public profile
(please note only the name Aude is used in Medlands below NOT Lescelina (Aude) Abrincis (of Gripon). I have left these on the profile for now as they were already there but may at a future date remove or alter.)
(also please note that her parentage is unknown so I have detached her from Gilbert d'Avranches)
FULK Paynell of Bampton, Devonshire, son of WILLIAM Paynell & his wife Juliana de Bampton (-1208). "Fulco Painel" paid a fine for "honore de Banton" in Devonshire, dated 1199[203]. The Rotulus Cancellarii records "Folqueius Painel…honoris de Banton" owing in Devonshire, dated [27 May 1201/26 May 1202][204]. “Fulcodius Paganellus de Bahantune” donated property to Tykford Priory, for the souls of “patris mei Willielmi Paganelli et matris meæ Julianæ de Bahantune et Aldæ uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Willielmi et Fulcodii, filiarumque mearum Julianæ et Christianeæ”, by undated charter subscribed by “Willielmo Paganello fratre meo, Stephano de Bahamtune, Alberto de Bahamtune”[205]. “Fulcodius Paganellus” donated property “ecclesiam Hunespill in Brentemares” to Tykford Priory by undated charter, witnessed by “Gervasius Paganellus et uxor eius comitissa Isabella et Robertus Paganellus eorum filius, et Willielmus Paganellus prædicti Fulcodii frater…”[206]. m AUDE, daughter of ---. “Fulcodius Paganellus de Bahantune” donated property to Tykford Priory, for the souls of “…Aldæ uxoris meæ…”, by undated charter[207].
Fulk & his wife had four children:
1. WILLIAM Paynell (-before 4 Feb 1228). “Fulcodius Paganellus de Bahantune” donated property to Tykford Priory, for the souls of “…Aldæ uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Willielmi et Fulcodii, filiarumque mearum Julianæ et Christianeæ”, by undated charter subscribed[208]. “Willielmus Paynel, filius Fulconis Paynell de Bamtone”, with the consent of “Willielmo Briwere et hæredibus suis”, confirmed the donation of property “totum manerium de Burgh Walteri” to Tykford Priory by “Fulco Paynel pater meus”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Reginaldo de Mohun, Ricardo Briwere”[209]. m (after 1213) as her second husband, ALICE Briwere, widow of REYNOLD de Mohun of Dunster, Somerset, daughter of WILLIAM Briwere & his wife Beatrice --- (-after 1234). Bracton records a claim, dated 1233, by "Hugo Wack" against "Margeriam de Feritate et Willelmum de Percy" relating to an agreement "cum Alicia de Moun et predicto Hugone" concerning share of land which was held by "Willelmi Briwere"[210]. Her parentage and second marriage are confirmed by a writ dated 2 Jan "33 Hen III", after the death of her son "William Paynel alias Painel" which names the manor of "…Huffeculm…with 10 l land which Fulk Painel gave to William Briwer the elder…but afterwards William Brewer the younger…bestowed the said land upon William Painel, father of this one, in free marriage with Alice his sister" in Devon[211]. "William Paynel" assigned "Alice de Mohun his wife and Hugh de Samford" to make part payments of debts "in each of the three years after starting out on his pilgrimage to the Holy Land" with the manor of Bampton as security, dated 27 Sep, although listed in the roll among other fines dated [Feb/Mar] 1228[212]. Henry III King of England ordered the sheriff of Devon to release "dotem suam...Willelmum filium et heredi predicti Willelmi" to "Alicia de Moyun que fuit uxor Willelmi Paynel", and confirmed the custody granted to “Hereberto filio Mathei”, dated 1228[213]. The king granted custody of "the land and heir of William Paynel to Herbert son of Matthew", saving to "Alice who was William’s wife…her…dower", dated 18 Nov 1228[214]. The Testa de Nevill includes a list of fees of William Briwere, dated 1234, records "porcio Alicie de Moyun"[215]. William & his wife had three children: a) AUDE ([1209/10]-1261). A writ dated 2 Jan "33 Hen III", after the death of "William Paynel alias Painel" names "Lady Auda wife of John de Balun, age variously stated as 30 and more and 40, is his heir"[216]. The document does not specify the relationship between the deceased and his heir, but it appears that she was too old to have been his daughter so was probably his sister. Aude’s age in this document is inconsistent with the marriage date of her supposed parents as shown above, but may have been exaggerated. m JOHN de Ballon, son of JOHN de Ballon & his first wife --- (-1275). b) MILICENT Paynell (-before 1249). The Complete Peerage states that Herbert FitzMatthew married “Milicent da. and coh. of William Paynel of Bampton, Devon” but does not cite the corresponding primary source[217]. An indication of the connection between the two families is provided by the order dated 4 Feb 1228 under which Henry III King of England granted "custodiam terre et heredis Willelmi Paynel" to "Hereberto filio Mathey" and ordered the sheriff of Devon to release them to him[218]. She must have died childless before 1249 when an inquisitions after her brother’s death name his sister Aude as his heir. m HERBERT FitzMatthew, son of MATTHEW FitzHerbert & his wife Joan Patric (-3 or 5 Feb 1245). c) WILLIAM Paynell (-before 2 Jan 1249). Henry III King of England granted "custodiam terre et heredis Willelmi Paynel" to "Hereberto filio Mathey" and ordered the sheriff of Devon to release them to him, 4 Feb 1228[219]. Henry III King of England ordered the sheriff of Devon to release "dotem suam...Willelmum filium et heredi predicti Willelmi" to "Alicia de Moyun que fuit uxor Willelmi Paynel", and confirmed the custody granted to “Hereberto filio Mathei”, dated 1228[220]. The king granted custody of "the land and heir of William Paynel to Herbert son of Matthew", saving to "Alice who was William’s wife…her…dower", dated 18 Nov 1228[221]. A writ dated 2 Jan "33 Hen III", after the death of "William Paynel alias Painel" names "Lady Auda wife of John de Balun, age variously stated as 30 and more and 40, is his heir" and the manors of "Baunton which he gave to John de Hockeford 15 days before he died, Huffeculm…with 10 l land which Fulk Painel gave to William Briwer the elder…but afterwards William Brewer the younger…bestowed the said land upon William Painel, father of this one, in free marriage with Alice his sister" in Devon[222].
2. FULK Paynell . “Fulcodius Paganellus de Bahantune” donated property to Tykford Priory, for the souls of “…Aldæ uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Willielmi et Fulcodii, filiarumque mearum Julianæ et Christianeæ”, by undated charter subscribed[223].
3. JULIANA Paynell . “Fulcodius Paganellus de Bahantune” donated property to Tykford Priory, for the souls of “…Aldæ uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Willielmi et Fulcodii, filiarumque mearum Julianæ et Christianeæ”, by undated charter subscribed[224].
4. CHRISTIANA Paynell . “Fulcodius Paganellus de Bahantune” donated property to Tykford Priory, for the souls of “…Aldæ uxoris meæ et filiorum meorum Willielmi et Fulcodii, filiarumque mearum Julianæ et Christianeæ”, by undated charter subscribed[225].
1130 |
Huntspill, Somersetshire, England
1136 |
Bampton, Devon, England
1143 |
1150 |
Age 20
1160 |
???? |