1. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Ward Family, pg. 192, 1919.
Ward family: Seth1 Ward of Henrico County was the father of Richard2 Ward. Richard2 Ward (Seth1) of Henrico County was a magistrate therecin 1666, the date of his birth is not known; but, he died in 1682. Richard Ward2 married Elizabeth (surname unknown) and had issue: I. Seth3 Ward. II. Richard3 Ward. III. Edward3 Ward IV. Elizabeth3 Ward, of whom nothing further is known.
2. Seth3 Ward (Seth1, Richard2) of "Sheffield" Henrico County, born 1661; captain of militia: corner of Henrico January 1700; died 1706 or 1707. Seth3 Ward (1661-1707) was the father of the four following children: I. Seth4 Ward. II. Richard4 Ward. III. Benjamin4 Ward. IV. Joseph4 Ward.
No record of the will of Captain Seth3 Ward has been found nor has a search among original papers in the Henrico Court Clerk's Office produced the "original" of his will. That Seth3 Ward made a will and that it was a legal document and admitted to record there is evidence in the fact that in an order of court October 1713 it is entered that certain property was delivered to the guardians of two of Seth3 Ward's orphans "according to the will." (See below the order in full.)
The orders of court proving the names of Captain Seth Ward's children are as follows; September 15, 1708, William Blackman ordered to give security for what estate he hath in his hands belonging to the orphans of Captain Seth Ward, late of this county [i. e. Henrico] deed.(Henrico Records, Vol. [No. 4] 1677-1739, p. 50.) August 1713. Upon petition of Benjamin Ward and Joseph Ward they are admitted to choose their guardians and thereupon the said Benjamin chooses Robert Burton, Junr. to be his guardian, and the said Joseph chooses Seth Ward (oldest brother) to be his guardian, who appearing and severally accepting the charge, John Stewart and the said Robert Burton enter themselves securitys for the said Seth Ward and Henry Trent and the said Seth Ward enter themselves securitys for the said Robert Burton. At the same court (August 1713) it was ordered that William Blackman do deliver unto Robert Burton, Junr., guardian to Benjamin Ward the estate of the said Benjamin, that he also deliver unto Seth Ward guardian to Joseph Ward the estate of the said Joseph, and that Thomas Branch, Christopher Branch and Richard Ward3, or any two of them do see the delivery of the said estates and make report thereof to the next court (ibid. Order Book 1710-1714, p. 251) October Court 1713. Christopher Branch and Thomas Branch, two of the persons ordered to see the estate of Benjamin Ward delivered unto Robert Burton, Junr., his guardian, and the estate of Joseph Ward delivered unto Seth Ward, his guardian, make report that in obedience to the said order they have seen the said estates delivered according to the will (Ibid., Order Book 1710-14, p. 254.) February Court 1713/14. Richard Ward by his petition sets forth that he is arrived to lawful age and therefore prays that the estate left him by his Deceased father may be delivered him; William Blackman, in whose possession the said estate is, agreeing thereto, it is ordered that he do deliver the said estate to the petitioner in the presence of Thomas Branch and Christopher Branch.(Ibid., Order Book 1710-14, p. 269). That Benjamin, Joseph and Richard Ward (mentioned in the above orders) were sons of Captain Seth3 Ward is proved in that William Blackman was ordered (September 1708) to give security for estate in his hands belonging to orphans of Captain Seth Ward, deceased; and by orders (August 1713 and February 1713/14) William Blackman was directed to deliver estate in his hands belonging to Benjamin and Joseph Ward to the guardians respectively chosen by them; and the estate belonging to Richard Ward, to the said Richard direct. That Captain Seth3 Ward had also a son Seth4, who was older than Richard , Benjamin and Joseph, is proved by various records. (see forward under Seth4 Ward). The question arises as to who was Captain Seth Ward's. wife.* Research, thus far, has failed to reveal direct evidence as to her identity; but, there are facts, which brought into relation, tend to prove, circumstantially at least, that Captain Seth3 Ward married Ann, daughter of Henry and Ann (Lound) Hatcher, of Henrico County. *It should be borne in mind that there is no extant copy of the will of Captain Seth3 Ward; and no record (so far discovered) gives even his wife's baptismal name. The facts (which taken together tend to substantiate the above stated conclusion) are as follows: 1.Henry Lound of Henrico County, in his will dated July 2, 1708; probated November 1, 1708, leaves one shilling to his granddaughter Ann Ward. (Henrico Records.) 2.The year and month of Captain Seth3 ward's death is not known nor do the records show the date of the probate of his will; but, from the order of Court September 15, 1708, for William Blackman to give security for estate in his hands belonging to orphans of Captain Seth3 Ward, late of this county, deceased (Vol. 1677-39, p. 50). One would infer that Captain Ward had not been so very long dead, certainly that his orphan's property had but recently come into the "hands" of William Blackman. There is no remaining court order showing that Blackman was even the legally constituted guardian to Seth3 Wards orphans, nor any record or order showing how it happened that he had their estate in his possession. 3.But it is a matter of record (as above quoted) that in September 1708, William Blackman was ordered to give security for the estate in his hands belonging to the orphans of Captain Seth3 Ward; and that the names of the orphans were Benjamin, Joseph and Richard; and that said Blackman delivered their estates into the hands of later chosen guardians of Benjamin and Joseph, and into Richard's hands on his coming to "lawful age." 4.The following facts also appear: (a)December 1707 William Blackman having by his petn. To this court set forth that Edward Ward by his misrepresentation obtained an order at the last court open a road which leads through the plantation whereon he now (your petn.) lives belonging to the orphs of Seth Ward, decd. (Henrico Court, Order Book 1707-09, p. 11.) (b)April 1708 Mr. Seth Ward, 3 days as evidence in difference between William Blackman and Edward Ward (Ibid. 1707-09, p. 30); (c)April 1708 John Clark evidence in behalf of Richard Ward in a difference depending between William Blackman and Edward Ward concerning stopping of a road (Ibid., 1707-09, p. 32). (Ibid., 1707-09, p. 32). [Note: Richard Ward mentioned in this order is evidently Richard, son of Captain Seth3 Ward, and the eldest of the then minor orphans whose property was in Blackmans hands.] (d)April 1708. The order for a road granted Edward Ward through the plantation whereon he now lives belonging to orphans of Seth Ward, decd., is reversed (Ibid. 1708-09, p. 33). 5. (a) November 1712 Seth Ward petn. For cart road layd out from his plantation where he now lives to a small piece of land which he lately purchased of Richard Ward; appears said road must pass through certain lands in possession of William Blackman. Referred to next court (Ibid. Order Book 1710-14, p. 192). (b) February 1712/13 Seth Ward vs. William Blackman and Anne, his wife, petn. For cart way to pass through land of said William and Anne to a piece of land lately purchased by Seth Ward of Richard Ward; ordered that the cart way be granted ye sd Seth to pass through ye defdts land on ye river bank. Thomas Branch and Christopher Branch ordered to lay out sd way (Ibid. Book 1710-14, p. 203).*A summary of this: Captain Seth3 Ward died prior to December 1707, at which date William Blackman was living on the plantation belonging to the orphans of Seth Ward, decd. (O. B., 1707-09, p.11); William Blackman had in his "possession" or "hands" [the court orders never once stated he was guardian] the estates of Benjamin, Joseph and Richard Ward, orphans of Seth3 Ward and it appears that in February 1712/13 when Seth4 (an older son of Captain Seth Ward) was petitioning for a cart road out to the river that the land through which it was to pass is designated as belonging to William Blackman and Ann his wife, (see order given in full above). It seems not at all improbable that in reality William Blackman married the widow of Captain Seth3 Ward, some time after the July 1708 Henry Lound made his will naming granddaughter Ann Ward, and thus it was that the property of Captain Seth3 Ward's minor children came into his possession or hands. It is quite evident that the Ann Ward, so named in Lound's will had been born Ann Hatcher (see facts stated in footnote p. 192) \ Captain Seth3 Ward was the only Ward at that time living in Henrico (so far as the records show) who could have the husband of the said Ann; for, Captain Seth's brothers at that time were married, viz.: Richard Ward to Elizabeth Blackman and Edward Ward to a daughter of Gilbert Elam.\\
3. Richard3 Ward (Richard2, Seth1) of Henrico County died 1724. His name appears frequently on the Henrico records in minor suits. Richard3 Ward was married three times: first Martha Branch; second, Elizabeth Blackman; third, Mary, widow of Robert Jones.
Thomas Branch, Senior, of Henrico County, will dated October 29, 1688, probated February 1, 1694, names daughter Martha Ward. Mrs. Elizabeth Branch [widow of Thomas Branch] in her will dated August 2, 1697; probated August 20, 1697, names son-in-law Richard Ward (see Branch family in QUARTERLY, XXV, p. 62).\\\
Marriage license issued 7ber (September) 1696 Richard Ward with Elizabeth Blackman. Thomas Cocke, Senr. Surety (Henrico Records, Vol. 1688-1697), p. 631). The will of William Blackman, of Varina Parish, Henrico County, planter, dated November 11, 1697, probated April 1, 1698, makes bequests: to eldest son William Blackman, south of lower moiety of my plantation in Varina Parish, Henrico County; son John Blackman, north, or upper half of said lands or plantation, 3 guns, a young horse, and 3 sterling; to daughter Dorothy, wife of George Cogbill, of aforesaid county, and parish, Cooper, 1 shilling ; to daughter Elizabeth Ward, now wife of Richard Ward, of aforesaid county and parish, 1 shilling; wife Dorothy Blackman, residue of estate not before mentioned and she is named as executrix. (Henrico Records, Vol. 1697-1704 p. 69-70)
The following items from Henrico County Order Books refer probably to this Richard Ward (Richard Ward4): William Blackman having caused a summons to issue against Richard Ward,Junr to appear at this court to discharge him from his estate which the saidBlackmanhath delivered him, the said Ward appears, and the court having heard him,the said Blackman, and Christopher Branch, who was present at the delivery, itappears to the Court that the said Ward hath received his estate, and thereupon the said Blackman is discharged from the same. (Henrico Records, Order Book1710-14, p. 297.)
@R-1244206470@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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@R-1244206470@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
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1664 |
August 8, 1664
Henrico County, Virginia Colony
1683 |
Sheffield Plantation, Varina Parish, Henrico County, Virginia Colony
1686 |
Virginia Colony
Henrico County, Virginia Colony
1687 |
Henrico, Virginia
1690 |
Henrico, Virginia
Halifax, Halifax, North Carolina, United States
Halifax, Halifax, Virginia, United States