1st wife
Arabella Norman was born FEB 1643 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, and died 1681. She married Samuel Leach 1672, son of Robert Leach and Hannah. He was born 1635 in Manchester, Essex, Massachusetts, and died 14 OCT 1696.
Child of Arabella Norman and Samuel Leach is:
Source: www.familysearchpilot
According to this source she was born February 1643 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA
and was married to John Balden (may be Baldwin) - marriage: September 1664
Additional Information for Arabella Norman
CD Number 43
Citing This Record
"Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/93YQ-2NR : accessed 2013-01-03), entry for Arabella Norman.
submission id:MM9R-1S4
person count:5617
1643 |
February 13, 1643
Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1678 |
September 26, 1678
Manchester, Essex, MA, United States
1680 |
October 1, 1680
Manchester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1681 |
May 8, 1681
Age 38
Manchester, Essex County, Massachusetts Bay Colony
1994 |
December 1, 1994
Age 38
1995 |
June 22, 1995
Age 38