Convicted in 1788 in Dublin, and sentenced to 7 years, she was 30 years old. Anne joined “The Queen” in April 1791:,one of only 22 female convicts, with 132 male convicts, which was part of the 3rd Fleet, and the first ship with Irish convicts, directly from Ireland. It arrived September 26th 1791,Anne was aged 33 years The ”Queen” arrived on Sept 26th 1791, with 7 males dying during the voyage
Surname could have been SLATEROVIC. This information is given by J.H.Donohoe (Convicts and Exiles Transported from Ireland 1791-1820, 1992) to be in the embarkation shipping indents for the convict transport Queen
(AONSW 4/4003 reel 392?).
Anne SLATER was born in Dublin, Ireland c 1758.
After Edward died in 1802,she married John NORMAN in , St Phillips Church of England Sydney Aug 28th 1803. Anne died aged 48 years in about 1806 in Windsor, NSW, Australia. It is believed that she was buried in the Green Hills burial Ground, South Creek, Bridge St, in Windsor NSW, where Edward is buried
Convicted in 1788 in Dublin, and was sentenced to 7 years, she was 30years old. Anne joined The Queen in April 1791:,one of only 22 female convicts, with 132 male convicts, which was part of the 3rd Fleet, and the firstship with Irish convicts, directly from Ireland.. It arrived September 26th 1791, Anne was aged 33 years The Queen arrived on Sept 26th 1791, with 7 males dying during the voyage. The 3rd Fleet consisted of 12 ships, with 2459 convicts ( 2229 males& 230 females ) and arrived in Sydney between July 9th 1791 & February 14th 1792.Some 218 convicts died during the voyage
Historical Note regarding the Queen. The first Irish convicts sent directly from Ireland arrived on the Queen on September 26th 1791, whichsailed from Cork carrying one hundred and thirty three male convicts and twenty two female convicts. The youngest was David Fay of Dublin, aged eleven years and the oldest was Patrick Fitzgerald, aged sixty-four. The youngest female convict was Mary Whelan aged eighteen years, and the oldest, Margaret Stephenson was fifty years. The Queen also carried four children of the female convicts and one free woman, Mrs Ann Jamison wife of Sergeant John Jamison of the New South Wales Corps.
Copy of papers concerning Edward?s Will and Anns application for Letters of Administration. Know all men by these present that the Anne Slater (named in the lastwill and testament of Edward Whitton declared as Executrix thereto) Samuel Foster and John Redmond of Sydney are revere held and firmly bound to Richard Aitkins Esquire His Majesty Judge Advocate for this territory as follows that is to say the said Anne Slater in the sum of twohundred pounds sterling and the said Samuel Foster and John Redmond each in the sum of one hundred pounds sterling to be paid to the said Richard Aitkins Esquire his heirs or successor for which several payments well and truly to be made We severally bind ourselves firmly by these presents stated with our seals unjustly Dated the twenty seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two. Where as the above bounden Anne Slater hath applied for letters of Administration to be granted to her as the Executrix of the late EdwardWhitton deceased of the Goods Chattels and Effects of the said EdwardWhitton deceased and Letters of Administration has been accordingly granted to her upon the Usual Condition of Her entering into a bond with two sureties for the true performance of the said Trust AND WHEREAS the above bound Samuel Foster and John Redmond has to agree to become sureties for the said Anne Slater NOW THE CONDITION of the above written Obligations is such that if the above bounden Anne Slater as Adminstratrix of all and singular suchGoods Chattels and Effects of the said Edward Whitton Deceased of this Territory do tender or cause to be tendered a just full true and perfect Inventory of all and singular such Goods Chattels and Effects which shall or may come into the Hands Custody Possession or Knowledge of her the said Anne Slater or of any other person or persons for her and that such Inventory She will well and truly exhibit or cause to beexhibited into the Judge Advocate for the time being or unto the Court of Civil Jurisdiction. Where as she shall be called upon or required so to do and that she will well and truly administer according to Law and do all such things as by the Statute in that Care are made and required of persons taking out Letters of Administration THEN this Obligation to be void and of nones Effect or else to be and remain in full force. Sealed and delivered in the presence of M.Robinson Anne Slater X Her Mark Samuel Foster New South Wales
I Anne Slater Do Solemnly Swear that I will well and truly Administerall the Goods Chattels and Effects of Edward Whitton deceased which may cross to my Hands on his Account or be due or owing to his Estate and received by me as Adminstratix as aforesaid AND that I will pay allthe debts of the deceased Edward Whitton contracted and owing in thisTerritory as far as his said Goods Chattels and Effects will go and extend and tender a just account of my Administration to the Judge Advocate of this Territory or to the Civil Court Whenever called upon or required so to do. SO HELP ME GOD ???X Anne Slater her mark Sworn and subscribed before me on the July 27th 1802 Richard Atkins JA
WHITTON Farm was divided between Mary Ann and William The Will named Samuel Foster and John Redman and gave both the sum of 100 pounds each. Anne received 200 pounds.
Particulars of arms in possession of 1802 Apr 10 WHITTER, Mrs. Widow; of Hawkesbury District (From Colonial Secretarys Index State Records Reel 6041; 4/1719 p.93)
MUSTER 1802-Anne Slater- ?Whittons Grant , 25 acres cleared, 16 acres sown in Wheat, 1 acres in Barley, 10 acres ready for Maize. 10 hogs, OFF Stores 1 Woman, 2 Children 2 Female Servants. On Hand 50 bushels of Wheat, 60 bushels of Maize.
1758 |
Dublin, Ireland
1794 |
March 23, 1794
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
1796 |
Mulgrave Place, NSW
1799 |
Mulgrave Place, NSW
1806 |
Age 48
Windsor, New South Wales, Australia