Annabella Forbes is the bastard daughter of John, Lord Forbes. The Scots Peerage IV: p. 55 She married Matthew Lumsden of Tillycairn and she and her husband had a charter for the lands of Tullicarn from her father on 4 December 1540. NRS: GD52/430
Note: According to her husband, Mathew Lumsden of Tulliekerne, writing in 1580: "John Lord Forbes had ane oy'r daughter, called Annapell Forbes, which he begat on ane gentlewoman called Helen Rutherford". Forbes Genealogy: p. 11 See also Genealogical Collections II: p. 214
4 December 1540: Copy of charter of feu-farm by John, Lord Forbes, etc to Mr Mathew Lummisdene [Lumsden] and Annabella Forbes, natural daughter of said John and spouse of said Mathew, of the lands of Tullicarn [Tillycairn], dated 4 December 1540. National Records of Scotland, Lord Forbes, reference GD52/430