Anna Maria Britz

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Anna Maria Britz (Koekemoer) (1929 - 1991)

Birthplace: Swartruggens, Bojanala, NW, South Africa
Death: 1991 (61-62)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Joachim Marthinus Koekemoer and Maria Jacoba Marais
Wife of Eduard Jacobus Britz
Mother of Private and Private
Sister of Elizabeth Susanna Koekemoer; Johannes Gerhardus Koekemoer; Maria Jacoba Bezuidenhout; Aletta Christina Frederika Koekemoer; Jan Johannes Koekemoer and 1 other

Managed by: Hester Maria Christina Marx
Last Updated:
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Anna Maria Britz's Timeline

September 6, 1929
Swartruggens, Bojanala, NW, South Africa
December 5, 1929
Herv Kerk, Breyten, Eastvaal District Council, MP, South Africa
Age 61