Anthony and Alice (NN) Fisher - his 1st wife had 7 kids. (listed with more details on p 183 (pdf p 13) of uploaded doc.
From rootsweb:
Some information may be incorrect since there is a fictitious genealogy compiled by Gustave Anjou who was a forger of genalogical records for The FISH (FISK) Family FHL #908219. See: http://www.linkline.com/personal/xymox/fraud/fraud223.htm. According to Mr. Robert Charles Anderson, CG, FASG of 2 Fenway, Derry, NH 03038, and published in Volume 19, Numbers 1 & 2, 1991 of the Genealogical Journal of the Utah Genealogical Association, PO Box 1144, Salt Lake, Utah 84110. The title of the article is; We Wuz Robbed! "Gustave Anjou produced these "genealogies" for wealthy clients at a price of around $9,000 and the client, needless to say, always received what they wanted." His fraudulent genealogies have been copied and republished for years by family historians.
Research of Susan Kimes Burgess: The Fisher Genealogy : Record of the Descendants of Joshua, Anthony, and Cornelius Fisher, of Dedham, Mass., 1630-1640; compiled by Philip A. Fisher; Everett, Mass.: Massachusetts Pub. Co., 1898, 474 pgs.
pages 6-10
3. ANTHONY2, son of Anthony (1), of Syleham, County Suffolk, England, was baptized there April 23, 1591 ; came to New England with his first wife Mary and children, probably from Yarmouth in the ship Rose, arriving in Boston, June 26, 1637, and settled in Dedham. He subscribed to the Dedham Covenant, July 18, 1637. Jan. 1, 1638, he was one of the committee "Choesen to contriue the Fabricke of a Meetinghouse to be in length 36 Foote & 20 : foote in bredth, & betweene the vpp & nether sell in ye studds 12 : foote, the same to be girte and to order men to worke vpon the same in all workes as they are seurally apted accordingly." On July 28, 1638, he was assigned his houselot : "Anthony Fisher twelve Acres more or lesse made vp good by an inlargmnt Rune in amongst the Rockes; & for woode & timbr as it lyeth betweene Mr John Allin through out towards the South & Thomas Wighte through out towards the North. And abutts vpon the Waest towards the East & the Waest in the Rockes towards the West the limitts marked & dooled accordingly. / The highwaye leading towards the Ragged playne runing through the Same :/ And a certaine pcell of ground allowed out of the first line vnto the Said Thomas Wight for a seat of an house, a yearde Roome & Easement of water at the Brook as it is set out ther." (Lands Granted vnto Sundry men, p. 5 of Book 2 of Dedham Town Records). His meadow was assigned "The 28th of ye 5th Month (July) 1638" : "Assigned vnto . . . . . . Anthony Fisher - 7 aer : -- : 20 rs. as it lyeth next Tho : Fisher," between Thomas Fisher and Thomas Wight. "The 27th October being ye 8th Month. 1640. . . . . . Graunted vnto Anto: Fisher Fifteene acres of planting grownd to lye vpon ye Southeast side of mr Allin our Pastor his farme to be set out by mr Wheelocke Tho: Wight & Robte Hinsdell." This was east of the highway leading from Dedham to Medfield. He received six acres of plowing land "on the South playne, " March 16, 1640-41 ; purchased the right of four acres of upland of Ralph Wheelock, Nov. 25, 1642 ; was granted four acres of plow land on Feb. 6, 1642-43, and eight acres of woodland, Feb. 4, 1644-45. He bought a farm of 150 acres, a houselot and other lands in Dedham, of the estate of Samuel Cooke, of Dublin, Oct. 19, 1652.
By the attorney, William Parks, of Roxbury, it is described as follows, viz.: "Abutting at the back of the Rock's towards's the west, & the Meadow lying beneath the Same toward's the North, next Charles River, as it lyeth by saide River abutted & bounded betwixt a little brooke & certain Rock's. Item. One house lott conteining twelve Acres of upland more or less as it lyeth in the Smoothe Plaine in Dedham aforesaid, betwixt the house lott of Daniell ffisher toward's the East & the highway toward's the North & west & the Rock's toward's the South" ; also six acres in Rosemary Meadow ; Upland between the way to the meadows and Eleazer Lusher ; twelve acres in the Broad Meadow ; six and a half acres, one half rood, of woodland ; four acres in Cedar Swamp ; one half part of ten acres, three roods, in the Great Plain ; and six acres in Rosemary Meadow ; for which he gave L67 14s. "This lot, I should think from the description given, and the lot of Daniel Fisher, known to be the estate of Mrs. Rodman, on Lowder Street, are located on the easterly side of the Hartford Turnpike, principally the northeasterly angle of said turnpike and Lowder Street." Eleazer Lusher probably bought a large interest in this property, from the following :
In ansr to the petition of Willjam (sic) Parks, of Roxbury, and of Anthony Fisher, of Dedham, and Eleazer Lusher, craving this Courts confirmatjon (sic) of certajne (sic) lands, sold to ye peticoners Lusher & Fisher, by Wm Parks aforesajd (sic), attourney to Samuell Cooke, of Dublin, in Ireland, gent, deceased, by order & power by letter of attourney from the sajd (sic) Cooke, the Court graunts their request, allowes of and confirmes the sale of the sajd (sic) Parks of ye safd (sic) Cooks lands in Dedham to the sajd (sic) Lusher & Fisher. [Oct. 26, 1652 : Mass. Col. Rec., IV, Part I, 117. See also III, 290.]
"16 of 2-60. Assemb vpon occasion : Eldr Hunting, Lieft: Fisher, Joh Haward, Ens. Fisher, Nath. Coaleburne, Pet: Woodward & Elea. Lusher Granted to Antho. Fisher senio (vpon his request) libertie to haue 4 Acres of Land. (being pt of the deuident of the 500 Acres. in pt of his owne & pt by purchase of Joh. Dwight) to be layed out to him. neere our pastors Farme ; east of the high way leading from Dedham to Metfield. to be layed out to him by the apointmt or direction of Deac. Chickering, Lieft Fisher pvided no pt of this grant entrench vpon mr Allins Farme."
June 22, 1660, it also "granted . . . . . 2 acres of upland in pt of his own diuident belonging to the deuident aforesd. (of 500 acres granted 1652) and eleuen acres more of the same Land & 3 roodes and 5 pole being by him purchased of John Dwight being pt of the same diuident to be layed out to him vpon the southeast side of Charles Riuer. ouer against the Farme now in the possession of Daniell Morse." His wife Mary joined the Dedham Church, March 27, 1642 : but he was not "comfortably received into ye church." "on account of his proud and haughty spirit," until March 14, 1645. He was made a freeman, May, 1645 ; was chosen Selectman of Dedham ("to act in town affaires") in 1646 and 1647, County Commissioner Sept. 3, 1660, and a Deputy to the General Court, May 2, 1649 ; was Woodreeve in 1653, 1654, 1655, 1657, 1658, 1661, and 1662. From a minute in the handwriting of Eleazer Lusher, bearing date March 9, 1652, we would infer that Anthony gave the bulk of his property to his sons and they bound themselves to support their mother, if she were left dependent. "A Bond to make from Daniell, Antho: Natha: & Cornell : Fisher, to their mother, to paye tenn L per ann : at 2L. 10s. the quarter of the yeare in paymt to her inst content. dureing her naturall life. after their Father's decease." About this time the following agreement was made: "Elnathan Dunckley is according to ye Court order in that case provided. placed in seruice for one whole yeare next ensueing to dwell wth Anthoney Fisher senior, and the said Anthoney Fisher doth couenant & agree to pay to the said Elnathan or his assignes the summ of 9L for ye yeares seruice vizt 2L. 5s. each quarter of ye yeare." Yet we find in the Dedham Records that his property was assessed on Feb. 20, 1656-7, at L117 3s. We have been unable to learn the date of the death of the wife Mary ; but he married again "the 14th of (9 mo:) 1663" (Nov. 14, 1663), Isabell, widow of Edward Breck of Dorchester (who had died Nov. 2, 1662), "she being by her first marriage the widow of John Rigben, and probably the latter's second wife;" Anthony "being at the time of the marriage about 72 years of age." He was chosen commissioner, March 5, 1666, and selectman of Dorchester, Dec. 5, 1664, Dec. 4, 1665, and Dec. 3, 1666. He died at Dorchester ; "Mr Anthony Fisher Departed out of this Life in the 80th year of his age (April 18) 1671." His widow, "The Widow Fisher Departed this Life the 22d (mo: 4) called June, 1673."
The inventory of his estate, showing only personal property in Dedham and Dorchester, was presented by Ensign Daniel Fisher, July 26, 1671, and an agreement for the distribution was made as follows : "July 26, 1672, We whose names are hereto written being ye sons and ye daughters of our late deceased father Anthony Fisher, sometimes called ' of Dorchester,' deceased," etc., and signed by Daniel, Nathaniel, and Cornelius Fisher, Daniel Morse, and Joanna Fisher. "In Anthony Fisher we find an Englishman of strong, positive points of character, with liberal means for the times, of favorable consideration by his fellow-settlers as a citizen." (B. H. Dewing.) Children by first wife, and born in England:
8. ANTHONY 3, m. Joanna Faxon, Sept. 7, 1647. 9. CORNELIUS3, m. 1st, Leah Heaton, and 2d, Sarah Everett. 10. NATHANIEL3, m. Ester Hunting, Dec. 26, 1649. 11. DANIEL3, m. Abigail Marriot, Nov. 16, 1641. LYDIA3, m. Daniel Morse, of Sherborn. [Morse's Sherborn, p. 178; Morse Memorial, p. 20.] 12. JOHN3, d. in Dedham, July 15, 1638.
Anthony Fisher II was baptized the 23rd of April, 1591 in Syleham, County Suffolk, England. He married 1) Mary _____________. He, Mary, and their son Anthony Fisher III came to America in 1637/1638 landing at Dedham, Massachusetts. With them came Anthony’s brother, Joshua Fisher and Elizabeth, the wife of Cornelius Fisher, another brother.
Anthony was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1644. He was a freeman in 1645, a selectman in 1646 and 1647 and in 1660 he was county commissioner. He married 2) Isabel Rigby Breck when he was 72 years old and died the 18th of April, 1671 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. Anthony and Mary had five sons and a daughter.
New England Families, by Cutter: Anthony, son of Anthony Fisher, was baptized at Syleham, England, April 23, 1591. He was the immigrant ancestor, and came to New England probably in the ship "Rose", arriving in Boston, June 26, 1637. He settled at Dedham and subscribed to the covenant there, July 18, 1637. He was admitted a freeman in May, 1645, and was selectman of Dedham in 1646 and 1647; selected county commissioner, September 3, 1660, and deputy to the general court, May 2, 1649. He was woodreeve in 1653-54-55-57-58-61-62. He removed to Dorchester, and was chosen selectman there, December 5, 1664, and the two years following; was commissioner in 1666. He died in Dorchester, April 18, 1671. His wife Mary was admitted to the church at Dedham, March 27, 1642, but he was not "conformably received into ye church" "on account of his proud and haughty spirit", until March 14, 1645. He married (second), November 14, 1663, Isabel Beck, widow of Edward Beck, of Dorchester. Children, all by first wife: Anthony, mentioned below; Cornelius, married (first), at Dedham, February 23, 1653, Leah Heaton, (second) July 25, 1665, Sarah Everett; Daniel, born about 1619 in England; Nathaniel, born about 1620, at Syleham, England; Lydia, married Daniel Morse, of Sherborn; John, died in Dedham, September 5, 1638.
New England Historical and Genealogical Register, April 1997, English Ancestry of Joshua and Anthony Fisher. Anthony Fisher was baptized 23 April 1591 at Syleham. "M. Anthony Fisher Departed out of this Life in the 80th year of his age (April 18) 1671 at Dorchester, Massachusetts. He married first, about 1615, Alice ___, who joined the Dedham Church 27 March 1642, listed as "___Fisher ye wife of Anthony Fisher," and died 12 January 1662/3. Anthony married second, at Dorchester, 14 November 1663, Isabel (__) (Rigby) Breck, widow of both John Rigby and Edward Breck, both of Dorchester. Isabel died at Dorchester 22 June 1673. Anthony Fisher was at Syleham until at least 1623. In Denton, Norfolk, about six miles from Syleham, in 1626 and 1629, the baptisms of two children of Anthony and Alice were recorded. In March 1636, according to the will of his brother John, he was still living in Denton. Anthony arrived in New England probably in 1637. The first record of him in the colonies is 18 July 1637, when "M. John Allen wth diu'se others being p'pownded to sit downe wth us onely in the same condicon, they are accepted soe to doe..." The names of the "diverse others," including Anthony Fisher, appear in a list two paragraphs farther on that names twelve heads of families admitted to Dedham on the same date. These twelve produced "certificates from ye magestrates" showing that they had subscribed to the covenants of the town. Anthony Fisher was active in Dedham town activities, and then eventurally moved to Dorchester, Massachusetts, where he continued public service.
"First Families of America All Direct Blood Ancestors of Stella Burgess and her two sons" and "First Families of America from Whom the Fishers of Claremont, Los Angeles County, California, USA are Directly Descended" were typed pedigrees of the direct family lines beginning with Stella Cornelia Fisher found in the belongings of Stella Cornelia (Fisher) Burgess in 1974. Albert Judson Fisher, Stella's uncle, did much family research as a hobby and sent her this information in two letters dated April 23, 1929 and April 5, 1930. (Now in the possession of Susan Kimes Burgess) These were handwritten in pencil. There were also hand written pages from Albert in Stella's belongings that traced the family back to Charlemagne. There is no source documentation in the letters for any of his research and I believe the royalty assumptions to be incorrect and have omitted this from my files. I have included all the other pedigree information minus any errors that have been discovered. I have found a few errors but most of his research appears to be accurate. He states: "The mousing and digging up all the items in Chicago libraries, correspondence, etc., constituted almost my sole recreation for a number of years, when I could manage to steal time off to ?hie? me. It really all dovetailed into my duties as Historian for so long of the Sons of the American Revolution and also affiliation with the Pre Revolutionary Colonial Societies - It really got to be rather time - robbing to have acquired some reputation as an ancestral storehouse. . ."
Letter from Albert Judson Fisher to Stella (Fisher) Burgess dated April 23, 1927 detailing his family research, in the possession of Susan Kimes Burgess:
"All in England: Symond Fiske = Susanna Smythe William Fiske = Sarah Lynne Richard Fiske = (?) Robert Fiske = Sybil Gold William Fiske = Anna Anstye Anthony Fisher = Mary Fiske buried 1590 In St. James Parish, Suffolk, England
Anthony Fisher Sr. = Mary --- Thos. Faxon = Joanna Emigrant to America In 1637. Dedham, Mass. Anthony Fisher, Jr. = Joanna Faxon Eleazur Fisher = Mary Avery Benjamin Fisher, Sr. = Sarah Everett Aaron Fisher, Sr = Rebecca (Betty) Moore Aaron Fisher Jr = Hapzibah Walker Rev. Otis Fisher = Harriet N. Day Rev. C. H. D Fisher = Emma Haigh John Stewart Burgess = Stella Fisher Kids"
"Anthony Fisher, Jr. Died 1670. Dedham, Mass in 1637. Member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company in 1644."
Letter from Albert Judson Fisher to Stella (Fisher) Burgess dated April 5, 1930 detailing his family research, in the possession of Susan Kimes Burgess:
"Anthony Fisher = Mary Fiske He buried in the year 1590 on the south bank of the little Wavenay River which divides Suffolk from Norfolk, England, at the hamlet of Eye in the St. James Parish - His son and wife Anthony Fisher = Mary _____ Sailed from Ipswich England to America in 1637, settling in Dedham. Their son and wife Anthony Fisher, Jr. = Joanna Faxon Their son and wife Eleazar Fisher, Sr. = Mary Avery Their son and wife Benjamin Fisher, Sr. = Sarah Everett Their son and wife Aaron Fisher, Sr = Betty Moore (The Rev. soldier) Their son and wife Aaron Fisher Jr = Hepzibah Walker Their son and 2nd wife Rev. Otis Fisher = Harriet Newell Day Their son Rev. C.H.D. Fisher"
Anthony Fisher, the emigrant, was baptized at Syleham, Eng., April 23, 1591. He came to America with wife Mary, and children, probably in the "Rose," arriving at Boston, June 26, 1637. He settled at Dedham. His wife, Mary, was received into the Dedham church March 27, 1642, but Anthony was one of the men who did not bow promptly to the Puritan despotism. He proved very obstreperous. The minister and deacons had a great deal of trouble with him. He was " proud " and "haughty " and did not become sufficiently " humbled " to be " comfortably received into ye church " until March 11, 1645, when he was about 54 years of age, and, probably, as a necessary prelude to holding office. He was selectman at Dedham in 1646 and '47, Deputy in 1649, and held various other offices there. He was also selectman for several years at Dorchester. His wife, Mary, dying, he married (2) at Dorchester, Nov. 14, 1663, Isabel, widow of Edward Breck. He died at Dorchester, April 28, 1671. His widow, Isabel, died June 21, 1673.
From Who Begot Thee? by Gilbert O Brent 1903
Anthony Fisher was christened 23 April 1591 at St. Margaret, Syleham, Suffolk, England [NEHGR, Vol. 151, p. 182 (Syleham parish register, FHL microfilm 991994, Item 22); Fisher, p. 6; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320].
He “was at Syleham until at least 1623. In Denton, Norfolk, about six miles from Syleham, in 1626 and 1629” [NEHGR, Vol. 151, p. 182].
“In March 1636, according to the will of his brother John, he was still living in Denton” [NEHGR, Vol. 151, p. 183].
He came to New England “probably from Yarmouth in the ship Rose, arriving in Boston, June 26, 1637” [Fisher, p. 6; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320]. He arrived in New England probably in 1637 [NEHGR, Vol. 151, p. 183].
Soon after the bounds of Dedham had been fixed by the commissioners but before Dedham was incorporated as a town, the settlers of the new plantation on the Charles River adopted a covenant, which was signed by 125 persons [History of Norfolk County, Vol. I, p. 117]. Among those that signed the covenant was Anthony Fisher [History of Norfolk County, Vol. I, p. 118].
On 18 July 1637, he subscribed to the convenant at Dedham [Fisher, p. 6; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320]. “Anthony, Sen., Dedham, propr. 18 (5) 1637” [Pope, p. 166].
On 1 Jan. 1638, he was one of the committe “Choesen to contriue the Fabricke of a Meetinghouse to be in lenght 36 Foote & 20 : foote in bredth, & betweene the vpp & nether sell in ye studds 12 : foote, the same to be girte and to order men to worke vpon the same in all workes as they are seurally apted accordingly” [Fisher, p. 6].
On 28 July 1638, he was assigned his houselot of twelve acres [Fisher, p. 6]. “His meadow was assigned ‘The 28th of ye 5th Month (July) 1638’” [Fisher, p. 8].
On 27 Oct. 1640, “Graunted vnto Anto: Fisher Fifteene acres of planting grownd to lye vpon ye Southeast side of mr Allin our Pastor his farme to be set out by mr Wheelocke Tho: Wight & Robte Hinsdell” [Fisher, p. 8].
On 16 Mar. 1640/41, he received six acres of plowing land “on the South playne” [Fisher, p. 8].
On 25 Nov. 1642, he purchased the right of four acres of upland of Ralph Wheelock [Fisher, p. 8].
On 6 Feb. 1642/43, he was granted four acres of plow land [Fisher, p. 8].
On 4 Feb. 1644/45, he was granted eight acres of woodland [Fisher, p. 8].
He joined the Dedham church 14 Mar. 1645 [Fisher, p. 9].
Freeman, May 1645 [NEHGR. Vol. 3, p. 190; Fisher, p. 9].
He was chosen selectman of Dedham in 1646 and 1647 [Fisher, p. 9; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320].
On 2 May 1649, he was deputy to the general court [Fisher, p. 9; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320].
On 19 Oct. 1652, he bought a farm of 150 acres, a houselot and other lands in Dedham of the estate of Samuel Cooke, of Dublin [Fisher, p. 8].
He was woodreeve in 1653-54-55-57-58-61-62 [Fisher, p. 9; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320].
On 20 Feb. 1656/57, his property in Dedham was assessed at £117 3s. [Fisher, pp. 9-10].
On 3 Sep. 1660, he was selected county commissioner [Fisher, p. 9; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320].
“Anthony Fisher was active in Dedham town activities, and then eventually moved to Dorchester, Massachusetts, where he continued public service” [NEHGR, Vol. 151, p. 183].
Dorchester Town Records, Third Ed., p. 110: “The 5 (3) 1662 at a generall towne meeting it was voted whether Athony Fisher should have foure pounds alowed out of the towne rate for killing of six wolues the vote was affirmatiue.”
Dorchester Town Records, Third Ed., p. 115: “An account of the towne Rate made in the yeare 1662 gathered by Mr James minott constable the rate” shows “It to Anthony Fisher for wolues killing” 4 pounds.
Anthony Fisher and Isabel Breck were married 14 Nov. 1663 at Dorchester, MA [NEHGR, Vol. 5, p. 399; Fisher, p. 10; Pope, p. 166; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320; NEHGR, Vol. 151, p. 182].
Dorchester Town Records, Third Ed., pp. 123-124: “At a generall Towne Meeting the 5th of the (10 mo:) 1664” five selectmen were chosen and among them was “Anth: Fisher Se:”
Selectman, 1664-66 [Savage, Vol. II, p. 162]. He was chosen selectman of Dorchester, 5 Dec. 1664, 4 Dec. 1665, and 3 Dec. 1666 [Fisher, p. 10].
“He was chosen commissioner, March 5, 1666” [Fisher, p. 10]. Dorchester Town Records, Third Ed., p. 132: “At a generall Town Meeting 5th (1.mo:) 1666” three commissioners were chosen: Lieut. Foster, William Sumner, and Anthony Fisher.
Dorchester Town Records, Third Ed., p. 135: “At a Meeting of the Select men the 12. of the (9 Mo:) 1666. This day Constable Trott appeared before the Select men to giue in his Account of the Towne Rate” which included the payment of 4 pounds 10 shillings “to Anthony Fisher for printing Chatechisms.”
Dorchester Town Records, Third Ed., p. 136: “At a ginerall Towne meeting the 5 (10) 1666” “The Select men chosen the day abouesaid weer as followeth viz. Captaine Foster, William Sumner, John Minot, Anthony Fisher, Deacon Capen.”
Dorchester Town Records, Third Ed., p. 144: “At a Meeting of the Selectmen the 24 (7) 1667. Anthony Fisher Senr was desiered and appointed to take a Constable with him and to goe to James Minot and demand the remainder of the pay due (by the Court order) towards the maintenance of the Child, which is till the last County Court.”
“’Mr. Anthony Fisher Departed out of this Life in the 80th year of his age (April 18) 1671’ at Dorchester, Massachusetts” [NEHGR, Vol. 151, p. 182].
Anthony Fisher died 18 Apr. 1671 in Dorchester, MA [NEHGR, Vol. 5, p. 399; Fisher, p. 10; Pope, p. 166; Cutter, Vol. I, p. 320].
The inventory of his estate was taken on 12 May 1671 [Savage, Vol. II, p. 162].
On 26 July 1671, the “inventory of his estate, showing only personal property in Dedham and Dorchester, was presented by Ensign Daniel Fisher” [Fisher, p. 10]. “Admin. and division 26 (5) 1671” [Pope, p. 166].
An agreement was made for the distribution: “We whose names are hereto written being ye sons and ye daughters of our late deceased father Anthony Fisher, sometimes called ‘of Dorchester,’ deceased,” etc., and signed by Daniel, Nathaniel, and Cornelius Fisher, Daniel Morse, and Joanna Fisher [Fisher, p. 10].
Anderson, Robert Charles. The Great Migration: Immigrants to New England 1634-1635. Vol. V M-P. Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2007, p. 173.
Cutter, William Richard. New England Families: Genealogical and Memorial. Vol. I. New York, NY: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1913, p. 320.
Fisher, Philip A. The Fisher Genealogy. Everett, MA: Massachusetts Publishing Co., 1898, pp. 6-10.
Fourth Report of the Record Commissioners of the City of Boston 1880: Dorchester Town Records. Third Edition. Boston, MA: Rockwell and Churchill City Printers, 1896, pp. 110, 115, 123-124, 132, 135-136, 144.
History of Norfolk County Massachusetts 1622-1918. Vol. I. Ed. Louis A. Cook. New York, NY: S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1918, pp. 117-118.
NEHGR. Vol. 3, p. 190.
NEHGR. Vol. 5, p. 399.
NEHGR. Vol. 83, p. 290.
NEHGR. Vol. 106, p. 242.
NEHGR. Vol. 151, pp. 182-183.
Pope, Charles Henry. The Pioneers of Massachusetts. Originally pub. Boston, 1900. Reprinted. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1986, p. 166.
Savage, James. A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England. Vol. II. Originally pub. Boston, 1860-1862. Reprinted. Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1969, p. 162.
came with his parents to New England, and settled in Dedham in 1637. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1644; was admitted a freeman May 6, 1646; joined Dedham church July 20, 1645 ; chosen surveyor at Dedham, 1652-53 and 54. He removed to Dorchester and was selectman there in 1666. He married, in Dedham, September 7, 1647, Joanna Faxon, only daughter of Thomas and Jane Faxon, of Braintree.
Children: 1. Mehitable, born June 27, 1648; probably died young. 2. Experience, baptized August 11, 1650: probably died young. 3. Josiah, born May 1, 1654; married, first, Meletiah Bullen: second. Joanna Morse ; third, Abigail Greenwood; fourth, Mehitable Veazie. 4. Abiah, baptized August 3, 1656; married, March 5, 1685, Benjamin Colburn, of Dedham; died November 18, 1688. 5. Sarah, born October 29, 1658; married, May 22, 1677, John Guild. 6. Deborah, baptized February 24, 1661 : married, October 20, 1679, James Fales. 7. Judith, baptized July 5, 1663; married, January 3, 1684, John Bullen. 19. Eleazer
Title: New England Historical and Genealogical Register Abbrev: NEHGR Publication: N. E. Historic, Genealogical Soc, Boston Note: RIN#4478 Page: volume 151, pages 171-191 Title: The Dedham Historical Register Abbrev: The Dedham Historical Register Publication: Dedham, Massachusetts Note: RIN#13038 Page: vol 1 (1890), pp 24-5 Fisher Anthony Dedham Was Member Of The Ar. Co. 1644 Admitted Freeman 16 45 Eight Of 21 Names Fisher Who Have Grad In N.E. Have Been SettledMiniste rs Anthony Mass Freeman In 1646 On june 26, 1637 Page 289 Hotton He W as 46 Years Old When He Set Sail For America Coming Probably In The "Rose" Landed At Boston Mass From Yarmouth England On July 28, 1638 He Was Ass igned His House lot Twelve Acres In Dedham Mass And Graunted Fifteene Acr es Of Planting Grownd Leading From Dedham To Medfield He Received Six Acr es Of Plowing Land
1591 |
April 23, 1591
Syleham, Suffolk, England
April 23, 1591
Syleham, Suffolk, England
April 23, 1591
Syleham, Weymouth, Suffolk, England
April 23, 1591
Syleham, Weymouth, Suffolk, England
April 23, 1591
Syleham, Weymouth, Suffolk, England
April 23, 1591
Syleham, Weymouth, Suffolk, England
April 23, 1591
Syleham, Suffolk, England
April 23, 1591
Sytham Co. Suffolk, England
1616 |
June 16, 1616
Styleham, Soffolk, England