Historical records matching Anne Lemaître
Immediate Family
About Anne Lemaître
Dieppe, Rouen, Normandie, France
St-Pierre I.O., Montmorency, Pq, Canada
Her name was Anne Lemaistre.
Came to Canada (New France) in 1662 as a widow.
More About Anne Lemaitre:
Ancestral File Number: 8XXT-8W
Burial: 01 Oct 1718, St. Pierre, I.o., Montmorency, Quebec48,49,50
Christening: Abt. 1617, St. Remi-De-, Dieppe, Rouen, France51,52,53
Name: Anne LeMaitre
Sex: F
Birth: ABT 1618 in OF: St-Remy, Dieppe, Rouen, Normandie, France
Death: AFT 1693
Event: Emigrated 1663 Arrived Canada as fille du Roi
Reference Number: 1083
Marriage 1 Louis Roy
Married: 27 APR 1638 in St-Remi, Dieppe, France
Nicolas (LeRoy) Roy b: 25 MAY 1639 in St-Remi, Dieppe, France
Marriage 2 Adrian (Adrien Vlanquet) Blanquet b: 1604 in St-Pierre-de-Bacqueville, Dieppe, Rouen, Normandie, France?
Married: 7 NOV 1663 in Quebec
Family chronicle of the ancestor Nicolas LEROY dit ROY link
This genealogy was prepared in collaboration with the genealogist Jean-Jacques LEBEAU.
The history of Nicolas and his descendants has been established below over twelve generations.
The large families descended from this humble but endearing ancestor today bear the name of Roy. Nicolas LeRoy was baptized on May 25, 1639 at the church of St-Rémy in Dieppe, Normandy, and his godfather and godmother are Jacques Beaudoin and Françoise Preaux. He is the son of Louis LeRoy and Anne Le Mestre, married since April 27, 1638 in the same parish. Very young, he married Jeanne Lelièvre. On November 26, 1658, he had his eldest, Louis, baptized in St-Rémy. A second son is baptized on March 24, 1661 and will bear the first name of Nicolas.
The family is moving
Nicolas LeRoy emigrated from France to Canada after the signing of his contract of employment in front of Michel Manichet, notary and royal tabellion in the Viscount of Arques and Antoine Le Marchal, tabellion of Dieppe, on Friday June 17, 1661. It is four days later, on Tuesday, June 21, that he left the port of Dieppe for New France. He is accompanied by his young wife, Jeanne Lelièvre, and his two children: Louis, aged two and a half, and Nicolas, barely three months old. Why do Nicolas and Jeanne come to Canada? Nicolas's father having died, had he become his mother's support?
\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\froman\fcharset0 TimesNewRomanPSMT;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 Fille du roy. \
\cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
Arriv\'e9e le 22 septembre 1663 en Nouvelle-France \'e0 bord du navire de 200 tonneaux "Le Phoenix" de Flessingue faisant partie du 1er contingent de Filles du Roy, femmes et filles de qualit\'e9 parrain\'e9es financi\'e8rement par le Roi Louis XIVpour un mariage en Nouvelle-France avec les colons c\'e9libataires, ainsi que des engag\'e9s pour 3 ans (artisans, ouvriers,etc). Anne LEMAISTRE veuve ROY est accompagn\'e9e de sa belle-fille Jeanne LELIEVRE et de ses petits-enfants Louis et Nicolas ROY. Elle a \'e9t\'e9 pr\'e9c\'e9d\'e9e au pays par son fils Nicolas et le p\'e8re de sa belle-fille Guillaume LELIEVRE.\cb1 \
\cb3 Parti de La Rochelle, Le "Phoenix" est command\'e9 par le capitaine Guillaume HEURTIN (ou HURTIN), qui commandera plusieurs navires entre 1659 et 1683 pour la travers\'e9e vers la Nouvelle-France. Ce navire est lou\'e9 par Pierre GAIGNEUR pour925 Livres tournois par mois au capitaine hollandais Jehan BOSSEMAN, de Flessingue plus 120 L pour le capitaine.}
Anne Lemaître was a Fille du Roi.
video of Anne Lemaître Roy:
After Louis Roy's death in 1661, she remarried to
Adrien * Blanquet dit LaFougère in 1663. They had
no children together.