Matching family tree profiles for Anne Bryant
Immediate Family
About Anne Bryant
Parents seen as Mary Ann Wahanganoche, daughter of Chief Wahanganoche & Father Lt Colonel Henry Meese, Sr..
From Bill Deyo 6-5-2019
- Anne, married (1) William (not John) Redman, a Patawomeck orphan raised by the Redman family. She married (2) Richard Bryant, son of (Richard?) Bryant and Keziah Arroyah, daughter of Chief Wahanganoche
This profile is for Mrs Dr Richard Bryant / Ann Meese, daughter of Col. Henry Meese/Mary Ann Wahanganoche Ann Meese in Tribal Tree and in court record is specified as Mrs Mary Meese of M-p 100 Above Muddy Creek Land. This Ann we know to be the parent of the court petitioner Nathaniel born to John Grigsby. We know that Nathaiel Bryant married Mrs Mary (Grigsby) Meese-Bryant (Source Genealogies of Virginia Families Vol 1 and IV, p. 68, ) and is the same Nathaniel, son of Richard Bryant and Ann mentioned in Richard's will
Children of Nathaniel and Mary Meese M-p100 above Muddy Creek Land Owner are named in Nathaniel's will by these names: Ann, daus. Sylent and Susannah (both under 16), stepson Wm. Redman, and wife Ann. pg.87 "
The Name Confusion: Mother is Mary Ann Meese MERGE sought except this profile is apparently for the daughter of John Grigsby, Mrs Mary Amees/Meese of estate M-p 100 and oral will named of Nathaniel Bryant. so does not this profile belong to Nathaniel's wife whom he named and willed the M-p 100 land? Is not Richard Bryant's wife on his will as ANN (specifically and not Anne)? True. Therefore, this profile should be wife of Nathaniel Bryant. The children of Nathaniel and Mrs Mary Amees/Meese -- see next paragraph. URL title: Elkins "GENEALOGIES OF VIRGINIA FAMILIES" Vol. I and Vol IV; indexed by Judith McGhan by Baltimore Publishing Co. page 86:"The Will of Richard Bryan (Book Z, p. 227) dated April 5, 1703. Probate recorded May 15, 1704, Richard Bryant,, bequeathed to his son, Nathaniel Bryant "all my land I now enjoy in Virginia, his mother to live wholly upon the plantation where I now live;" to daughter, ELIZABETH ELKIN, 400 Lb. tobacco, RICHARD ELKIN to give my grandson (under 6) RICHARD ELKIN a mare,...The above mentioned Nathaniel Bryant in his nuncupatative will made March 21, 1732-3, gave unto Mrs. Mary Amees (Meese) all of his estate (M-p. 100).
She was the only daughter of John Grigsby.also mentions daughter, Ann, daus. Sylent and Susannah (both under 16), stepson Wm. Redman, and wife Ann. pg.87 "They all lived in that part of Stafford County lying on the Rappahannock above Muddy Creek
Ruchard di 1704 Executrix was wife Ann. My will the land I give to my son Richard Bryant if he should dye without issue to fall to my son NATHANIEL BRYANT and if my son Nathaniel Bryant dye without issue then amongst my daughters .. my will my son Richard Bryant should have one large iron pot & pothooks one chest that which is commonly called mine two pewter dishes four plates & half dozen new spoons one frying pan .. it is my will that my wife be solely Exectx. to all the rest & residue of my goods and chattels .. this fifth day of April Anno 1703. Presence John Creek, Richd. Bryant Diana x Smith, Rebecca x Owen
The above will was produced in open Court by the oaths of Dyana Smith and Rebecca Owen witnesses thereto subscribed who declared they saw John Creek an Evidence thereunto subscribed witness the same and a probate thereof is granted to ANN BRYANT Exectx. she giving security WILLIAM BURTON & JOHN ROWLEY became securities & with her signed Bond accordingly and was ordered sd Will should be recorded Recorded 15th die May 1704. Willm. Fitzhugh Cl Court URL title: Elkins Genealogy Note: "GENEALOGIES OF VIRGINIA FAMILIES" Vol. I and Vol IV; indexed by Judith McGhan by Baltimore Publishing "GENEALOGIES OF VIRGINIA FAMILIES" Vol. I and Vol IV; indexed by Judith McGhan by Baltimore Publishing Co. page 86:"The Will of Richard Bryan (Book Z, p. 227) dated April 5, 1703. Probate recorded May 15, 1704, Richard Bryant,, bequeathed to his son, Nathaniel Bryant "all my land I now enjoy in Virginia, his mother to live wholly upon the plantation where I now live;" to daughter, ELIZABETH ELKIN, 400 Lb. tobacco, RICHARD ELKIN to give my grandson (under 6) RICHARD ELKIN a mare,...The above mentioned Nathaniel Bryant in his nuncupatative will made March 21, 1732-3, gave unto Mrs. Mary Amees (Meese) all of his estate (M-p. 100). She was the only daughter of John Grigsby.also mentions daughter, Ann, daus. Sylent and Susannah (both under 16), stepson Wm. Redman, and wife Ann. pg.87 "They all lived in that part of Stafford County lying on the Rappahannock above Muddy Creek which, on the election of King George, became a part of that county and remained so until 1777." 18 Jan. 1747 (1748), The Will of Richard Bryan, (son of Richard Bryan) presented to King George County Court and recorded by Richard Bryan his executor. Wife is "Beth" Bryan
See Media Section for more documentation
Cavaliers and Pioneers Volume I, Nugent : 1666 Neale O DANNELL '''headright for Henry MEES''', Potomac Creek, Stafford. Nugent:Vol I p. 55-56. '''Col. Henry MEESE (wife Anne) lived on Potomac Creek in Stafford '''
Interviewer: We followed you.
Mr. Cooke: Wahanoganoche has a daughter who married Henry Meese.
Wahanoganoche gives Meese land in the middle of the village so we know he married a daughter. He doesn’t sell him land adjoining the village. We know he has married a daughter. No reason Wahanoganoche would ever let an Englishman have land in the middle of the village.
Henry Meese’s first wife is named Ann. Then there is a second Ann Meese he marries. But the second Ann Meese is Ann Perk (Disputed, she was 60 ish years younger and the suit was brought on the behalf of Mary Meese/aka Anne to the Fitzhugh neighbor who sued on her behalf to Waugh who would not pay his rent on her house, and he lost in court). He married her in 1671. I found the will. When she died Parson Waugh tries to take over her land (Disputed. Katherine Cree Parish as this Ann marrying another about 80 years later, a Henry Mace/Mosse).
Mother was NOT Anne Pert; Mother was Mary Ann Wahanganoche Ann Pert is not in the picture of any of these people's circles and is a moot point.
Had a half sister of the same name (Disputed - they were the same person which is how Henry Meese got his lands time six and counting all over Acquan Land / Patawomeck Land, and lived next to Fitzhugh who had a total of 21,000 acreas. Premise Debunked that Mary Meese was Euro -- Meese had children by his apparent Indian wife, one of whom was Ann, wife of Dr. Richard Bryant. as there is no way Mary Meese was Euro because the land she came with came from Patawomeck. The older John (had a half brother of the same name) was apparently a child of Henry’s union with a daughter of Chief Wahanganoche, as was Ann, the wife of Dr. Richard Bryant (Not apparently, it 's a fact).
Notes on Henry Meese Sr - father of Anne (Meese) Redman-Bryant
1st wife Mary Ann Wahanganoche - John (1st) Ann (1st) - these children were all grown at the time of Henry's will
Not Marred At All and born 60 plus years later is the NOT 2nd wife Anne Pert - the children named in Henry Meese’s will were all very young infants of his last wife, Ann Pert. Henry, John (2nd), Anne (2nd) and Francis
Anne aka Ann is the way it is spelled in her 2nd spouse's will, first married (1) William (not John) Redman, a Patawomeck orphan raised by the Redman family. She married (2) Richard Bryant, son of Richard Bryant and Keziah Arroyah, daughter of Chief Wahanganoche.
============================================================================================================== The children of Ann and Richard Bryant
- Ann had a son William Redmond, born of her first marriage. Together they had six children:
- Eliza(beth) who was married in 1703 (born about 1783) and became executrix along with Ann,wife of Richard's will;
- Nathaniel - not yet 21 (not born before 1682) whose will gave to Mary Meese his land;
- Richard - not yet 18 (not born before 1685)
- Ann - not yet 16 (not born before 1687)
- Sylent - not yet 16 (not born before 1689 if listed in birth order)
- Susannah - not yet 16 (not born before 1691 if listed in birth order)
Old Curator note - updated Jan 2019
Ann Meese (1655-c.1704) was the daughter of Lt Colonel Henry Meese, Sr. and wife Mary. She married (1) Dr. Richard Elkin and (2)John Redman. Family lore says mother was Native American and 2nd husband was Native American. Name may have been Mary Ann
atDna: Independent Study of 3 years of data collection and have a few SNPS in trend lines for 100's of claimants, many in the BRCA 25 studies for the mutations that impacted this line's cliambants.
Awaiting Merge: Same as Anne Bryant 'Ann Bryant daughter of Henry Meese & Mary Ann Wahanganoche. Ann married the son of
[Dr. Richard Bryant, of Stafford County Mariner Surgeon and Land Speculator, Dr. Richart Bryant, Sr. Land owner of Acquia Land 824 A and neighbor of Gov. Giles Brent (and alledged murderer of Wahangonoche), whose portion of his wife's lands (via Mary Meese and adjudicated daughter of Wahangonoche and wife of Henry Meese in Court of Grigsby dealing with the grandson, John Crafford (sic) /Grafford (sic) Stafford's will with the transcript from primary source; that same land, in part, passed to Silent Bryant was appraised in 1698 on record. Silent was a full brother to and uncle to his name sake niece, Sylent, legitimate child by legitimate wife of Dr. Richard Bryant, Ann (Executrix ), whose sister was Mary Meese, therefore Ann was one of 4 daughters of Wahangoneche).
'''Ann, executrix of Dr Richard Bryant's will''' had the legit children on the will where Richard Bryant, Jr received the medicine and books from his physician father who hailed from Middlesex, England if you take his London based businesses as home port. If the Dr. did hail from England, he was tied to port family of pre-Brit trade with the Trader families of the Caribbean (Gallop, Robertson/Roberson (think Roberson Co, NC), DuRant, Hicks, Lightfoot, etc. There is no escaping that the Briant of the James Parish of New Kent /Arundel group were tied to LaSalle names in the Atakapassa Dist and were Briones in the calvary of DeSoto because all of that is on record. These people were port to plains traveling from times of 1540 onward.
Many Internet trees state that there were four Bryant siblings, children of the above Richard and Keziah, Thomas, Richard, Martha, and Silent. These four are real people who lived in the Westmoreland/Stafford/Richmond County area at approximately the same time, but there are no records which either suggest or confirm that they were related, much less siblings. ....
Richard and Keziah did they exist? Can we prove it? There is nothing to be said about these two. There is no proof that they existed in their current form. Clearly, Richard Bryant of Stafford County had a father, but who he was is not known. Wahanganouche may well have had many daughters, but again, who they are is not known, nor do we know who they married.
Also, it is important to note the evolution of the KaOkee story in this supposed genealogy. When KaOkee first hit the internet in the late 1990s she was said to be the daughter of Pocahontas and her Native American husband Kocoum. KaOkee as an adult married Englishman Thomas Pettus. They had several daughters, including one who married the Patawomeck Chief Wahanganouche. Keziah Arroyah is supposed to be the daughter of this pair according to many internet genealogy sites, including Multiwords.
A close scrutiny of this genealogy reveals a flaw that is impossible to overcome. There is no way that a daughter of KaOkee, who could not have been born until 1632/33 could have a child who was old enough to give birth to Richard Bryant in 1651. It is not humanly possible to squeeze in a second generation in that 18 year time span.
supposed children of keziah and bryant
According to the wikitree profile for Keziah Arroyah, she and Richard Bryant had four children. Richard Jr. who is well documented and three others; Silent, Martha, and Thomas Powhatan. Martha Bryant married Thomas Foley and William Burton. She, like Richard, was born in the 1650's and therefore cannot be the daughter of Keziah. Thomas, who was never know as Powhatan, married a woman named Eleanor, Thomas' age also rules him out as Keziah's child. Silent married a woman named Lucy Doniphan but there is no document that proves their existence.
my conclusion
It is my belief that Keziah Arroyah as described on the web and on wikitree did not exist. She was not the wife or (Richard) Bryant and not the mother of his children. This is a simple matter of math. There is no way possible for her to be the great granddaughter of Pocahontas. I am convinced that this genealogy is pure fiction.
This ancestral tree is not the product of genealogy. It does not meet the requirements of the genealogy proof standard.
Awaiting merge to Anne Bryant . Awaiting disconnect from "foster" parent Wahanganoche.
Name is spelled Ann in her husbands' will in Book Z of Stafford Co. (See Avatar)==Biography==
Ann (Meese) Bryant-Redman was born in 1651. Her parents were Lt Colonel Henry Meese, Sr. and Mary Meese/ Acquian - Patawomeck How do we know she was the daughter of Mary (Wahanganoche) Meese? Court probate of the grandson in Grisby's Court, probate petitioner John Stafford's son giving back in written statement his land that he had been given from his named grandmother, Mary (Wahanganoche) Meese and naming her as wife of his grandfather, Henry Meese. The brother in law of this Ann (Meese) Redman-Bryant was John Stafford, which ties this Ann mentioned as wife to Dr Richard Bryant, Sr in his will, to the Meese parents.
Ann married William Redman in 1671 in Stafford, Virginia.
Ann married Dr. Richard Bryant Sr.. Together they had the following children: Elizabeth Elkins; Sylent Simpson-Jeffries; Dr Richard Bryant, Jr; Nathaniel Bryant; Susannah Ann Proctor.
She died in April 1682 in Above Muddy Creek, Stafford Co, Va.
Anne Bryant
Residence: Occoquan / Aquia - Tan Yard of Rice Hooe I - a tract of 1000 acres lying near the falls of Occoquan (where a tanyard was made by M Rice Hooe's father); DR. RICHARD BRYANT owned this land which he sold and then leased back 200 acres in Paspetanzy and 150 acres lying back of William Fitzhugh's plantation; and 200 Chotank acres; and 548 acres lying upon Paspatanzy; also 400 acres near Machidick Dam.
- Do not confuse with the UK person named Anne Pert who never left England and had nothing to do with this profiled family named Anne Pert seen earlier as wife, which is impossible since she died 25 years earlier than the man's willed - named wife and plus, had different children, on record in a different parrish registry with no ties. Ann Pert got disconnected as a wife, due to being 25 years older than Dr Richard Bryant.
This Ann Bryant was the sister of Anne Meese and both she and her sisters were the daughters of Fnu "KaOkee".
Source: Grigbsy's Court for probate of son of John Stafford/Crafford/Grafford in the court doc willing back to the source of his land, his land that went back to his named grandmother and named her as wife of Col Henry Meese and gave her name and her tribal connection. Patawomeck Tribal History Land Records -
- Do not confuse with the UK person named Anne Pert who never left England and had nothing to do with this profiled family named Anne Pert seen earlier as wife, which is impossible since she died 25 years earlier than the man's willed - named wife and plus, had different children, on record in a different parrish registry with no ties. Ann Pert got disconnected as a wife, due to being 25 years older than Dr Richard Bryant.
Ann Meese - Shown as married to Henry Meese in Appomatox Co, Va Wills, in screenshot in avatar, contempory and neighbor of Rice Hooe 2 aka John Hughs Logged In Will in 1712 and shown in avatar as exec. for neighbor of this group of Appatomox Co, Va people.
Anne Bryant's Timeline
1658 |
Stafford County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1664 |
Stafford County, Virginia Colony, Colonial America
1675 |
Stafford, Stafford County, Virginia, United States
1680 |
Hanover Parish, Richmond County , Virginia
1682 |
Stafford, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America
1687 |
Stafford County , Virginia
1689 |
Richmond County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1697 |
Acquia, Va
1706 |
Age 48
Virginia, British Colonial America
???? |