Ann Smallwood, Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790

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Ann Smallwood (Young), Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790

Birthplace: Hawksbury River district,, New South Wales, Australia
Death: 1807 (35)
Pitt Town, New South Wales, Australia
Immediate Family:

Wife of Daniel Smallwood, Convict "Matilda" 1791
Mother of James Smallwood, Snr; Esther Maria Grono and Daniel Smallwood

Managed by: Private User
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About Ann Smallwood, Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790

Tried and convicted in Warwick in 1787, sentenced to 7 years transportation. Left England on 27th March 1791. Ship:- the ‘Matilda’ sailed with 230 male convicts on board of which 25 died during the voyage. Arrived on 1st August 1791.

Married convict Ann Young (‘Lady Juliana’ 1790) on 2nd January 1792 at Parramatta, they had 3 children. The solemnization of matrimony between Daniel Smallwood and Ann Young married this 2nd day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety two by me Richard Johnson. In the presence of James Cham(?) and Mary Hutchinson.

Ann died in 1806, Daniel then married another convict, Elizabeth Kelso (‘Experiment’ 1804) on 4th April 1808 at Parramatta.

Citation details: year 1808 page 72 no 276 Daniel Smallwood of the parish of St John Parramatta and Elizabeth Kelso of ditto were married in this church by banns this fourth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and eight by me Anthony Fenn Kemp J.P. Daniel signed the register and Elizabeth made her X mark in the presence of Jane (?) and Mary Batman who both signed the register

Daniel became a landowner and shipowner, during 1821, the ‘Bird in the Hand’ began as a licensed inn in Pitt Town under the management of Daniel Smallwood who traded until his death in 1839. An inn built on an adjacent site in 1858 has carried on the name to the present.

Daniel died on 24th April 1839 at Pitt Town age 78.

Denis Pember on 14th October, 2017 wrote:

Daniel and Elizabeth were recorded in the 1828 census: Page 341… [Ref S1225] Smallwood, Daniel, 65, free by servitude, Matilda, 1791, farmer Pitt Town, 120 acres, 40 acres cleared, 40 acres cultivated, 4 horses, 100 horned cattle, 50 sheep. [Ref S1226] Smallwood or Kelso, Elizabeth, 45, free by servitude, Experiment, 1804. [Ref S1227] Smallwood, Elizabeth 28, born in the colony. [Ref S1228] Smallwood, James, 26, born in the colony. [Ref S1229] Smallwood, Ann, 21, born in the colony. [Ref S1230] Smallwood, Daniel 6, born in the colony. [Ref S1231] Smallwood, Elizabeth 3, born in the colony. [Ref S1232] Smallwood, Ann, 14, born in the colony.

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Ann Smallwood, Convict "Lady Juliana" 1790's Timeline

January 1, 1772
Hawksbury River district,, New South Wales, Australia
Pitt Town NSW Australia
December 12, 1806
Pitt Town, New South Wales, Australia
Age 35
Pitt Town, New South Wales, Australia