He married Mary? Carter, daughter of William Carter and Alice Croxton Boddie thought he had a first wife (see below), mother of John.
From http://www.genealogy.com/ftm/h/o/o/Opal-H-Hooks/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-00...
From http://heirsandroots.com/MyFamilies/Hunnicutt.htm
In Augustin Hunnicutt’s will[29] dated 30 May 1682, proved 6 Mar 1683, Augustine Sen’r gives Son Augustine Hunnicutt land to be added to forty acres of land he formerly gave him and acknowledged in Surry County all the land I have granted to me by Leven [-?-] and Geo Carter formerly of Surry County; son Robert all the land I have on the North side of a Cart path; Wife Mary land where on I now live during her natural life and after her death to Daughter Katherine; Loving wife Mary and Son Augustine full and Sole Executors.
From John Bennett Boddie's "Historical Southern Families," Volume IV, pages 250 -- 251:
"John Hunnicutt born circa 1650, died Surry Co. VA, 1699.He is thought to have been the brother or perhaps the son of Augustine Hunnicutt, an early resident of Surry Co. VA, whose Will names sons Augustine and Robert, daughter Katherine and wife Mary.The fact that he [John Hunnicutt] was not mentioned in the Will of Augustine does not prove that he was not a son, for in Surry Co. VA. Order Book No. 1, 1671-1690, page 405, May 1683, is found:"The difference between John Hunnicutt and the estate of Augustine Hunnicutt is dismissed."It is very likely that the reason John was not mentioned in the Will is because he was the son of Augustine by a marriage prior to Mary, the wife named in the will, and that he had already received his share of the estate." (end)
From http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Hunnicutt-97
"Mary Carter is John's mother. Alice Croxton Carter Parke is Mary Carter's mother, is sometimes called Mary Alice Parke. I have found more sources to verified Mary Alice Parke was never married to Augustine Hunnicutt. Including my father's papers which record info taken from family bibles. My mother also has Parke family and states the same."
From "Hunnicutt and Related Families"
After reading the article by James Branch Cabell The Hunnicutts of Prince George[5] that names Robert Hunnicutt as one of John Hunnicutt and Elizabeth Warren’s children, trying to prove it to join the Jamestowne Society took some time and still is not proven through the correct ancestor, William Carter. The ancestors of Elizabeth Warren are Thomas Warren and William Spencer. Descendants of both men are eligible to join Jamestowne Society.
Augustine Hunnicutt married [-?-] Carter, probably Mary, daughter of William Carter and Alice Croxton.
Robert Hunnicutt of Prince George County, Virginia is not the son of John Hunnicutt and Elizabeth Warren of Surry County. While looking for the last record I needed for the Jamestowne I disproved that relationship. Robert Hunnicutts parents were Augustine and [-?-] (probably Mary) (Carter) Hunnicutt. William Carter’s descendants are also eligible to join Jamestowne Society, however the 99 year lease at the price of one capon at Christmas does not constitutes proof for the application.
4. Probable son of William Huncote is Austin (probably short for Augustine) Hunicut that appears on the 1668 Surry County, Virginia Census of Tithables.
@R1200268534@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=80661488&pid...
@R500593813@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=111846376&pi...
1625 |
Huncoat, Lancashire, England
1662 |
Lawnes Creek Parrish, Surry County, Virginia
1663 |
Surry, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
1667 |
Surry, Surry, Virginia Colony, British Colonial America
1675 |
October 15, 1675
Lawn's Creek Parish, Surry, Virginia
1682 |
May 30, 1682
Age 57
Surry, Virginia, British Colonial America
???? | |||
???? |