Ashin Ananda (munk)

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Friedrich Voldemar Lustig

Russian: Фридрих Вольдемар Лустиг
Also Known As: "Woldemar"
Birthplace: Narva
Death: April 04, 1989 (76)
Immediate Family:

Son of Friedrich Adam Lustig and Emilie Lustig (Ledin)
Brother of Bruno Paul Lustig

Managed by: Lauri Kreen
Last Updated:

About Ashin Ananda (munk)

Friedrich Voldemar Lustig (munganimega Ashin Ananda; 26. aprill 1912 Narva – 04. aprill 1989 Yangon, Birma) oli eesti budistlik munk, luuletaja, luuletõlkija ja publitsist.

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Ashin Ananda (munk)'s Timeline

April 26, 1912
April 4, 1989
Age 76