Immediate Family
About Anne Lovelace
From Pleasants, J. Hall. “The Lovelace Family and Its Connections (Continued).” The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 28, no. 2 (1920): 176–87.
V. Sergeant William Lovelace5 (John1, Richard2, William3, William4). Born about 1525-1530. He succeeded his father as proprietor of Lovelace Place. He was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1549, and called to the bar in 1551. …
Sergeant Lovelaces married twice and left issue by both wives. His first wife was Anne, daughter of Robert Lewes*, Alderman, and Mayor of Canterbury in 1536 (Hasted's Kent; 2 ed.; xii; 606). She was buried February 25th, 1569, in the Cathedral. She left no will.
He married secondly, about 1570, Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas White and the widow of Thomas Carrell. The will of "Mary Lovelace of Southwarneborne, Hants and St. Martin's, Ludgate, London, widow of William Lovelace Serjeant at the law", dated January 25th, 1577-8, proved April 29th, 1578, requests that she be buried at South Warnborough, lIants. She names her previous husband Thomas Carrell, her daughters Frances Carrell and Mabel Lovelace, both un- der twenty-one, several White brothers and sisters, and her step- children William, Thomas and Mary Lovelace (Prerogative Coturt. of Ca'nterbury, 1578; Langley 17).
The portrait of Sergeant Lovelace reproduced here is from a contemporary painting in the Dulwich Gallery, London, dated "AN'DNI, 1576", and displays the Love- lace arms with the motto "Virtute duce" (Gallery No. 372). It is painted on a panel (26 x 22 inches) and shows the Sergeant in his red robes.t …
Issue of Sergeant William Lovelace" (John", Richards, William', William') and his lst wife Anne Lewes:
- i Margery Lovelacee (John1, Richards, William', William', Wil- liam'). Buried July 6th, 1560.
- ii Nicholas Lovelace (John", Richard , William', William', Wil- liam'). Buried February 1st, 1560-1.
- iii Richard Lovelace' (John1, Richard', William', William', Wil liam'). Baptized September 14th, 1560; buried September llth, 1561, at St. Alphage.
- iv William Lovelace" (John1, Richard', William', William', Wil- liam'). Baptized September 30th, 1561; buried October 12th, 1 1628; married Elizabeth Aucher. Knight and proprietor of Lovelace Place. See sketch post. VI.
- v Thomas Lovelace" (John', Richard', William-, William4, Wil-
- liam5). Baptized April 25th, 1563. Died October 23rd, 1591; buried at Bethersden. This may be the pilgrim to Rome of this name, 1583. He inherited the parsonage of Newenham under his father's will. Died without issue.
- vi Mary Lovelace" (John', Richard', William', William4, William5). Baptized October 8, 1564. The statement in Hasted's Kent that it was this Mary Lovelace who married her cousin Richard Lovelace of Kingsdown, Kent, is apparently incorrect (Archaeologia Cantania xx; 60-61). It is this Richard Lovelace of Kingsdown whose daughter Margaret married, August 24, 1619, Henry Coke, son of the Chief Justice, and became the ancestress of the earls of Leicester; some biographers have confused him with Richard Lovelace", the poet.
- vii Anne Lovelace' (John', Richard2, William', William', William5). Baptized December 6th, 1567; died in infancy.
Issue of Sergeant William Lovelace" (John', Richard', William', William') and his 2nd wife Mary (White) Carrell:
- viii Jane Lovelace" (John', Richard2, William', William', Wil- liam'). Born about 1570: buried July 29th, 1572.
- ix Mabel Lovelace" (John', Richard', Williams, William', Wil- lam'). Baptized August 19th, 1572; living 1577.
Anne Lovelace's Timeline
1528 |
Lovelace Place, Kent, England
1556 |
Canterbury, Co Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1558 |
Canterbury, Co Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1561 |
September 30, 1561
St Alphage,Canterbury,Kent,England
Canterbury, Co Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1563 |
Canterbury, Co Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1564 |
Canterbury, Co Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1567 |
Canterbury, Co Kent, England (United Kingdom)
1569 |
February 25, 1569
Age 41
Canterbury, Kent, England