Matching family tree profiles for Aquilla Hardesty
Immediate Family
About Aquilla Hardesty
Aquilla DID NOT have a son William Hardesty m. Margaret
Also some are trying to claim that Margaret Catherine Hardesty is the daughter by his first marriage - In all the years and material handed down there has only been the children listed - and also if Margaret Catherine married in Bedford, Cuyahoga Co. Ohio this also helps to eliminate Aquilla and Catherine as her parents as they resided in Coshocton and Muskingham counties Ohio and After Catherine's death remarried 3 more times and ended up in Greene county Indiana.
His children are listed below:
1. Aquilla Hardesty was born 21 Feb 1799 in , Anne Arundel, Maryland. He died 19 Mar 1879 in , Greene, Indiana and was buried Mar 1879 in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene County, Indiana.Aquilla married Catherine (Caty) Meek daughter of [-? Richard -] Meek on 3 Oct 1816 in , Muskingham, Ohio. Catherine was born 1799 in , , Maryland or Coshocton/Licking/Muskingham, Ohio. She died 21 Aug 1837 in , Coshocton, Ohio and was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, , Coshocton / Licking co., Oh.
We can place Aquilla and his families arrival date into Greene county Indiana sometime after June 16, 1853 by reference made to a deed he made that was in laters years involved in a lawsuit of other parties in 1968:
TRACT ONE: Situated in the Township of Pike county of Coshocton and state of Ohio. and bounded and described as follows: Parcel 2 - Being a part of the Southeast quarter of Section Nineteen (19) in Township four (4) of Range Nine (9) and being a part of a lot or tract of land deeded to John Botts and John Harner by Aqullia Hardesty and his wife Elizabeth Hardesty by deed dated June 16, 1853, containing five acres more or less commencing eight (8) rods north of the Southeast corner of said lot of land; thence north along the east line of said lot, ten and one-half (10 1/2) rods thence west seven (7) rods thence south sixteen and one-half; thence along on or near the line of the grade road to the place of beginning containing ninety-four and one-half rods (94 1/2). more or less with appurtenances and being the same lands as were conveyed by John Botts and John Harner to the Board of Education of Pike Township dated March 28, 1855 and recorded in Volume 31 page 288 of the Deed Records of Coshocton county .
Being the same premises conveyed to Gilbert Ashcraft by the Board Of Pike Township Rural School District Aug. 28, 1933 and recorded in Volume 158 page 522 of the Deed Records of Coshocton..... The Coshocton Tribune Nov 2 1968 & Nov 15 1968., The Newark Advocate - Newark, Ohio - Nov 29 1968
They had the following children:
* Unknown Females # 1 & 2 Hardesty-4653 was born 1817/1819 in <, Muskingham, Ohio>.
- Thomas Jefferson Hardesty was born 21 Jul 1822 in Pike Twp., Coshcoton, Ohio. He died 28 Oct 1863 in Near Owensburg - Tunnellhill, Greene, Indiana. Thomas married ) Jane W. Mansfield , daughter of Jacob Walter (Walter Jacob) Mansfield and Christina King on 16 Feb 1871 in , Greene, Indiana. Jane was born about 1824 in , , Ohio. She died before 1880 in , Greene, Indiana and was buried in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana.
- Richard Hardisty was born 28 Nov 1826 in , Coshocton, Ohio. He died 9 Jun 1902 in , Greene, Indiana and was buried Jun 1902 in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana. Richard married Sarah Frances Imhoff or Emhuff-666, daughter of John Imhoff and Sarah ---- Mrs John Imhoff about 1853. Sarah was born 15 May 1837 in , Jefferson, Ohio. She died 27 Feb 1907 in , Greene, Indiana and was buried in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana. NOTE he and most of his descendants used the "Hardisty" spelling.
- Joseph Noah Hardesty-4593 was born 28 Nov 1827 in , Coshocton, Ohio. He died 24 Aug 1874 and was buried Aug 1874 in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana. Joseph married (MRIN:2254) Jane Thompson-4594 on 20 Feb 1847 in , Coshocton, Ohio. Jane was born 30 May 1822 in , , Pennsylvania. She died 20 Mar 1899 in Jackson Twp., Greene, Indiana and was buried Mar 1899 in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana.
- James Madison Hardesty-4655 was born Jan 1820 in , Coshocton, Ohio. He died before 1860. James married (MRIN:2304) Harriet Harper-4656, daughter of William Harper-4668 and Hester Higgens-4669 (MRIN:2305), on 26 Nov 1840 in , Coshocton, Ohio. Harriet was born 1820 in <, Coshocton, Ohio>. * [-?-] #3 Hardesty-4659 was born 1829 in <, Coshocton, Ohio>.
Aquilla also married (2-MRIN:1887) Elizabeth Murphy-4170 on 19 Dec 1837 in , Coshocton, Ohio. Elizabeth was born 6 May 1802 in , , Virginia. She died 12 Feb 1865 in , Greene, Indiana and was buried Feb 1865 in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana. Aquilla and Elizabeth had the following children:
- Jasper Newton "Jap" Hardesty was born December 26, 1838 in , Coshocton, Ohio. He died 10 Sep 1903 and was buried Sep 1903 in Howell Cemetery, Jackson Twp., Greene, Indiana. Jasper married Mary E. Firmel on 2 Feb 1858 in , Greene, Indiana. Mary was born 16 Jan 1842 in <, Greene, Indiana>. She died 2 Feb 1867 and was buried Feb 1867 in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana. Jasper also married Jane Baker daughter of Robert Baker and Sarah Christenberry on 14 Mar 1867 in , Greene, Indiana. Jane was born 28 Jan 1838 in , , Indiana. She died ?28 Sep 1889? and was buried in Howell Cemetery, Jackson Twp., Greene, Indiana.
- Martha J. Hardesty was born 1841 in , Coshocton, Ohio. Martha married Joseph C. Sparks on 4 Mar 1864 in , Greene, Indiana. Joseph was born 1837 in <Coshocton, Ohio>.
- Susan Hardesty was born Dec 1843 in , Coshocton, Ohio. She died 1907 and was buried in Howell Cemetery, Jackson Twp., Greene, Indiana. Susan married ( David Eliza ' Uncle Abe' Baker son of Robert Baker and Sarah Christenberry on 4 Jun 1863 in , Greene, Indiana. David was born 4 Apr 1824 in Cumberland Gap, , Tennessee. He died 22 Aug 1908 in Near Koleen, Greene, Indiana and was buried in Howell Cemetery, Jackson Twp., Greene, Indiana.
- Deliah Hardesty-4666 was born about 1845 in , Coshocton, Ohio.
Aquilla also married Martha Kirkpatrick on 15 Nov 1865 in , Muskingham, Ohio. The marriage ended in divorce. Martha was born 1844 in <, Muskingham, Ohio>.
Aquilla also married ) Mary J. Knotts on 3 Jun 1868 in , Greene, Indiana. Mary was born 1847 in <, Greene, Indiana>. She died 1879 and was buried in Walnut Grove (Mood) Cemetery, Richland Twp., Greene, Indiana.
Aquila Hardesty
- Gender: Male
- Birth: Circa 1798 Maryland, United States
- Residence: 1850 Pike, Coshocton, Ohio, USA
- Age: 52
Census Township: Pike Schedule: Population County: Coshocton Family: 45 State: Ohio Image: 73 Date: 1850
Relation to head Name Age
- Head (implied) Aquila Hardesty 52
- Wife (implied) Elizabeth Hardesty 45
- Son (implied) Louis Hardesty 23 abt 1827 Ohio
- Son (implied) Jasper Hardesty 11
- Daughter (implied) Martha J Hardesty 9
- Daughter (implied) Susan Hardesty 6
- Daughter (implied) Delilah Hardesty 5 abt 1845 Ohio
Ohio, Homestead and Cash Entry Patents, Pre-1908
- Name: Aquila Hardisty
- Land Office: Zanesville
- Document Number: 2978
- Total Acres: 80
- Signature: Yes
- Canceled Document: No
- Issue Date: 2 Apr 1832
- Metes and Bounds: No
- Statutory Reference: 3 Stat. 566
- Multiple Warantee Names: No
- Act or Treaty: 24 Apr 1820
- Multiple Patentee Names: No
- Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entries
- Land Description: 1 WSE US MILITARY SURVEY No 4 N 9 W 16
U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907
- Name: Aquila Hardisty
- Issue Date: 2 Apr 1832
- Acres: 80
- Meridian: U.S. Military Survey
- State: Ohio
- County: Coshocton
- Township: 4-N
- Range: 9-W
- Section: 16
- Accession Number: OH0390__.462
- Metes and Bounds: No
- Land Office: Zanesville
- Canceled: No
- US Reservations: No
- Mineral Reservations: No
- Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
- Document Number: 2978
Ohio, Homestead and Cash Entry Patents, Pre-1908
- Name: Aquila Hardisty
- Land Office: Zanesville
- Document Number: 4556
- Total Acres: 35.59
- Signature: Yes
- Canceled Document: No
- Issue Date: 14 Sep 1835
- Metes and Bounds: No
- Statutory Reference: 3 Stat. 566
- Multiple Warantee Names: No
- Act or Treaty: 24 Apr 1820
- Multiple Patentee Names: No
- Entry Classification: Sale-Cash Entries
- Land Description: 1 NESW US MILITARY SURVEY No 4 N 9 W 16
U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907
- Name: Aquilla Hardesty
- Issue Date: 3 Jun 1856
- Acres: 40
- Meridian: 2nd PM
- State: Indiana
- County: Greene
- Township: 6-N
- Range: 4-W
- Section: 2
- Accession Number: IN2580__.149
- Metes and Bounds: No
- Land Office: Vincennes
- Canceled: No
- US Reservations: No
- Mineral Reservations: No
- Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
- Document Number: 37965
1. Greene County Indiana Historical Society, History of Greene County Indiana 1885 - 1989, 1990, Taylor Publishing Company Dallas, Tx., pg. 185-6, Greene County Historical Society, P.O. Box 301, Bloomfield, Indiana 47424-0301. Biographical Sketch on Judith Elaine McKee Burns.
2. 1820 United States Census, Micro Copy 33 Roll 88 Ohio Vol. 3 Coshocton, Pike Twp. #28a.
- Name: Aquilla Hardesty
- Home in 1820 (City, County, State): Pike, Coshocton, Ohio
- Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
- Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
- Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 2
- Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1
- Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1
- Free White Persons - Under 16: 2
- Total Free White Persons: 4
- Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 4
3. 1830 United States Census, Micro Copy 19 Roll 129 Ohio Vol. 4 Coshocton County, Pike Twp. # 2.
- Name: Equela Hardesdy [Aquilla Hardesdy] [Aquilla Hardesty] [Enda Hardesty]
- Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Pike, Coshocton, Ohio
- Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2
- Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 2
- Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
- Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
- Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 2
- Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
- Free White Persons - Under 20: 7
- Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
- Total Free White Persons: 9
- Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 9
4. 1840 United States Census, Micro Copy 704 Roll 387 Ohio Vol. 5 Coshocton County, Pike twp. pg. 346.
- Name: Aquilla Hardesty
- Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Pike, Coshocton, Ohio
- Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
- Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
- Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 3
- Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
- Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
- Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
- Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
- Persons Employed in Agriculture: 4
- No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write: 1
- Free White Persons - Under 20: 7
- Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
- Total Free White Persons: 9
- Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 9
4a. Year: 1850; Census Place: Pike, Coshocton, Ohio; Roll: M432_670; Page: 34A; Image: 73
- Name: Aquila Hardesty
- Age: 52
- Birth Year: abt 1798
- Birthplace: Maryland
- Home in 1850: Pike, Coshocton, Ohio
- Gender: Male
- Family Number: 45
- Household Members: Name Age
- Aquila Hardesty 52
- Elizabeth Hardesty 45
- Jasper Hardesty 11
- Martha J Hardesty 9
- Susan Hardesty 6
- Delilah Hardesty 5
- Louis Hardesty 23
5. Year: 1860; Census Place: Jackson, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M653_262; Page: 805 1511/1511. Real Estate $3000 personal $600."
- Name: Aquilla Hardesty
- Age in 1860: 61
- Birth Year: abt 1799
- Birthplace: Maryland
- Home in 1860: Jackson, Greene, Indiana
- Gender: Male
- Post Office: Owensburg
- Value of real estate: View image
- Household Members: Name Age
- Aquilla Hardesty 61
- Elizabeth Hardesty 56
- Martha J Hardesty 20
- Susan Hardesty 18
6.Year: 1870; Census Place: Jackson, Greene, Indiana; Roll: M593_318; Page: 347B 31/31. Real Estate $1500."
- Name: Aquilla Hardesty
- Age in 1870: 72
- Birth Year: abt 1798
- Birthplace: Maryland
- Home in 1870: Jackson, Greene, Indiana
- Race: White
- Gender: Male
- Post Office: Owensburg
- Value of real estate: View image
- Household Members: Name Age
- Aquilla Hardesty 72
7. Judith Elaine (McKee) Burns, Thomas Hardesty of Greene County, Indiana His Ancestors and Descendants (Transcript/Manuscript, 1977 - ?).
8. Greene County Indiana - Estate Index, Vol. 1. "Aquilla Hardesty vs Exman C. Flinn __ __ Box. 96 File2; Aquilla Haredsty vs E. C. Flinn etal 1861 Box 3 file 2."
9. Records of John Dean (Jack) Hardesty , , John Dean (Jack) Hardesty, O.F.M., Quincey University, 1800 College Ave, Qunicy Univerity Friary, 720 North 20th, Quincy, Il. 62301-2699/ e-mail:, hardeja!quincey.edu/www.JackHarde. "Aquilla Hardisty (Thomas Hardesty, Robert, Francis, Thomas, Arthur, William) was born on 21 Feb 1799 at Anne Arundel County, MD. He and Martha Kirkpatrick were divorced. He married Catherine (Caty) Meek, daughter of Richard Meek, on 3 Oct 1816 at Muskingum, OH. He married Elizabeth Murphy on 19 Dec 1837 at Coshocton County, OH. He married Martha Kirkpatrick on 15 Nov 1865 at Muskingum, OH. He married Mary Jane Knots on 3 Jun 1868 at Greene County, IN. He died on 19 Mar 1879 at Walnut Grove Cemetery, Greene County, IN, at age 80. Children of Aquilla Hardisty and Catherine (Caty) Meek were as follows: James Madison born 1820 at Coshocton County, OH married Harriett Harper.; Thomas Jefferson, born 21 Jul 1822 at OH married Jane W Mansfield.; Richard, born 28 Nov 1826 at Coshocton County, OH married Sarah Frances Imhoff.; Joseph ?.; girl.; Children of Aquilla Hardisty and Elizabeth Murphy were as follows: girl ; born between 1835 and 1840; Jasper Newton, born 26 Nov 1838; married Mary E Firnel married Jane Baker.; Martha Jane; born 1841 at Coshocton County, OH married Joseph C Sparks 4 Mar 1864 at Greene County, IN.; Susan, born Dec 1844 at Chilocothe married David Baker; Delilah; born circa 1845. There were no children of Aquilla Hardisty and Martha Kirkpatrick. There were no children of Aquilla Hardisty and Mary Jane Knots."
10. Bureau of Land Management. "
AQUILA HARDISTY TITLE TRANSFER: Issue Date: 4/2/1832 Land Office: Zanesville Cancelled: No Mineral Reservations: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566) SURVEY State: OHIO Acres: 80 Metes/Bounds: No DOCUMENT NUMBERS: Document Nr.: 2978 Accession/Serial Nr.: OH0390__.462 BLM Serial Nr.: OH NO S/N LEGAL DISCRIPTION: Aliquot parts W1/2SE Sec./Block 16/Township4-N Range 9-W Fract.Section No Meridian U.s. Military Survey State Oh counties Coshocton - - - The United States of America, To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, Aquilla Hardisty, of Coshocton County, Ohio, - has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Zanesville, - whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Aquila Hardisty - according to the provisions of the act of Congress of the 24th of April 1820, entitled "An act making further provision for the sale od Punlic Lands; for the West half of the South East quarter of section sixteen, in Township four, of range nine of the unappropriated lands in the Military District, subject to sale at Zanesville, Ohio containing eighty acres , according to the official plat of the survey of the said Land, returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased by the said Aquila Hardisty - Now know ye, That the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in which case made and provided, have given and granted, and by these presents, do give and grant, unto the said Aquila Hardisty - and to his heirs, the said tract above described: To have and to hold the same together with all the rights, privileges, immunities and appurtenances, of whatsoover nature thereunto beloning, unto the said Aquila Hardisty. - and to his heirs and assigns forever. In Testimonty where of, I., Andrew Jackson, President of the United State of America, have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the second day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two; and of the Independence of the United States the fifty-sixth By the President Andrew Jackson ,Elijah Hayward Commissioner of the General Land Office
AQUILA HARDISTY Title Transfer Issue Date: 9/14/1835 Land Office: Zanesville Cancelled: No Mineral Reservations: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566) Survey State: OHIO Acres: 35.59 Metes/Bounds: No Document Numbers Document Nr.: 4556 Accession/Serial Nr.: OH0430__.061 BLM Serial Nr.: OH NO S/N LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Aliquot parts:NESW Sec./Block 16/ Township4-N Range Fract. 9-W Meridian U.s. Military Survey State Oh counties Coshocton - - - -- The United States of America, To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, Aquila Hardisty, of Coshocton County, Ohio, - has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Zanesville, - whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Aquila Hardisty - according to the provisions of the act of Congress of the 24th of April 1820, entitled "An act making further provision for the sale od Punlic Lands; for the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Sixteen in Township Four of Range Nine of the unappropriated lands in the Military District subject to sale at Zanesville, Ohio, containing thirty-five acres and Fifty-nine hundreths of an acre according to the official plat of the survey of the said Land, returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased by the said Aquila Hardisty - Now know ye, That the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in which case made and provided, have given and granted, and by these presents, do give and grant, unto the said Aquila Hardisty - and to his heirs, the said tract above described: To have and to hold the same together with all the rights, privileges, immunities and appurtenances, of whatsoover nature thereunto beloning, unto the said Aquila Hardisty. - and to his heirs and assigns forever. In Testimonty wehere of, Andrew Jackson, Preseident of the United States of America, have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the fourteenth day of Septemebr [April crossed out] - - in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hunred and thirty-five ; and of the Independence of the United States the [fifty-nineth crossed out] Fiftieth By the President Andrew Jackson, by A. S. Donelson, Sec'y, [Elijah Hayward crossed out] Ethan A. Brown Commissioner of the General Land Office
AQUILLA HARDESTY TITLE OF TRANSFER: Issue Date: 6/3/1856 Land Office: Vincennes Cancelled: No Mineral Reservations: No Authority: April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566) SURVEY: State: INDIANA Acres: 40 Metes/Bounds: No DOCUMENT NUMBERS: Document Nr.: 37965 Accession/Serial Nr.: IN2580__.149 BLM Serial Nr.: IN NO S/N LEGAL SURVEY: Aliquol parts: SESW Sec/Block: 2/ Township:6-N Range: 4-W Tract Section: No Merdian: 2nd PM State: IN Counties: Greene Survey No. - - - - The United States of America, To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, Aquilla Hardisty, of Coshocton County, Ohio, - has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Vnicennes, - whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Aquilla Hardesty - according to the provisions of the act of Congress of the 24th of April 1820, entitled "An act making further provision for the sale of Public Lands; for the South East quarter of the South West quarter of Section Two in township ten. North of Range four West in the District of Lands formerly subject to sale at Vincennes near Indianapolis Indiana Containing forty acres. according to the official plat of the survey of the said Land, returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased by the said Aquilla Hardesty - Now know ye, That the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, and in conformity with the several acts of Congress, in which case made and porvided, have given and granted, and by these presents, do give and grant, unto the said Aquilla Hardesty and to his heirs, the said tract above described: To have and to hold the same together with all the rights, privileges, immunities and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature thereunto beloning, unto the said Aquilla Hardesty, and to his heirs and assigns forever. In Testimonty wehere of, I, Franklin Pierce Preseident of the United States of America, have caused these Letters to be made Patent, and the Seal of the General Land Office to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand, at the City of Washington, the Third day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hunred and fifty-six; and of the Independence of the United States the [seventy- crossed out] eightieth By the President Franklin Pierce, E. Baldwin [crossed out name also] ast Sec'y J. N. Granger Recorder, of the General Land Office."
11. Jackson Twp. Greene County Indiana Abstract of Real Estate Title Records 1816-1890, pg. 378, Section 17. "Bk. N pg. 158 Daniel Johnson & Wife1to Aquillia Hardesty 10.00.... made 9 Sep. 1854 recorded 14 Jul. 1855; Bk. U pg. 114 Auquilla Hardesty & Wife to Adam H. Shoptaw 40.00.... made 14 Sep. 1863 recroded 21 Jan. 1864."
12. Cemeteries of Eastern Greene County, Indiana (Greene County Historical Society), Pg. 20. "Aquilla Hardisty 21 Feb 1799 19 Mar 1879."
Aquilla Hardesty's Timeline
1798 |
February 21, 1798
Anne Arundel County, Maryland, United States
1817 |
July 27, 1817
per 1830 census Females under 10-15, 2, <, Muskingham, Ohio>.
1819 |
Ohio, United States
1820 |
Coshocton, OH, United States
1822 |
July 21, 1822
Pike Twp., Coshcoton, Ohio
1825 |
January 11, 1825
Coshocton, ohio
1826 |
November 28, 1826
Coshocton, Ohio, United States
1827 |
November 28, 1827
Coshocton, Coshocton County, Ohio, United States
1828 |
October 26, 1828