1894-1895 Cavalry Officer Candidate School (Kavalleriets officersaspirantskola, KavOAS), The Royal Swedish Army
1895-1900 Second Lieutenant (Underlöjtnant) at Scania Cavalry Regiment (Skånska Husarregementet), The Royal Swedish Army
1900-1908 Lieutenant (Löjtnant) at Scania Cavalry Regiment (Skånska Husarregementet), The Royal Swedish Army
1908-1910 Lieutenant (Löjtnant) of the Reserve at Scania Cavalry Regiment (Skånska Husarregementet), The Royal Swedish Army
1910-1963 Cavalry Captain (Ryttmästare) of the Reserve (to disposition from 1921) at Scania Cavalry Regiment (Skånska Husarregementet), The Royal Swedish Army
1908-1918 President & CEO, of Baltiska Trävaru, AB, and Töre, AB
1918-1921 President & CEO Wifstavarfs, AB, Timrå, Sweden
1921-1926 Envoyé (Minister) of Sweden in Washington.
1928-xxxx The International Committee on Newsprint (Ticon)
Member of the Board of Directors of Kopparberg & Hofors Sågverks, AB – later Kopparfors AB, Storviks Sulfit, AB, Wifstavarfs, AB, Stockholms Strumpfabrik, AB Stockholms Enskilda Bank, AB (now Skadinaviska Enskilda Banken, AB) (1940-1958), Stockholm, Sweden, Hambros Bank Ltd. (London, England, the United Kingdom, and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg’s Foundation (Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse) (1939-1946)
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Wifstavarfs, AB, Kopparfors AB (until 1960), Arbrå Kraftverk AB, and Rederiet Väring (Founder), and and Knut and Alice Wallenbergs Foundation (Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse) (1946-1961)
1906-1921 Chairman of the Executive Committee for Swedish Lawn Tennis Association
1916-1921 Member of the Executive Committee for The Royal Automobile Club
1926-1928 Chairman of the Executive Committee for Swedish Lawn Tennis Association
1932-1937 Member of the Executive Committee for The Royal Automobile Club
1935-1941 Chairman of the Executive Committee for Stockholms Kapplopningsselskab
1944-19xx Chairman of the Executive Committee for Stockholms Golf Club (Stockholms Golfklubb)
1901 Co-Founder of Foreningen til Fagtkonstens Fremmende
Stockholms Skridskoseglarklubb (tennis)
1951 Honorary Member of the Lantbruksakademiet – later Skogs- & Lantbruksakademiet
1954 Honorary Medical Doctor, Stockolms Karolininska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Knut and Alice Wallenberg’s Foundation was the largest shareholder in Förvaltnings AB Providentia – merged into AB Investor, and in AB Investor, which was / is the largest Swedish holding companies and they was / is the controlling / majority shareholder in among Kopparberg & Hofors Sågverks, AB – later Kopparfors AB, Storviks Sulfit, AB, Wifstavarfs, AB, Stockholms Strumpfabrik, and AB Stockholms Enskilda Bank, AB (now Skadinaviska Enskilda Banken, AB)
Knut and Alice Wallenberg's Foundation:
AB Investor:
Axel Fungal Wallenberg:
1874 |
September 13, 1874
Stockholm, Sweden
1901 |
September 5, 1901
Stockholm, Sweden
1903 |
November 16, 1903
Stockholm, Sweden
1905 |
November 24, 1905
Stockholm, Sweden
1963 |
November 15, 1963
Age 89
Stockholm, Sweden