Matching family tree profiles for Anton Michael Möller, SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Anton Michael Möller, SV/PROG
STAMVADER Anton Michael Möller
Source: Scan3.PDF
Added by Ds. Matthys Gerhardus Müller
DOOPREGISTER van Anton Michael Möller op 29 September 1713.
Auszug aus dem Taufregister
Bc. 3 Jahrgang 1713 Seite 115
der katholischen Pfarrei Meschede, St. Walburga Erzdiözese Paderborn
Familien- und Taufname: Möller, Anton Michael
Name und Religion des Vaters : Hilgerus Möller. r.k.
Name und religion der Mutter: Anna Margaretha Adams, r.k. Eheleute
Ort der Geburt: Meschede
Tag und Jahr der Geburt: Keine Angabe
Rag und Jahr der Taufe: 1713 September 29
Name der Paten:* 1. Antonius Helnerus, 2. Catharina Möller, genannt Hengesbach aus Huggen
*Paten beteken in afrikaans: Paten = peetouders
Vermerke im Taufregister: ehelich
Paderborn, den 8.juli 1977 Erzbischöfliches Generalvikariat Paderborn Erzbistums-Archiv Im Aufrage: Dr. Harald Kindl - Oberarchivrat
Nota: STAMVADER van die Müller's se name en van is gedoop Anton Michael Möller - Ingestuur Ds.MG Müller.
Married 4 May 1746
Swellendam, Cape South Africa
Arrived from Mercheid/Mitskidde/Meerkerk, Germany in Cape Town, SA, as sailor/soldier on the "Hildagonda" in 1735. The boat belonged to the "East-Indian-Company'. From 9 January 1740 to 16 Januarie 1745 he was a 'kneg' of A.Bergh. He became a 'vryburger' in 1745, when he also was given a farm "Zeekoegat" (then in district of Swellendam, which stretched to other side of PE to Boesmans river), today a national monument (Sept 1963) in district of Riversdale. He worked at the Castle in Cape Town, as a soldier and later married Adriana van Rooyen, eldest daughter of Cornelis van Rooyen (1st v Rooyen in SA?) and Jacomina his wife (Daughter of 1st Gerrit v Deventer in SA) on 4th May 1746 at Roodezand, Tulbach. They had 11 children, of which the 1st(B1.Hillegert), 2nd (B2.Cornelis Johannes) and th 11th (B11.Michael Arnoldus) were boys.
1. Anton Michael was 'n Electorate of Cologny. Electorate is gesiene, gekose persone in die aanwysing en verkiesing van adelike suksessies soos bv. die aanwysing van die Keurvors, Ridders, ens.
2. Vertrek met die Oosrust 24.08.1734 vanuit die Nederlandse hawe Texel na die Kaap' ‘n Skaalmodel van die Oostrust van 360 ton is in die Nationale Scheepsvaartmuseum in Amsterdam
3. Stap as soldaat op 09.04.1735 te Kaapstad aan wal
4. Verrig militêre diens in diens van die VOC 1735-1737
5. Militêre diens Rivier Zonder End 1737-1739
6.. Werk vanaf 1 Januarie as ‘n ‘Knegt’ vir Albertus Bergh
Council of Justice: Contracts (1737 - 1740) CJ 2887 ref. 143, pp. 378-390: Albertus Bergh: Michiel Mulder van Mitskidde
Contract of employment between Albertus Bergh, represented here by Oloff Martini Bergh, assitent merchant, and Michiel Mulder of Mitskidde (Meschede). Michiel Mulder is to serve as general servant (knegt) for a period of one year in exchange for a monthly pay of eighteen guilders, Cape (Indian) valuation, as well as boarding and lodging. The contract was signed on the 1st of January 1740 and extended five times between 1741 and 1745. Michiel Mulder is beter known as Anthonie Michiel Muller, 'stamvader' of many Muller familes in South Africa today. Arrived as soldier from Meschede aboard the ship Oostrust in 1735 (source: NL-HaNA, VOC, 1.04.02, 5998, fol. 251.)
7. Verdere Inligting:
a. Julius der Hennemöller and Clara Möller lived in the old town of Meschede. Their son Hilgerus Jodokus Möller was baptized 27 September 1678 in the Parish Church of St Walburga. His Godparents are Der Hochwürdige Herr Hilgerus Wrede, Jodocus Baltz and Maria Strenge. Clara died 1680.
Also during that time Jost Adams a farmer, and Catherina Adams has a daughter Anna Margaritha that was baptized shortly after her birth the Parish Church of St Walburga on 13 November 1678, 2 weeks before Hilgerus. Hilgerus Jodokus Muller married Anna Margaritha on 11 October 1700 in the same church where they had been baptized. They had 9 children of which Anton Michael was the 5th child. He was baptized on 29 September 1713. As soldier came to South Afriica on the schip Oostrust of the Dutch East Companje on 24 August 1734. He arrived in Cape of Good Hope on 9 April 1935. He married Adriana van Rooyen (born 28 Sept 1721), eldest daughter of Cornelis van Rooyen and Jacomina, daughter of Gerrit van Deventer) 4 May 1746 on Roodezand (later Tulbagh).
Arrived from Mercheid/Mitskidde/Meerkerk, Germany in Cape Town, SA, as sailor/soldier on the "Oostrust" in April 1735. The boat belonged to the "East-Indian-Company'. From 9 January 1740 to 16 Januarie 1745 he was a 'kneg' of A.Bergh. He became a 'vryburger' in 1745, when he also was given a farm "Zeekoegat" (then in district of Swellendam, which stretched to other side of PE to Boesmans river), today a national monument (Sept 1963) in district of Riversdale. He worked at the Castle in Cape Town, as a soldier and later married Adriana van Rooyen, eldest daughter of Cornelis van Rooyen (1st v Rooyen in SA?) and Jacomina his wife (Daughter of 1st Gerrit v Deventer in SA) on 4th May 1746 at Roodezand, Tulbach. They had 11 children, of which the 1st(B1.Hillegert), 2nd (B2.Cornelis Johannes) and th 11th (B11.Michael Arnoldus) were boys .
In 1747 joined the local army as a 'dragonder', later became a corporal and in 1759 a full Lt., then the 2nd highest rank. In 1760 joined the 'Heemraaad' Discharged in 1763 due to health reasons and died 19 July 1768. His wife Adriana lived a further 21 years.
They farmed on Zeekoegat, district Riversdal. His second son, Cornelius Johannes Muller (born 10 Sept 1748) married Suzanna Elizabeth (daughter of Ignatio Leopold Ferreira and Martha Terblanche) on 18 March 1770 8. Bekom burgerskap 1745 9. Die plaas Zeekoegat, distrik Riversdal word aan hom as leningsplaas(LG no 5264) in1746 toegeken 10. Sy seun die Waardige Heer Hillegert Müller word die daaropvolgende eienaar 11. Die huidige opstal is in 1775(Historiese Monumente van Suid-Afrika van prof. J.J Oberholster, bl.120-121) gebou. 12. Op 7 Oktober 1964 is die opstal tot ‘n Historiese en Nasionale Gedenkwaardigheid verklaar 13. Koporaal van die Burger Dragonders van die Kolonie van Swellendam-22.08.1747 14. Kornet van die Burgers Dragonders van die Kolonie van Swellendam-30.01.1753 15. 1759 word hy ‘n volle Lieutenant van die Burgermag(2nd highest rank) 16. Dien drie termyne as Heemraad van die Distrik Swellendam 17. Asgevolg van sy ontydige dood kon hy die derde termyn nie voltooi het nie 18. Jongensfontein is as weiland deur Michael Müller gebruik Eerste huis op Jongensfontein en staan tot vandag toe daar 19. In haar boek deur Barbara M. de Jager van Suiping tot Sauna staan die volgende: As the name implies there is a spring a few hundred yards from the beach and such watering places were very important for people and their cattle. In 1762 Govener Ryk Tulbach granted permission to Michael Müller to utilize the farm Zwarte Jongensfontein for grazing. 20. Volgende bekom uit My Heritage:
On the 29th of September 1713, Hilgerus Möller and his wife Anna Margareta Adams, baptized their sixth child in the Roman Catholic church of St. Walburga in Meschede of the Elecotrate of Cologne, and give him the names Anton Michael. He will later be known as Michiel Muller, the stamvader of most of the Muller's in South Africa. On August the 24th 1734 the Oostrust, a "retourschip" from the Chamber of Amsterdam, set sail from the island of Texel to Batavia. On board was amongst the 381 souls, a fresh 21 year old recruit, Michiel Mulder of Mitskidde, enlisted in the rank of soldier at f 9 per month, for his tour of duty to the East. In the past few weeks, maybe even months, before sailing, he was accomodated by the 'Volkshouder' Jan Stuwaart.
On enlisment at the VOC head office, he had to sign a f 150,00 I.O.U also known as a "transportbrief", in the name of his 'Volkshouder" Jan Stuwaart. This was to cover the cost of boarding, lodging, services, maybe extra sets of clothing and even a Prussian unform (to impress the VOC officials into giving him a job), a supply of paper and ink, etc.This Jan Stuwaart would later, pobably still the same day, sell the "transportbrief or transportceel" to a "transportkoper or ceelkoper" for a mere f 40,00 to f 80,00. The Volkshouder would usually try to sell the "Transportceel" as soon as possible for a reasonable price in order to pay his debt to the suppliers and to get rid of it before the soldier or sailor who owed him money, died during the voyage. For this reason the "Volkshouders" were also known as a "Ceelverkopers" and synically known as a "Zielverkopers". He sold the 'transportceel/brief' to Coenraat Burgers, who in his turn, some two years later, sold it to Margareta Schonenberg after having cashed in f 47,00 on August the 10th 1736. Margareta Schonenberg cashed in the remainder on August 5th, 1737 (f 47,00) and on August 19, 1738 (f 46,00).
The Oostrust arrives at the Cape of Good Hope on April 4 1735, after more than 7 months of which almost two months were spent at Plymouth, from September to November 1734. Michiel was one of the 63 men to disembark here. He was hospitalized on arrival and remained there for at least two and a half months. It seems he was lucky to survive the long voyage. By august 1735 he was back on duty as soldier and would serve in the company of Fredrik Rhenius for the next two years. The Rhenius family will play a role again later in his life. After serving under Rhenius, Michiel is posted to Rivier-Zonder-End in the 'Verre Gelegen Districten' for the next two years until the end of 1739. This was probaly his first taste of the frontiers and he will choose to settle and raise his family there later on. By the end of 1738 he had also paid the last installment on his debt of the 'transportbrief' as stated above. On January 1, 1740, Michiel signs a one year contract with Albertus Bergh to work for him as a farmhand (knegt) on loan from the VOC. In exchange he was to recieve a salary of f 18 (Cape valuation) per month, as well as full boarding and lodging. This seems like a substantial improvement form his previous salary of f 9 p/m, but the later was Indian valuation which was almost twice as valuable as Cape valuation. Michiel and Albertus prolonged (renewed) their contract for the next five consecutive years; 17 January 1741, 5 February 1742, 13 January 1743, 21 January 1744 and 16 January 1745, each time for period of one year. Albertus Bergh was the brother-in-law of Fredrik Rhenius. Already by the end of 1745, Michiel applies for his Burgher papers and by 1746 he recieves his freedom, "tot vryburger aangestelt" as stated in the Caaps Vryboek of 1746. By this time, Michiel was already settled in the 'Verre gelegen Districten', which would be his home for the rest of his life. In 1744 Johannes Theophilus Rhenius became (adjunct) Landdrost of the 'Ver afgelegenen buiten districten" which later became known as the Colony of Swellendam. He was a nephew of Fredrik Rhenius, and a son of Johannes Tobias Rhenius, also a brother-in-law- of Albertus Bergh On 4 May 1746 he married Adriaantje van Rooijen in Tulbagh in 't Land van Waveren as it was called then. Adriaantje (Adriana) was the daughter of Cornelis van Rooijen and Jacomina Gerritsz van Deventer. On 11 December 1753 he was appointed as Heemraad to the Colony of Swellendam for the first time. He and Pieter Pienaar replaced Esaijas Engelbregt Meijer and Louis Foerie d'oude who both finished their 3 year terms. Michiel served a total of 3 terms as Heemraad for the Colony, namely 1754-1757, 1761-1764 and 1767-1770 (69). He did not complete his last term due to his untimely death and the vacancy was fulfilled by Nicolaas de Bruijn, appointed on 6 September 1769
During most of his life in the Colony of Swellendam, he served in the Civil Dragoons (Burger Militie, Dragonders) of Swellendam. He made his first promotion on 22 August 1747 together with the above mentioned Nicolaas de Bruijn. They were both promoted to Corporals to replace Stephanus Bekker and Daniël le Roux. On 30 January 1753 he is promoted to Cornet and on 2 October 1759 to Lieutenant, replacing Andries Holsthausen who was promoted to Captain. In 1763 he requests the Council of Policy to retire as Lieutenant of the Swellendam Dragoons due to old age and ill health. On 12 April 1763 the request is approved and the Cornet Nicolaas de Bruijn is promoted to Lieutenant to take the place of the retiring Michiel Muller.
In 1747 joined the local army as a 'dragonder', later became a corporal and in 1759 a full Lt., then the 2nd highest rank. In 1760 joined the 'Heemraaad' Discharged in 1763 due to health reasons and died 19 July 1768. His wife Adriana lived a further 21 years.
There is a book "Muller" published 1949 and again updated in 1990 and printed by NBM Drukkers, Yorkweg 5, Port Elizabeth. (ISBN0-620-14387-8.) under directorship of Frof DF du Toit-Malerbe (Danie). At the 3rd Muller Festival in Jan 1990 an update was suggested. They appointed Nel-Marie Muller (Daughter of Pieter & Miemie Swart from Quarrie, Napier, Cape Province) the wife of Pierre Muller from De Leeuwen, Mosselbay.
The book traces the family tree in detail and based on the later families of the original 3 sons borne in SA, mentioned above
A copy of book is held by Dr Henry Muller in Cape Town 083-6588177 or email: a direct decendent of B11.Michael Arnoldus
Antonie Michael Müller a. 1735 as soldaat vanaf Meerkerk, Keulen, Duitsland, kneg by A Bergh 1740-1745, vryburger 1745, woon Zeekoeigat, Swellendam. Bron: SAG
Stamvader in Suid-Afrika. Arriveer in 1735 as soldaat vanaf Meerkerk, Keulen, Duitsland. Hy was 'n kneg by A. Bergh vanaf 1740 - 1745 en in 1745 'n vryburger. Het gewoon in Zeekoegat, Swellendam en het 12 kinders gehad.:
1. Hillegert MULLER, b. 9 Mar 1747, Swellendam, d. Yes, date unknown
2. '''Cornelius Johannes MULLER''', b. 10 Sep 1748, Cape, d. Yes, date unknown
3. '''Jacomina Aletta MULLER''', b. 1750, d. Yes, date unknown
4. '''Margaretha Albertha MULLER,''' b. 13 Jul 1752, Cape, d. Yes, date unknown 5. '''Sara (Susanna?) Elizabeth MULLER''', b. Abt 1755, d. Yes, date unknown
6.''' Elisabeth Sophia MULLER,''' b. 25 Nov 1756, d. Yes, date unknown 7. '''Maria Catharina MULLER,''' b. 15 Jul 1758, Cape, d. Yes, date unknown 8. '''Martha Johanna MULLER''', b. 3 Oct 1760, Cape, d. Yes, date unknown 9. '''Hester Angenessa MULLER,''' b. 20 May 1762, d. Yes, date unknown 10. '''Josina Andriana MULLER''', b. 3 Aug 1764, d. Yes, date unknown 11. '''Michael Arnoldus MULLER''', b. 20 Jul 1767, Doornrivier, Albertinia, Cape, d. 1828, Albertinia, Cape 12. '''Elisabeth Sophia MULDER,''' c. 25 Nov 1756, d. Yes, date unknown
Julius der Hennemöller and Clara Möller lived in the old town of Meschede. Their son Hilgerus Jodokus Möller was baptized 27 September 1678 in the Parish Church of St Walburga. His Godparents are Der Hochwürdige Herr Hilgerus Wrede, Jodocus Baltz and Maria Strenge. Clara died 1680. Also during that time Jost Adams a farmer, and Catherina Adams has a daughter Anna Margaritha that was baptized shortly after her birth the Parish Church of St Walburga on 13 November 1678, 2 weeks before Hilgerus. Hilgerus Jodokus Muller married Anna Margaritha on 11 October 1700 in the same church where they had been baptized. They had 9 children of which Anton Michael was the 5th child. He was baptized on 29 September 1713. As soldier came to South Afriica on the schip Oostrust of the Dutch East Companje on 24 August 1734. He arrived in Cape of Good Hope on 9 April 1935. He married Adriana van Rooyen (born 28 Sept 1721), eldest daughter of Cornelis van Rooyen and Jacomina, daughter of Gerrit van Deventer) 4 May 1746 on Roodezand (later Tulbagh). Arrived from Mercheid/Mitskidde/Meerkerk, Germany in Cape Town, SA, as sailor/soldier on the "Oostrust" in April 1735. The boat belonged to the "East-Indian-Company'. From 9 January 1740 to 16 Januarie 1745 he was a 'kneg' of A.Bergh. He became a 'vryburger' in 1745, when he also was given a farm "Zeekoegat" (then in district of Swellendam, which stretched to other side of PE to Boesmans river), today a national monument (Sept 1963) in district of Riversdale. He worked at the Castle in Cape Town, as a soldier and later married Adriana van Rooyen, eldest daughter of Cornelis van Rooyen (1st v Rooyen in SA?) and Jacomina his wife (Daughter of 1st Gerrit v Deventer in SA) on 4th May 1746 at Roodezand, Tulbach. They had 11 children, of which the 1st(B1.Hillegert), 2nd (B2.Cornelis Johannes) and th 11th (B11.Michael Arnoldus) were boys. In 1747 joined the local army as a 'dragonder', later became a corporal and in 1759 a full Lt., then the 2nd highest rank. In 1760 joined the 'Heemraaad' Discharged in 1763 due to health reasons and died 19 July 1768. His wife Adriana lived a further 21 years. They farmed on Zeekoegat, district Riversdal. In 1747 he became a dragoon in the Swellendam Citizen force and trereafter the corporal. In 1759 he became a lieutenant, the 2nd highest military rank. A year later he became the member of the heemraad. In 1763 he resigned due to health reasons and died in 1768. Adriana died 21 years later. His second son, Cornelius Johannes Muller (born 10 Sept 1748) married Suzanna Elizabeth (daughter of Ignatio Leopold Ferreira and Martha Terblanche) on 18 March 1770. They named their second son Ignatius Johannes. {Ignatio Leopold Ferreira. He was baptized on 1 November 1695 in the Igreja Nossa Senhora da Ajuda, Lisbon. Father: Manuel Ferreira Mother: Antonia Francisca. He traveled as a sailor on the warship Sarpine from Portugal to Japan. Around the Cape of Storms on 16/17 June 1722, his ship sank and he arrived in Cape Town. He stayed and became a soldier in the service of the Holland's Oos-Indiesche Kompanje. He married Martha Terblanche on 6 November 1735. She was the daughter of Ettiene Terblanche and Martha le Febre (married on the 3rd of December 1713).They both died at "Over de Berg", on 24 May 1772} (Kommandant) Ignatius Johannes Muller was baptized 2 October 1772 in Uitenhage. He took part in the Grosvenor Expedition of 1790/1. On 4 October 1792 he married Margaretha Louisa van Niekerk (1763 - 1822), daughter of Petrus van Niekerk and Maria Taillefer (widow of Ignatius Marthinus Ferreira). He participated in the frontier wars of 1799 - 1802 and 1811 - 12. During 1803 he accompanied J C L Alberti on the negotiations with the Xhosas. That same year he became the field cornet of the Lower Sondag's River ward. When the Drostdy was build at Uitenhage in 1805 he became the heemraad. Later he was appointed field commandant of Uitenhage. In 1814, Governor Cradock awarded the first Sundays river valley farms to leaders of the success ful burgher commandos for their role in the border wars of 1811/12. Comdt. Ignatius Muller received “Klaaskraal” (just outside Kirkwood). In November 1915 he took over the duties of the landdrost. The judges of the circuit court commended him. As a widower he married Isabella Elizabeth Vogel (1782 - 21.11.1834), daughter of Jan Christiaan and Jacomina (Potgieter) Vogel. He died 20 September 1834 on Klaaskraal. They had three sons and three daughters. Cornelis Johannes Muller (b.21 Nov 1795; d.1834) spouse: Susanna Magdalena Botha (b.8 Jun 1803;m.11 Oct 1818;d.7 Mar 1867) His son Ignatius Johannes was born 15 September 1820. He married Hester Johanna Vermaak (*12.5.1826, baptized 25.06.1826, died 06.09.1885) in Uitenhage on 3 December 1844. She was the daughter of Jacobus Stephanus Vermaak and Aletta Jacomina Potgieter. They had eight children. Ignatius died at the age of 44 (18 Aug 1865). - Ingestuur Ds. MG Muller
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Council of Justice: Contracts (1737 - 1740)
CJ 2887 ref. 143, pp. 378-390: Albertus Bergh :: Michiel Mulder van Mitskidde
Contract of employment between Albertus Bergh, represented here by Oloff Martini Bergh, assitent merchant, and Michiel Mulder of Mitskidde (Meschede). Michiel Mulder is to serve as general servant (knegt) for a period of one year in exchange for a monthly pay of eighteen guilders, Cape (Indian) valuation, as well as boarding and lodging. The contract was signed on the 1st of January 1740 and extended five times between 1741 and 1745.
Michiel Mulder is beter known as Anthonie Michiel Muller, 'stamvader' of many Muller familes in South Africa today. Arrived as soldier from Meschede aboard the ship Oostrust in 1735 (source: NL-HaNA, VOC, 1.04.02, 5998, fol. 251.)
Below is a link to the complete transcription of the contract.
Transcript of CJ 2877 ref. 143, pp. 378-390
(images and transcription by Corney Keller)
Hits: 5954
Transcript of CJ 2877 ref. 143, pp. 378-390
Court of Justice - Notarial and other Documents prepared before or received by the Council of Justice
Contracts (1761-1762): CJ 2897 ref 31, pp. 88-92 - Contract: Mighiel Mulder, heemraad :: Johan Harmen Vos van Beuren, soldaat
Contract of employment between councilor Mighiel Mulder, represented here by the bookkeeper Tobias Jan de Vlamingh, and Johan Harmen Vos van Beuren, soldier, represented here by the burgher Hans Diderik Moor. Johan Harmen Vos is to serve as servant (knegt) and general farmhand for a period of one year in exchange for a monthly pay of twelve guilders, Indian valuation, as well as boarding and lodging. The contract was signed on 26 Aug 1761 and supplemented by two further documents; 1) an affidavit signed by Johan Harem Vos declaring his willingness to enter into the employ of Michiel Mulder for nine Cape guilders per month, dated 29 Jul 1761; 2) a letter from Michiel Muller addressed to Hans Smoor (sic) informing him of the affidavit enclosed in the letter and requesting him to represent Herman Vos as party to the contract, dated 6 Aug 1761.
Michiel Mulder is beter known as Anthonie Michiel Muller, 'stamvader' of many Muller families in South Africa today. Arrived as soldier from Meschede aboard the ship Oostrust in 1735 (source: NL-HaNA, VOC, 1.04.02, 5998, fol. 251.)
Transcript of CJ 2897 ref. 31, pp. 88-92
(transcription by Corney Keller)
Court of Justice - Notarial and other Documents prepared before or received by the Council of Justice
Contracts (1766): CJ 2901 ref. 34, pp. 96-98 - oud heemraad Michiel Mulder :: Johan Hendrik Randers van Landscroon
Contract of employment between former councilor Michiel Mulder, represented here by the burgher Jurgen Spengelaar, and Johan Hendrik Randers of Landscroon, midshipman (formerley employed by Philippus du Preesz). Johan Hendrik Randers is to serve as servant (knegt) and general farmhand for a period of one year in exchange for a monthly pay of fifteen guilders, Indian valuation, as well as boarding and lodging. The contract was signed on 4 June 1766 and extended for another year on 9 September 1767. After the death of Michiel Mulder, the contract was terminated on 28 May 1770 on request of Johan Hendrik Randers (as is usual in these cases). Michiel Mulder's widow was represented by Augustus Schrijver.
Michiel Mulder is beter known as Anthonie Michiel Muller, 'stamvader' of many Muller familes in South Africa today. Arrived as soldier from Meschede aboard the ship Oostrust in 1735 (source: NL-HaNA, VOC, 1.04.02, 5998, fol. 251.)
Transcript of CJ 2901 ref. 34, pp. 96-98
(images and transcription by Corney Keller)
Anton Michael Möller, SV/PROG's Timeline
1713 |
September 28, 1713
Meschede, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
September 29, 1713
Meschede, Arnsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deutschland (Germany)
1735 |
Age 21
Algoa Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Age 21
Algoa Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa
1747 |
March 9, 1747
Swellendam, Overberg, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika