Ann was born about 1614. She married 1st Michael Hopkinson in 1641.She married 2nd John Trumble on June 1, 1650 in Rowley MA She married 3rd Richard Swan on March 1, 1658 in Rowley MA.
Children with Michael Hopkinson:
Richard Swann m. (2d), at Rowley, Mar. 1, 1658/9, Ann, wid. of John Trumbull.
Children with Richard Swan:
(Richard1 Swan's) widow, Ann, was buried 23 July, 1678. Her will, dated 4 July, 1678, proved 24 Sept., 1678, mentions daughters Abigail Bailey and Mary Kilborn; sons Caleb, John and Jonathan Hopkinson and [stepson] John Trumble.
from CLARK and WORTH:
Michael [Hopkinson] was buried Feb. 28, 1649, and his widow married (2) August 1650, John Trumble; and (3) March 1, 1659, Richard Swan. Ann Hopkinson, widow, failed to administer her first husband's estate and was fined by the court. When she filed an inventory of Pounds 116, 19s, 8d. on September 29, 1657, the fine was dropped. Michael [Hopkinson]'s wife Ann was born in England ca 1615, and it is thought that her name might have been Gott because she bequeathed to her son Caleb a chest that "his father Gott made" (his grandfather Gott probably intended). Ann had five children from her first marriage and two daughters, Abigail and Mary from her second marriage. In addition, her second husband, John Trumbull, had six children from his previous marriage, and her third husband Richard Swan had about fourteen children. Although by the date of her third marriage, some of these had married, there were still about fourteen children needing her motherly care in 1659. She died in 1678, buried on July 23 in Rowley, surviving her third husband.
Seen as daughter of "Thankful Gift" "Joyce" Gott & Charles Gott with no supporting evidence. Disconnected Nov 2015
Ann's maiden name must be considered as unknown. The name "Gott" is based on a probable misinterpretation of her Will, attached hereto, where she makes a bequest to her son Caleb of "a chest that his father Gott made". Given the frequent mis-spellings and capitalizations in that Will, it is easy to understand that Caleb's father "got" the chest made. If Gott was really Ann's maiden name, she would have spoken of the chest Caleb's "grandfather Gott made". The "Gott" theory was first mentioned in a footnote in Vol. 2, Pg. 867 of Mary Lovering Holman's Pillsbury genealogy, and has ever since been added to pedigrees far and wide.
Birth: 1614, England Death: Jul. 23, 1678 Rowley Essex County Massachusetts, USA
She was born about 1614. She married 1st Michael Hopkinson in 1641.She married 2nd John Trumble on June 1, 1650 in Rowley MA She married 3rd Richard Swan on March 1, 1658 in Rowley MA.
Family links: Spouses:
John Trumble (1607 - 1657)
Michaell Hopkinson (____ - 1648)*
Richard Swan (1600 - 1678)*
Abigail Trumbull Bailey (1651 - 1735)*
Burial: Rowley Burial Ground Rowley Essex County Massachusetts, USA
Created by: Bob Brien Record added: Jan 24, 2012 Find A Grave Memorial# 83930869
Marriage - http://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Rowley/aMarriagesS.shtml "(Swan) Richard, and Ann Trumble, Mar. 1, 1658"
Death - http://ma-vitalrecords.org/MA/Essex/Rowley/aDeathsS.shtml "(Swan) Ann, w. Richard, bur. July 23, 1678"
1615 |
1642 |
January 12, 1642
Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts, British Colonial America
1643 |
April 9, 1643
Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, United States
1645 |
1646 |
November 7, 1646
Rowley, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
1648 |
February 19, 1648
Bradford, Essex, Massachusetts
1651 |
October 16, 1651
Rowley, Essex, MA, United States
1654 |
June 17, 1654
Rowley, Essex County, Massachusetts, United States