb r28 : 1713 : Micaiell Taintor was Chosen towne Clerk for the year insueing: at a legall town meeting held in Colchester the date aforesaid: At the same meeting selectmen ware chosen Namely mr Daniell Clark senr: Mr Joseph Wright & Micaiell Taintor
--Constables Chosen ware Nathaniell Kellogg & Ebenezer Skinner--sworn-
-Colecterors to Colect the minestors Rate & town rate John Bigloo Noah Wells & Jonathan Kellogg-
-fence vewers Chosen ware John Hitchcock & William Chamberlin
--Surueyers Chosen ware: John Johnson sworn--Andrew Carrier sworn--Ephream Foot sworn--Ephream Wells sworn--John homes & Samll Spencer
--Listers chosen ware Thomas Day Richard Skiner & John Hubberd--all sworn--enspectors Chosen ware ebenezer Colman & Daniell Clark Juner--both sworn--Grand Jur ymen
Chosen ware John Addams sener Nathanll Lomis--both sworn--
"further at the meeting aforesaid the town granted a Rate of 3d pence on the pownd of the ratebl estate of the towne--at the meeting aforesaid the towne granted to the Reuerant Mr Bulkly for his salary the year past sixty and five pownds
--at the same meeting a Comitie was Chosen to setell the Line with Hebron men betwixt Hebron and Colchester--namely ebenezer Skiner
Left Wiat ensine Skiner Ebenezer Colman Nathanll Foot-"
"Februwary the 13th : 1719--20--John Day of Colchester--hath taken v pa dark brown mare with a few white hares on her forehead: with a ba ymare Colt: about six months old--the mare is branded on the left shoulder with Colchester town brand--taken up as strays--in a suffering Condistion--and apprised at forty shillings
by Andrew Carrier & Micaiell Taintor Junr."
Both are buried in the old burying grounds, Colchester, Conn.
His will was dated 4/7/1749, probated 8/1/1749 mentions his grandson Andrew, son of his deceased son John, and son Thomas and Benjamin and daughter Mary.
From PERSONAL MEMOIRS OF GENEALOGY, by Wm Richard Cutler, A.M. Vo l4.
Will dated 7 Apr 1749, proved 1 Aug 1749, mentions ll the children, of whom John was dead having left a son Andrew.
21 Aug 1750 his estate was divided among the following: Samuel and Mary Day, Andrew Carrier, Benjamin Carrier, heirs of John Carrier and heirs of Thomas Carrier.
Andrew Carrier, Salem Witch Trials's Timeline
1677 |
May 7, 1677
Billerica, Middlesex County, Massachusetts
1705 |
February 2, 1705
Colchester, New London County, Connecticut Colony
1707 |
June 14, 1707
1708 |
April 19, 1708
Colchester, New London County, Connecticut, United States
1711 |
June 20, 1711
Colchester, New London, Conn
1713 |
Colchester, New London County, Connecticut, United States
1749 |
July 22, 1749
Age 72
Colchester, New London County, Connecticut
???? |
Colchester Burying Ground, Colchester, New London, Connecticut