Matching family tree profiles for Ann Quin - Flood - Caffrey
Immediate Family
About Ann Quin - Flood - Caffrey
There are 2 convicts who have become confused
- Ann GORMAN - Arrived “Marquis Cornwallis” 1791 - born c1778 (age 18 at trial) Tried 1793 Tholsel Dublin City for felony money - 7 years transportation
- Ann GERMAINE aka JARMY - Arrived “Mary Anne” 1791 - born 1/10/1769 - Tried at Norfolk, Norwich Assizes for stealing - 7 years transportation Due to the low literacy rate in the colony at that time, the spelling of these woman’s surnames have at time been GORMAN or GERMAIN or JERMAIN so it has become difficult to tell them apart.
This profile is for the Ann that arrived on “Marquis Cornwallis”
The profile for the Ann that arrived on “Mary Ann” is Ann Tambleton - Howell - Thompson - Eager, Convict "Mary Ann" 1791
Norfolk Chronicle Sat 31/7/1790 p2
- On Thursday morning ended the Assizes for this city, ...Ann Jarmy, for stealing a remnant of printed cotton linen, from the shop of Messrs Lewis and Hayward, and Elizabeth Allen, for stealing from the same shop a remnant of purple and white cotton printed, were both sentenced to be transported for seven years.
"Marquis Cornwallis"
- Ann GORMAN - Arrived “Marquis Cornwallis” 1791 - born c1778 (age 18 at trial) Tried 1793 Tholsel Dublin City for felony money - 7 years transportation
"Mary Anne"
- Ann GERMAINE aka JARMY - Arrived “Mary Anne” 1791 - born 1/10/1769 - Tried at Norfolk, Norwich Assizes for stealing - 7 years transportation
1805/1806 Norfolk Island and NSW Musters
- Ann GORMAN arrived on "Marquis Cornwallis" and was living with Joseph FLOOD with 3 male children - possibly John, Joseph and Thomas.
- Ann GERMAIN/JERMAIN arrived on "Mary Ann" and was housekeeper to B THOMPSON with no children listed.
Sydney Gazette 24/3/1805 Page 1
- NOTICE. SAMUEL HOWELL gives the public notice that no person shall credit his wife on his Account as he will not be responsible for any debts she may contract. Sydney March 10, 1805
1811 Census
- Ann GORMAN "Marquis Cornwallis" Tried April 1793, Dublin, 7 years
1814 Census
- Ann GERMAINE, transported aboard the ship "Mary Ann" wife to Samuel HOWEL, 2 children
- Samuel HOWELL, transported aboard the ship "Scarborough", free, occupation - smith
1816 Census
- Ann GERMAN, transported July 1791, Mary Ann, tried Norwich Jul 1790, widow at Hawkesbury
1822 Census
- Ann GERMAINE, free by servitude, M Ann 7 years, wife of J EAGAR, Windsor
- ? GERMAINE, child of above
- James EAGAR, convict Tyne, 7 years, clearing party - John Palmer, Windsor
1832 Certificate of Freedom
- Ann GORMAN "Marquis of Hastings" - NSW Government Gazette - 13 June 1832
NSW Birth Records
- John FLOOD born 1797, father Joseph, mother Ann GERMAINE - 494/1797
- Margaret TAMBLETON born 1792, father Thomas B, mother Ann GERMAIN - V1792163 4/1792
NSW Baptism Records
- William QUIN born 19/12/1795 at sea, baptised 21/2/1796 Sydney, father William QUIN, mother Ann GORMAN
- John FLOOD born 24/9/1797 Sydney, baptised 24/9/1797 Sydney, father Joseph FLOOD, mother Ann GERMAINE
- Catherine CAFFREY born 19/7/1810 Sydney, baptised 8/3/1811, father Patrick CAFFREY, other Ann
NSW Death Records
- Thomas FLOOD died 1867, father Joseph, mother Ann - Sydney 1122/1867
- Ann FLOOD died 1814 age 36 - 3678/1845 (born c1778)
- Margaret TAMBLETON die d1792 - infant - V1792465 4/1792
- Ann HOWELL died 1823 aged 53 (born c1770) - V18235686
Suggested Relationships and children
Ann "Mary Ann"
- with Thomas TABLETON seaman on "Mary Ann" 1791 - child Margaret TAMBLETON born 15/1/1792
- with Samuel HOWELL convict "Scarborough" 1790 - children Henry 1794, Maria 1796, Hannah 1803
- with Bishop THOMPSON convict "William and Ann" 1791 - children Charles 1805, Sophia 1808
- with James EAGAR convict "Tyne" - child Dinah 1810
Ann "Marquis of Cornwallis"
- with William QUINN in Ireland
- with Joseph FLOOD convict "Boddingtons" 1793
- with Patrick CAFFREY
Ann -unknown
- with James HAGUE
Ann GORMAN was born c1778 Ireland
She was convicted and sentenced to 7 years transportation. She arrived in Sydney Cove on 9/7/1791 on “Marquis Cornwallis”
Ann had a relationship with William QUIN c1795 and they had the following children
- 1795 William (born enroute to Australia
Ann married Joseph FLOOD and they had the following children
- 1797 John
- 1799 Joseph
- 1802 Thomas
- 1805 Edward
- 1807 James
- 1808 Eleanor
Ann had a relationship with Patrick CAFFREY and they had the following children
- 1809 James
- 1810 Catherine
- 1813 Hugh
Ann died in 1814 in New South Wales
- http://australianroyalty.net.au/individual.php?pid=I1053&ged=purnel...
- https://australianroyalty.net.au/tree/purnellmccord.ged/individual/...
- http://www.convictrecords.com.au/convicts/jarmy/ann/93133
- http://www.sydneyaldermen.com.au/alderman/edward-flood/
- https://australianroyalty.net.au/tree/purnellmccord.ged/individual/...
- https://convictrecords.com.au/convicts/gorman/ann/123975
- https://convictrecords.com.au/convicts/gorman/anne/141485
- http://members.tip.net.au/~ppmay/cgi-bin/irish/irish.cgi?requestTyp...
- https://www.ancestry.com.au/genealogy/records/ann-gorman-24-2f6yqs8...
- https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/australian-convicts/about/results
- https://irelandxo.com/ireland/dublin/message-board/county-dublin
- http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~jeneestree/family/my_great_great_gre...
- http://www.relativesmatter.com/2017/08/15/the-kippax-and-howell-fam...
- http://australianroyalty.net.au/individual.php?pid=I25318&ged=purne...
- http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/AUS-PT-JACKSON-CONVIC...
- https://convictrecords.com.au/convicts/jarmy/ann/93133
- http://tolharndor.org/bilton/germaine.html
<p>There is debate about Johns mother, whether it is Ann Gorman or Ann Germaine/Jarmy transported on the Mary Ann. Ann Gorman was transported on the marquis Cornwallis from Ireland in 1796. See Joseph Flood notes for details</p><p><p>25/2/1811 received certificate of Freedom</p></p><p><p>1793 Anne tried in Dublin</p></p><p><p>> 1795 Gave birth to a son by William Quinn at sea</p></p><p><p>> 179611/2/1796 Anne arived Sydney on the Marquis Cornwallis</p></p><p><p>> 21/2/1796 Son William Quin baptised St Phillips Sydney</p></p><p><p>> (William died in infancy)</p></p><p><p>> 27/12/1796 Anne witnessed the marriage of Harriet Willard &</p></p><p><p>> William Webster in Sydney</p></p><p><p>> 1797 It was stated that Joseph Flood was living with Anne</p></p><p><p>> Gorman when he testified against persons alleged of</p></p><p><p>> stealing from Governor Hunter's Household when Joseph</p></p><p><p>> was a servant of the Governors</p></p><p><p>> 24/9/1797 John Flood was born (BDM says mother Ann Germaine)</p></p><p><p>> 1799 Joseph Flood jnr born</p></p><p><p>> 1800 Muster shows Anne Gorman and Joseph Flood living together</p></p><p><p>> in Sydney</p></p><p><p>> 1802 Thomas Flood born</p></p><p><p>> 1802 Muster states "With Whom" as expired for Anne</p></p><p><p>> 1805 24/6/1805 Edward born</p></p><p><p>> 1805-6 Muster lists Anne Gorman as living with Joseph Flood</p></p><p><p>> 1807 James Flood born</p></p><p><p>> 1808 12/9/1808 Joseph snr dies</p></p><p><p>> 1809 Anne refers to herself as Anne Flood when dealing with</p></p><p><p>> Joseph's estate</p></p><p><p>> 1811 Anne listedas Anne Gorman widow</p></p><p><p>> 25/2/1811 Anne granted Certificate of Freedom</p></p><p><p>> 1814 22/8/1814 Anne died as Anne Flood</p></p><p><p>> 1818 11/8/1818 Anne Flood's son James recommended for the Male</p></p><p><p>> Orphan's School</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>It seems likely that after Joseph Flood’s death, Ann Gorman lived with Patrick Caffrey and may have been the mother of Hugh Caffrey, born c1813. After Ann Gorman’s death at the age of 36 on 24 August 1814, Caffrey acted as her children’s guardian. Ten year old James Flood was admitted to the Orphan School in Sydney inJanuary 1819. He had been living with waterman ‘Pat Caffrey a poor man’ of King Street.</p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Church Baptism record</p></p><p><p>Ann Gorman, baptised 25 May 1777 at St Paul's Arran Quay, Dublin, Roman Catholic. Father Lawrence, Mother Mary no surname. Witnesses James Caffry and Elenor Gorman</p><p><p></p></p><p><p>William Quin, son of William Quin, & Ann Gorman; Born 19 Dec1795 At Sea [SEA], Baptised 21 Feb 1796, Registered at St Philip's Church of England Sydney, Cumberland [NSW AUS]</p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Church Register: NSW Sydney St Philip CE Baptism</p></p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1796 Feb</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Ann Gorman, Convicted: Apr 1793 Dublin (City) [DUB IRL] 7 years; Transported per Marquis Cornwallis, Arrived 11 Feb1796 Sydney [NSW AUS]</p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Convict Indents &c. SRNSW ref: SZ115 pp270-277; SRNSW ref: 4/4003; Marquis Cornwallis 1796 Entry No. 15771</p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1797 Sep</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>John Flood, son of Joseph Flood, & Ann Germaine; Born 24 Sep 1797, Baptised 24 Dec 1797, Registered at St Philip's Church of England Sydney, Cumberland [NSW AUS]</p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Church Register: NSW Sydney St Philip CE Baptism</p></p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1801 Jul</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Ann Gorman; Arrived per Marquis Cornwallis, Status: Expired; Occupation/Residence &c, Sydney [NSW AUS]; Victualling: Off Stores; List No: 191 R</p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Census &c: NSW Settlers'Muster Book 1801 - List 5</p></p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1801 Jul</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Ann Gorman; List No: 103 Old</p></p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Census &c: NSW Settlers' Muster Book 1801 - List 6</p></p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1806 Aug</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Anne Gorman; Arrived per Marquis Cornwallis, Concubine; Children: 3 male natural</p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Census &c: NSW Female Muster 1806</p></p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1806 Aug</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Ann Gorman; Arrived per Marquis Cornwallis, Status: FBS (Free byServitude); Occupation/Residence &c, [Lives with] Joseph Flood</p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Census &c: NSW General Muster 1806</p></p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1811 Feb</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Ann Gorman; Convicted: Apr 1793 Dublin [DUB IRL] 7 years; Arrived per Marquis Cornwallis, Status: Convict; Occupation/Residence &c, NSW [NSW AUS]</p><p><p>List all persons</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Census &c: NSW General Muster 1811 (SRNSW copy)</p></p><p><p>About</p></p><p><p>1811 Feb</p></p><p><p></p></p><p><p>Ann Gorman; Convicted: Apr 1793 Dublin [DUB IRL] 7 years; Arrivedper Marquis Cornwallis, Status: Convict; Occupation/Residence &c, NSW [NSW AUS]</p><p><p></p></p><p><p>William Webster, Signed; & Harriot Willard, Signed X; married 27 Dec 1796, registered St PhilipsChurch of England Sydney [NSW AUS], with consent of Commander NSW Corps by Richard Johnson; Witness: Richard Boom, Signed X; Witness: Ann Gorman, Signed X; Additional Information: Marriage by consentof Captain J Foveaux commanding the NSW Corps</p><p>List all persons</p>
Ann Quin - Flood - Caffrey's Timeline
1777 |
May 25, 1777
Dublin, Ireland
1778 |
Dublin, Ireland
1795 |
December 19, 1795
at sea
Name: William Quin
1797 |
September 24, 1797
Sydney, New South Wales (Cert), Australia
NSW Birth Record
Name: John Flood
1799 |
Sydney Cove, Australia
1802 |
Sydney, New Sourh Wales, Australia
NSW Death Record